module Prairie.Zip where import Prairie.Class import Prairie.Fold -- | Take two records and zip them together with the provided function. -- -- The field is given for the final parameter in the function, allowing you to use @LambdaCase@. -- -- @ -- zipWithRecord -- (\a b -> -- \case -- UserName -> -- a <> b -- UserAge -> -- a + b -- ) -- @ -- -- @since zipWithRecord :: forall rec. (Record rec) => (forall ty. ty -> ty -> Field rec ty -> ty) -> rec -> rec -> rec zipWithRecord k r0 r1 = foldRecord f r0 r0 where f :: ty -> rec -> Field rec ty -> rec f v0 rec field = let v1 = getRecordField field r1 in setRecordField field (k v0 v1 field) rec