-*- Text -*- 1.0 * Now works with GHC 7.2.2 - 8.0.1. * Added Eq, Ord, Show, and Read instances for Event and Status. * Added example programs powermate-print and powermate-pulse. * Added documentation. * An open PowerMate is now represented by the opaque type 'PowerMate' instead of 'Handle'. A new function 'closeDevice' exists to close the opaque 'PowerMate' type. * Fixed a bug where the PowerMate would get confused and start dropping button presses if you set the LED. * Removed extraneous printing to stdout. * Removed getUSBName and readEventWithSkip; I didn't see the utility in these functions. * readEvent no longer returns a Maybe. There was no meaning to 'Nothing' and it just had to be ignored. * Removed the MPD module. It wasn't directly related to the PowerMate functionality, and the "libmpd" package seems to be an alternative which is more complete and better maintained. 0.1 @ Sun Feb 24 16:34:18 UTC 2008 * Initial release.