{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{- | An efficient implementation of a priority queue.

The implementation of 'PQueue' is based on a /pairing heap/, a simple and efficient implementation of a general-purpose priority queue.  'PQueue' supports 'insert', 'merge', and 'peek' in constant time, and 'extract' and 'delete' in logarithmic time.

module Data.Queue.PQueue (PQueue) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Data.Tree
import Data.Queue.Class
import GHC.Exts

newtype Heap e = H (Maybe (Tree e)) deriving (Read, Show)
-- data Rk e = Rk {-# UNPACK #-} !Int e deriving (Read, Show)
-- type RkTree e = Tree (Rk e)
data PQueue e = PQ {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !(Heap e) deriving (Read, Show)

instance Ord e => Monoid (Heap e) where
	mempty = H Nothing
	H (Just t1) `mappend` H (Just t2) = H (Just (t1 `meld` t2))
	h1 `mappend` H Nothing = h1
	H Nothing `mappend` h2 = h2
	mconcat hs = fuse [t | H (Just t) <- hs]

instance Ord e => Monoid (PQueue e) where
	mempty = PQ 0 mempty
	PQ n1 h1 `mappend` PQ n2 h2 = PQ (n1 + n2) (h1 `mappend` h2)
	mconcat qs = let (n, ts) = fuser 0 [] qs in PQ n (fuse ts) where
		fuser !n ts qs = case qs of
			[]	-> (n, ts)
			(PQ m (H h):qs)	-> case h of	Nothing	-> fuser n ts qs
							Just t	-> fuser (n+m) (t:ts) qs

{-# INLINE meld #-}
meld :: Ord e => Tree e -> Tree e -> Tree e
t1@(Node x1 ts1) `meld` t2@(Node x2 ts2) = 
	if x1 > x2 then Node x2 (t1:ts2) else Node x1 (t2:ts1)

fuse :: Ord e => [Tree e] -> Heap e
fuse [] = H Nothing
fuse [t] = H (Just t)
fuse ts = fuse (fuser ts) where
	fuser (x1:x2:xs) = (x1 `meld` x2) : fuser xs
	fuser xs = xs

instance Ord e => Queuelike (PQueue e) e where
	singleton x = PQ 1 (H (Just (Node x [])))
	extract (PQ n (H h)) = fmap (\ (Node x ts) -> (x, PQ (n-1) $ fuse ts)) h
	isEmpty (PQ _ (H h)) = isNothing h
	size (PQ n _) = n
	{-# INLINE fromList #-}
	fromList xs = mconcat (map singleton xs)
	{-# INLINE toList_ #-}
	toList_ (PQ _ (H h)) = maybe [] flatten h
	merge = mappend
	empty = mempty
	{-# INLINE insertAll #-}
	xs `insertAll` q = q `merge` fromList xs

{-# NOINLINE [0] flattenFB #-}
flattenFB :: Tree a -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b
flattenFB (Node x ts) c n = x `c` foldr (flip flattenFB c) n ts

	"flatten" [~1] forall t . flatten t = build (flattenFB t);
	"flattenList" [1] forall t . build (flattenFB t) = flatten t;