{-# LANGUAGE CPP, StandaloneDeriving #-}

module Data.PQueue.Internals (
  MinQueue (..),
--   mapU,
--   traverseU,
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf), deepseq)

import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable (foldr, foldl))
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Internals as Prio

import Data.Data

import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr, null)

-- | A priority queue with elements of type @a@.  Supports extracting the minimum element.
data MinQueue a = Empty | MinQueue {-# UNPACK #-} !Int a !(BinomHeap a)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=707
  deriving Typeable
#include "Typeable.h"

instance (Ord a, Data a) => Data (MinQueue a) where
  gfoldl f z q  = case minView q of
    Nothing      -> z Empty
    Just (x, q') -> z insertMinQ `f` x `f` q'

  gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
    1  -> z Empty
    2  -> k (k (z insertMinQ))
    _  -> error "gunfold"

  dataCast1 x = gcast1 x

  toConstr q
    | null q  = emptyConstr
    | otherwise  = consConstr

  dataTypeOf _ = queueDataType

queueDataType :: DataType
queueDataType = mkDataType "Data.PQueue.Min.MinQueue" [emptyConstr, consConstr]

emptyConstr, consConstr :: Constr
emptyConstr = mkConstr queueDataType "empty" [] Prefix
consConstr  = mkConstr queueDataType "<|" [] Infix


type BinomHeap = BinomForest Zero

instance Ord a => Eq (MinQueue a) where
  Empty == Empty = True
  MinQueue n1 x1 q1 == MinQueue n2 x2 q2 =
    n1 == n2 && eqExtract (x1,q1) (x2,q2)
  _ == _ = False

eqExtract :: Ord a => (a, BinomHeap a) -> (a, BinomHeap a) -> Bool
eqExtract (x1,q1) (x2,q2) =
  x1 == x2 &&
  case (extractHeap q1, extractHeap q2) of
    (Just h1, Just h2) -> eqExtract h1 h2
    (Nothing, Nothing) -> True
    _ -> False

instance Ord a => Ord (MinQueue a) where
  Empty `compare` Empty = EQ
  Empty `compare` _ = LT
  _ `compare` Empty = GT
  MinQueue _n1 x1 q1 `compare` MinQueue _n2 x2 q2 = cmpExtract (x1,q1) (x2,q2)

cmpExtract :: Ord a => (a, BinomHeap a) -> (a, BinomHeap a) -> Ordering
cmpExtract (x1,q1) (x2,q2) =
  compare x1 x2 `mappend`
  case (extractHeap q1, extractHeap q2) of
    (Just h1, Just h2) -> cmpExtract h1 h2
    (Nothing, Nothing) -> EQ
    (Just _, Nothing) -> GT
    (Nothing, Just _) -> LT

    -- We compare their first elements, then their other elements up to the smaller queue's length,
    -- and then the longer queue wins.
    -- This is equivalent to @comparing toAscList@, except it fuses much more nicely.

-- We implement tree ranks in the type system with a nicely elegant approach, as follows.
-- The goal is to have the type system automatically guarantee that our binomial forest
-- has the correct binomial structure.
-- In the traditional set-theoretic construction of the natural numbers, we define
-- each number to be the set of numbers less than it, and Zero to be the empty set,
-- as follows:
-- 0 = {}  1 = {0}    2 = {0, 1}  3={0, 1, 2} ...
-- Binomial trees have a similar structure: a tree of rank @k@ has one child of each
-- rank less than @k@.  Let's define the type @rk@ corresponding to rank @k@ to refer
-- to a collection of binomial trees of ranks @0..k-1@.  Then we can say that
-- > data Succ rk a = Succ (BinomTree rk a) (rk a)
-- and this behaves exactly as the successor operator for ranks should behave.  Furthermore,
-- we immediately obtain that
-- > data BinomTree rk a = BinomTree a (rk a)
-- which is nice and compact.  With this construction, things work out extremely nicely:
-- > BinomTree (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
-- is a type constructor that takes an element type and returns the type of binomial trees
-- of rank @3@.
data BinomForest rk a = Nil | Skip (BinomForest (Succ rk) a) |
  Cons {-# UNPACK #-} !(BinomTree rk a) (BinomForest (Succ rk) a)

data BinomTree rk a = BinomTree a (rk a)

-- | If |rk| corresponds to rank @k@, then |'Succ' rk| corresponds to rank @k+1@.
data Succ rk a = Succ {-# UNPACK #-} !(BinomTree rk a) (rk a)

-- | Type corresponding to the Zero rank.
data Zero a = Zero

-- | Type alias for a comparison function.
type LEq a = a -> a -> Bool

-- basics

-- | /O(1)/.  The empty priority queue.
empty :: MinQueue a
empty = Empty

-- | /O(1)/.  Is this the empty priority queue?
null :: MinQueue a -> Bool
null Empty = True
null _     = False

-- | /O(1)/.  The number of elements in the queue.
size :: MinQueue a -> Int
size Empty            = 0
size (MinQueue n _ _) = n

-- | Returns the minimum element of the queue, if the queue is nonempty.
getMin :: MinQueue a -> Maybe a
getMin (MinQueue _ x _) = Just x
getMin _                = Nothing

-- | Retrieves the minimum element of the queue, and the queue stripped of that element,
-- or 'Nothing' if passed an empty queue.
minView :: Ord a => MinQueue a -> Maybe (a, MinQueue a)
minView Empty = Nothing
minView (MinQueue n x ts) = Just (x, case extractHeap ts of
  Nothing        -> Empty
  Just (x', ts') -> MinQueue (n-1) x' ts')

-- | /O(1)/.  Construct a priority queue with a single element.
singleton :: a -> MinQueue a
singleton x = MinQueue 1 x Nil

-- | Amortized /O(1)/, worst-case /O(log n)/.  Insert an element into the priority queue.
insert :: Ord a => a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
insert = insert' (<=)

-- | Amortized /O(1)/, worst-case /O(log n)/.  Insert an element into the priority queue,
--   putting it behind elements that compare equal to the inserted one.
insertBehind :: Ord a => a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
insertBehind = insert' (<)

-- | Amortized /O(log (min(n,m)))/, worst-case /O(log (max (n,m)))/.  Take the union of two priority queues.
union :: Ord a => MinQueue a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
union = union' (<=)

-- | /O(n)/.  Map elements and collect the 'Just' results.
mapMaybe :: Ord b => (a -> Maybe b) -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue b
mapMaybe _ Empty = Empty
mapMaybe f (MinQueue _ x ts) = maybe q' (`insert` q') (f x)
    q' = mapMaybeQueue f (<=) (const Empty) Empty ts

-- | /O(n)/.  Map elements and separate the 'Left' and 'Right' results.
mapEither :: (Ord b, Ord c) => (a -> Either b c) -> MinQueue a -> (MinQueue b, MinQueue c)
mapEither _ Empty = (Empty, Empty)
mapEither f (MinQueue _ x ts) = case (mapEitherQueue f (<=) (<=) (const (Empty, Empty)) (Empty, Empty) ts, f x) of
  ((qL, qR), Left b)  -> (insert b qL, qR)
  ((qL, qR), Right c) -> (qL, insert c qR)

-- | /O(n)/.  Assumes that the function it is given is monotonic, and applies this function to every element of the priority queue,
-- as in 'fmap'.  If it is not, the result is undefined.
mapMonotonic :: (a -> b) -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue b
mapMonotonic = mapU

{-# INLINE foldrAsc #-}
-- | /O(n log n)/.  Performs a right-fold on the elements of a priority queue in ascending order.
foldrAsc :: Ord a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> MinQueue a -> b
foldrAsc _ z Empty = z
foldrAsc f z (MinQueue _ x ts) = x `f` foldrUnfold f z extractHeap ts

{-# INLINE foldrUnfold #-}
-- | Equivalent to @foldr f z (unfoldr suc s0)@.
foldrUnfold :: (a -> c -> c) -> c -> (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> c
foldrUnfold f z suc s0 = unf s0 where
  unf s = case suc s of
    Nothing      -> z
    Just (x, s') -> x `f` unf s'

-- | /O(n log n)/.  Performs a left-fold on the elements of a priority queue in ascending order.
foldlAsc :: Ord a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> MinQueue a -> b
foldlAsc _ z Empty             = z
foldlAsc f z (MinQueue _ x ts) = foldlUnfold f (z `f` x) extractHeap ts

{-# INLINE foldlUnfold #-}
-- | @foldlUnfold f z suc s0@ is equivalent to @foldl f z (unfoldr suc s0)@.
foldlUnfold :: (c -> a -> c) -> c -> (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> c
foldlUnfold f z0 suc s0 = unf z0 s0 where
  unf z s = case suc s of
    Nothing      -> z
    Just (x, s') -> unf (z `f` x) s'

insert' :: LEq a -> a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
insert' _ x Empty = singleton x
insert' le x (MinQueue n x' ts)
  | x `le` x' = MinQueue (n+1) x (incr le (tip x') ts)
  | otherwise = MinQueue (n+1) x' (incr le (tip x) ts)

{-# INLINE union' #-}
union' :: LEq a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
union' _ Empty q = q
union' _ q Empty = q
union' le (MinQueue n1 x1 f1) (MinQueue n2 x2 f2)
  | x1 `le` x2 = MinQueue (n1 + n2) x1 (carry le (tip x2) f1 f2)
  | otherwise  = MinQueue (n1 + n2) x2 (carry le (tip x1) f1 f2)

-- | Takes a size and a binomial forest and produces a priority queue with a distinguished global root.
extractHeap :: Ord a => BinomHeap a -> Maybe (a, BinomHeap a)
extractHeap ts = case extractBin (<=) ts of
  Yes (Extract x _ ts') -> Just (x, ts')
  _                     -> Nothing

-- | A specialized type intended to organize the return of extract-min queries
-- from a binomial forest.  We walk all the way through the forest, and then
-- walk backwards.  @Extract rk a@ is the result type of an extract-min
-- operation that has walked as far backwards of rank @rk@ -- that is, it
-- has visited every root of rank @>= rk@.
-- The interpretation of @Extract minKey children forest@ is
--   * @minKey@ is the key of the minimum root visited so far.  It may have
--     any rank @>= rk@.  We will denote the root corresponding to
--     @minKey@ as @minRoot@.
--   * @children@ is those children of @minRoot@ which have not yet been
--     merged with the rest of the forest. Specifically, these are
--     the children with rank @< rk@.
--   * @forest@ is an accumulating parameter that maintains the partial
--     reconstruction of the binomial forest without @minRoot@. It is
--     the union of all old roots with rank @>= rk@ (except @minRoot@),
--     with the set of all children of @minRoot@ with rank @>= rk@.
--     Note that @forest@ is lazy, so if we discover a smaller key
--     than @minKey@ later, we haven't wasted significant work.
data Extract rk a = Extract a (rk a) (BinomForest rk a)
data MExtract rk a = No | Yes {-# UNPACK #-} !(Extract rk a)

incrExtract :: Extract (Succ rk) a -> Extract rk a
incrExtract (Extract minKey (Succ kChild kChildren) ts)
  = Extract minKey kChildren (Cons kChild ts)

incrExtract' :: LEq a -> BinomTree rk a -> Extract (Succ rk) a -> Extract rk a
incrExtract' le t (Extract minKey (Succ kChild kChildren) ts)
  = Extract minKey kChildren (Skip (incr le (t `cat` kChild) ts))
    cat = joinBin le

-- | Walks backward from the biggest key in the forest, as far as rank @rk@.
-- Returns its progress.  Each successive application of @extractBin@ takes
-- amortized /O(1)/ time, so applying it from the beginning takes /O(log n)/ time.
extractBin :: LEq a -> BinomForest rk a -> MExtract rk a
extractBin _ Nil = No
extractBin le (Skip f) = case extractBin le f of
  Yes ex -> Yes (incrExtract ex)
  No     -> No
extractBin le (Cons t@(BinomTree x ts) f) = Yes $ case extractBin le f of
  Yes ex@(Extract minKey _ _)
    | minKey `lt` x -> incrExtract' le t ex
  _                 -> Extract x ts (Skip f)
  where a `lt` b = not (b `le` a)

mapMaybeQueue :: (a -> Maybe b) -> LEq b -> (rk a -> MinQueue b) -> MinQueue b -> BinomForest rk a -> MinQueue b
mapMaybeQueue f le fCh q0 forest = q0 `seq` case forest of
  Nil    -> q0
  Skip forest'  -> mapMaybeQueue f le fCh' q0 forest'
  Cons t forest'  -> mapMaybeQueue f le fCh' (union' le (mapMaybeT t) q0) forest'
  where fCh' (Succ t tss) = union' le (mapMaybeT t) (fCh tss)
        mapMaybeT (BinomTree x0 ts) = maybe (fCh ts) (\ x -> insert' le x (fCh ts)) (f x0)

type Partition a b = (MinQueue a, MinQueue b)

mapEitherQueue :: (a -> Either b c) -> LEq b -> LEq c -> (rk a -> Partition b c) -> Partition b c ->
  BinomForest rk a -> Partition b c
mapEitherQueue f0 leB leC fCh (q00, q10) ts0 = q00 `seq` q10 `seq` case ts0 of
  Nil        -> (q00, q10)
  Skip ts'   -> mapEitherQueue f0 leB leC fCh' (q00, q10) ts'
  Cons t ts' -> mapEitherQueue f0 leB leC fCh' (both (union' leB) (union' leC) (partitionT t) (q00, q10)) ts'
  where  both f g (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (f x1 y1, g x2 y2)
         fCh' (Succ t tss) = both (union' leB) (union' leC) (partitionT t) (fCh tss)
         partitionT (BinomTree x ts) = case fCh ts of
           (q0, q1) -> case f0 x of
             Left b  -> (insert' leB b q0, q1)
             Right c  -> (q0, insert' leC c q1)

{-# INLINE tip #-}
-- | Constructs a binomial tree of rank 0.
tip :: a -> BinomTree Zero a
tip x = BinomTree x Zero

insertMinQ :: a -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue a
insertMinQ x Empty = singleton x
insertMinQ x (MinQueue n x' f) = MinQueue (n+1) x (insertMin (tip x') f)

-- | @insertMin t f@ assumes that the root of @t@ compares as less than
-- every other root in @f@, and merges accordingly.
insertMin :: BinomTree rk a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a
insertMin t Nil = Cons t Nil
insertMin t (Skip f) = Cons t f
insertMin (BinomTree x ts) (Cons t' f) = Skip (insertMin (BinomTree x (Succ t' ts)) f)

-- | Given two binomial forests starting at rank @rk@, takes their union.
-- Each successive application of this function costs /O(1)/, so applying it
-- from the beginning costs /O(log n)/.
merge :: LEq a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a
merge le f1 f2 = case (f1, f2) of
  (Skip f1', Skip f2')    -> Skip (merge le f1' f2')
  (Skip f1', Cons t2 f2') -> Cons t2 (merge le f1' f2')
  (Cons t1 f1', Skip f2') -> Cons t1 (merge le f1' f2')
  (Cons t1 f1', Cons t2 f2')
        -> Skip (carry le (t1 `cat` t2) f1' f2')
  (Nil, _)                -> f2
  (_, Nil)                -> f1
  where  cat = joinBin le

-- | Merges two binomial forests with another tree. If we are thinking of the trees
-- in the binomial forest as binary digits, this corresponds to a carry operation.
-- Each call to this function takes /O(1)/ time, so in total, it costs /O(log n)/.
carry :: LEq a -> BinomTree rk a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a
carry le t0 f1 f2 = t0 `seq` case (f1, f2) of
  (Skip f1', Skip f2')    -> Cons t0 (merge le f1' f2')
  (Skip f1', Cons t2 f2') -> Skip (mergeCarry t0 t2 f1' f2')
  (Cons t1 f1', Skip f2') -> Skip (mergeCarry t0 t1 f1' f2')
  (Cons t1 f1', Cons t2 f2')
        -> Cons t0 (mergeCarry t1 t2 f1' f2')
  (Nil, _f2)              -> incr le t0 f2
  (_f1, Nil)              -> incr le t0 f1
  where  cat = joinBin le
         mergeCarry tA tB = carry le (tA `cat` tB)

-- | Merges a binomial tree into a binomial forest.  If we are thinking
-- of the trees in the binomial forest as binary digits, this corresponds
-- to adding a power of 2.  This costs amortized /O(1)/ time.
incr :: LEq a -> BinomTree rk a -> BinomForest rk a -> BinomForest rk a
incr le t f0 = t `seq` case f0 of
  Nil  -> Cons t Nil
  Skip f     -> Cons t f
  Cons t' f' -> Skip (incr le (t `cat` t') f')
  where  cat = joinBin le

-- | The carrying operation: takes two binomial heaps of the same rank @k@
-- and returns one of rank @k+1@.  Takes /O(1)/ time.
joinBin :: LEq a -> BinomTree rk a -> BinomTree rk a -> BinomTree (Succ rk) a
joinBin le t1@(BinomTree x1 ts1) t2@(BinomTree x2 ts2)
  | x1 `le` x2 = BinomTree x1 (Succ t2 ts1)
  | otherwise  = BinomTree x2 (Succ t1 ts2)

instance Functor Zero where
  fmap _ _ = Zero

instance Functor rk => Functor (Succ rk) where
  fmap f (Succ t ts) = Succ (fmap f t) (fmap f ts)

instance Functor rk => Functor (BinomTree rk) where
  fmap f (BinomTree x ts) = BinomTree (f x) (fmap f ts)

instance Functor rk => Functor (BinomForest rk) where
  fmap _ Nil = Nil
  fmap f (Skip ts) = Skip (fmap f ts)
  fmap f (Cons t ts) = Cons (fmap f t) (fmap f ts)

instance Foldable Zero where
  foldr _ z _ = z
  foldl _ z _ = z

instance Foldable rk => Foldable (Succ rk) where
  foldr f z (Succ t ts) = foldr f (foldr f z ts) t
  foldl f z (Succ t ts) = foldl f (foldl f z t) ts

instance Foldable rk => Foldable (BinomTree rk) where
  foldr f z (BinomTree x ts) = x `f` foldr f z ts
  foldl f z (BinomTree x ts) = foldl f (z `f` x) ts

instance Foldable rk => Foldable (BinomForest rk) where
  foldr _ z Nil          = z
  foldr f z (Skip tss)   = foldr f z tss
  foldr f z (Cons t tss) = foldr f (foldr f z tss) t
  foldl _ z Nil          = z
  foldl f z (Skip tss)   = foldl f z tss
  foldl f z (Cons t tss) = foldl f (foldl f z t) tss

-- instance Traversable Zero where
--   traverse _ _ = pure Zero
-- instance Traversable rk => Traversable (Succ rk) where
--   traverse f (Succ t ts) = Succ <$> traverse f t <*> traverse f ts
-- instance Traversable rk => Traversable (BinomTree rk) where
--   traverse f (BinomTree x ts) = BinomTree <$> f x <*> traverse f ts
-- instance Traversable rk => Traversable (BinomForest rk) where
--   traverse _ Nil = pure Nil
--   traverse f (Skip tss) = Skip <$> traverse f tss
--   traverse f (Cons t tss) = Cons <$> traverse f t <*> traverse f tss

mapU :: (a -> b) -> MinQueue a -> MinQueue b
mapU _ Empty = Empty
mapU f (MinQueue n x ts) = MinQueue n (f x) (f <$> ts)

-- | /O(n)/.  Unordered right fold on a priority queue.
foldrU :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> MinQueue a -> b
foldrU _ z Empty = z
foldrU f z (MinQueue _ x ts) = x `f` foldr f z ts

-- | /O(n)/.  Unordered left fold on a priority queue.
foldlU :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> MinQueue a -> b
foldlU _ z Empty = z
foldlU f z (MinQueue _ x ts) = foldl f (z `f` x) ts

-- traverseU :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> MinQueue a -> f (MinQueue b)
-- traverseU _ Empty = pure Empty
-- traverseU f (MinQueue n x ts) = MinQueue n <$> f x <*> traverse f ts

-- | Forces the spine of the priority queue.
seqSpine :: MinQueue a -> b -> b
seqSpine Empty z = z
seqSpine (MinQueue _ _ ts) z = seqSpineF ts z

seqSpineF :: BinomForest rk a -> b -> b
seqSpineF Nil z          = z
seqSpineF (Skip ts') z   = seqSpineF ts' z
seqSpineF (Cons _ ts') z = seqSpineF ts' z

-- | Constructs a priority queue out of the keys of the specified 'Prio.MinPQueue'.
keysQueue :: Prio.MinPQueue k a -> MinQueue k
keysQueue Prio.Empty = Empty
keysQueue (Prio.MinPQ n k _ ts) = MinQueue n k (keysF (const Zero) ts)

keysF :: (pRk k a -> rk k) -> Prio.BinomForest pRk k a -> BinomForest rk k
keysF f ts0 = case ts0 of
  Prio.Nil       -> Nil
  Prio.Skip ts'  -> Skip (keysF f' ts')
  Prio.Cons (Prio.BinomTree k _ ts) ts'
    -> Cons (BinomTree k (f ts)) (keysF f' ts')
  where  f' (Prio.Succ (Prio.BinomTree k _ ts) tss) = Succ (BinomTree k (f ts)) (f tss)

class NFRank rk where
  rnfRk :: NFData a => rk a -> ()

instance NFRank Zero where
  rnfRk _ = ()

instance NFRank rk => NFRank (Succ rk) where
  rnfRk (Succ t ts) = t `deepseq` rnfRk ts

instance (NFData a, NFRank rk) => NFData (BinomTree rk a) where
  rnf (BinomTree x ts) = x `deepseq` rnfRk ts

instance (NFData a, NFRank rk) => NFData (BinomForest rk a) where
  rnf Nil         = ()
  rnf (Skip ts)   = rnf ts
  rnf (Cons t ts) = t `deepseq` rnf ts

instance NFData a => NFData (MinQueue a) where
  rnf Empty             = ()
  rnf (MinQueue _ x ts) = x `deepseq` rnf ts