{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, BangPatterns, NamedFieldPuns, ViewPatterns, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

{- |
An alternate implementation of a priority queue based on a /Fibonacci heap/.

Fibonacci heaps, while not quite as internally functional as pairing heaps, are generally less ad-hoc and may prove useful for some uses (as well as serving as a useful testbed).  A Fibonacci heap can be thought of as a lazier binomial heap, designed to better take advantage of the fact that in a lazy language a series of modification operations will likely all be computed at once, preferably as late as possible.  The Fibonacci heap supports all 'Queuelike' operations with the same time complexity as 'PQueue'.
module Data.Queue.FibQueue (FQueue) where

import Data.Queue.Class
import Data.Queue.QueueHelpers(order)
import Control.Monad.Array

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord

import Control.Monad

data RkTree e = RkT {treeRk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, treeMin :: e, _subForest :: [RkTree e]}
data FForest e = FF {_maxRk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, trees :: [RkTree e]}	
data FQueue e = FQ {elts :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, forest :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(FForest e)}

instance Ord e => Monoid (FQueue e) where
	mempty = FQ 0 emptyFF
	FQ n1 f1 `mappend` FQ n2 f2 = FQ (n1 + n2) (f1 `mergeFF` f2)

emptyFF :: FForest e
emptyFF = FF 0 []

singleFF :: RkTree e -> FForest e
singleFF t@RkT{treeRk} = FF treeRk [t]

{-# INLINE mergeFF #-}
mergeFF :: Ord e => FForest e -> FForest e -> FForest e
FF r1 ts1 `mergeFF` FF r2 ts2 = let (f1, f2) = order cmp ts1 ts2 in
		FF (r1 `max` r2) (f1 ++ f2)
	where	(t1:_) `cmp` (t2:_) = comparing treeMin t1 t2
		[] `cmp` _ = LT
		_ `cmp` [] = GT

extractFF :: Ord e => FForest e -> Maybe (e, FForest e)
extractFF f = do	FF rk (RkT _ x ts : tss) <- return f
			return (x, rebuild $ FF rk (ts ++ tss))

instance Ord e => Queuelike (FQueue e) where
	type QueueKey (FQueue e) = e
	merge = mappend
	empty = mempty
	singleton x = FQ 1 $ singleFF (RkT 0 x [])
	toList_ FQ{forest} = concatMap flatten (trees forest)
	size = elts
	extract (FQ n f) = fmap (fmap (FQ (n-1))) (extractFF f)

{-# INLINE flatten #-}
flatten :: RkTree e -> [e]
flatten (RkT _ x ts) = [x] ++ concatMap flatten ts

meldTree :: Ord e => RkTree e -> RkTree e -> RkTree e
t1@(RkT d x1 ts1) `meldTree` t2@(RkT _ x2 ts2)
	| x1 <= x2	= RkT (d+1) x1 (t2:ts1)
	| otherwise	= RkT (d+1) x2 (t1:ts2)
-- The use of the ArrayM monad here considerably increases readability and efficiency.
meld :: Ord e => RkTree e -> ArrayM s (Maybe (RkTree e)) ()
meld t@RkT{treeRk} =
	ensureSize (treeRk+2) >> readAt treeRk >>= maybe (writeAt treeRk (Just t)) (\ t' -> writeAt treeRk Nothing >> meld (t `meldTree` t'))

{-# INLINE findMin #-}
findMin :: Ord e => [RkTree e] -> FForest e
findMin = foldr (mergeFF . singleFF) emptyFF

{-# INLINE rebuild #-}
rebuild :: Ord e => FForest e -> FForest e
rebuild (FF rk ts) = runArrayM (rk + 1) Nothing $ mapM_ meld ts >> liftM (\ ts' -> findMin (catMaybes ts')) askElems

-- fromPow2List :: Ord e => Int -> [e] -> RkTree e
-- fromPow2List n ts = meldList 1 (map (\ x -> RkT 0 x []) ts) where
-- 	fuse2 (t1:t2:ts) = t1 `meldTree` t2 : fuse2 ts
-- 	fuse2 ts = ts
-- 	meldList p ts	| p < n		= meldList (p + p) (fuse2 ts)
-- 			| otherwise	= head ts
-- fromListFQ :: Ord e => Int -> [e] -> [RkTree e]
-- fromListFQ 0 _ = []
-- fromListFQ n ts = let p = bit (intLog n); (ts1, ts2) = splitAt p ts in fromPow2List p ts1 : fromListFQ (n-p) ts2
-- intLog :: Int -> Int
-- intLog 0 = 0
-- intLog 1 = 0
-- intLog (I# x) = {-# SCC "intLog" #-} I# (intLog1 (int2Word# x)) where
-- 	intLog1 x# = let ans# = uncheckedShiftRL# x# 16# in if ans# `eqWord#` 0## then intLog2 x# else 16# +# intLog2 ans#
-- 	intLog2 x# = let ans# = uncheckedShiftRL# x# 8# in if ans# `eqWord#` 0## then intLog3 x# else 8# +# intLog3 ans#
-- 	intLog3 x# = let ans# = uncheckedShiftRL# x# 4# in if ans# `eqWord#` 0## then intLog4 x# else 4# +# intLog4 ans#
-- 	intLog4 x# = let ans# = uncheckedShiftRL# x# 2# in if ans# `eqWord#` 0## then intLog5 x# else 2# +# intLog5 ans#
-- 	intLog5 x# = if x# `leWord#` 1## then 0# else 1#