{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Precis.HtmlReport
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  to be determined.
-- Creating a report in HTML...

module Precis.HtmlReport
  , makeFullReport

  ) where

import Precis.Cabal
import Precis.Diff
import Precis.HsSrc.Datatypes
import Precis.ModuleProperties
import Precis.ReportMonad
import Precis.StyleSheet
import Precis.TextOutput
import Precis.Utils.PPShowS ( toString, line )

import Language.Haskell.Exts ( Module )  -- package: haskell-src-exts
import Text.XHtml hiding ( name )                     -- package: xhtml

import Control.Monad

-- TextSummary to be printed to the console...
type TextSummary = String

makeShortReport :: ModuleParseFunction 
                -> Package 
                -> Package 
                -> IO TextSummary
makeShortReport pf ncp ocp = liftM snd $ makeReport MSG_AND_HTML pf ncp ocp

makeFullReport :: ModuleParseFunction 
                -> Package 
                -> Package 
                -> IO (Html,TextSummary)
makeFullReport = makeReport MSG_AND_HTML

makeReport :: ReportLevel
           -> ModuleParseFunction 
           -> Package 
           -> Package 
           -> IO (Html,TextSummary)
makeReport lvl pf new old = liftM post $ execReportM pf lvl $ 
   do { packageNamesAndVersions new old
      ; countUnresolveds        (unresolved_modules new)
      ; moduleCountSummary      new old
      ; compareExposedModules   new old
    post (hs,stats) = (assembleDoc (package_name new) hs, mkText stats)

    mkText stats = toString $ 
                     (comparingMsg new old) `line` showChangeStats stats

assembleDoc :: String -> [Html] -> Html
assembleDoc pkg_name hs = docHead pkg_name +++ body << concatHtml hs


packageNamesAndVersions :: Package -> Package -> ReportM ()
packageNamesAndVersions new old = 
    do { tellHtml $ h1 << ("Change summary: " ++ package_name new) 
       ; tellHtml $ h2 << (toString $ comparingMsg new old)
       ; warnOnNameDiff (package_name new) (package_name old)
       ; tellHtml $ docCaveat

warnOnNameDiff :: String -> String -> ReportM ()
warnOnNameDiff new_name old_name 
    | new_name == old_name = return ()
    | otherwise            = do { tellHtml $ p << warn_msg }
    warn_msg = unwords $ [ "Warning: package names different -"
                         , new_name, "vs.", old_name ]

moduleCountSummary :: Package -> Package -> ReportM ()
moduleCountSummary new old =
    do { countDeletions incrRemovedModules expos 
       ; tellHtml $ docModulesDiffs expos privs
    expos = diffExposedModules  new old
    privs = diffInternalModules new old

compareExposedModules :: Package -> Package -> ReportM ()
compareExposedModules new old = 
    mapM_ compareSrcFileEdit $ 
        diffExposedSrcFiles (exposed_modules new) (exposed_modules old)

compareSrcFileEdit :: Edit4 HsSourceFile -> ReportM ()
compareSrcFileEdit (DIF a b) = compareHsSourceFiles a b
compareSrcFileEdit _         = return ()

compareHsSourceFiles :: HsSourceFile -> HsSourceFile -> ReportM ()
compareHsSourceFiles new old = do 
    do { tellHtml $ docStartSummary new
       ; pf      <- askParseFun
       ; new_ans <- liftIO $ pf new
       ; old_ans <- liftIO $ pf old
       ; case (new_ans, old_ans) of 
           (Right a, Right b) -> compareModules a b
           (Left err,_)       -> failk (NEW new) err
           (_, Left err)      -> failk (OLD old) err
    failk cmpmod err = do { tellParseFail (fmap (getModName . module_name) cmpmod)
                          ; tellHtml $ docModuleParseError cmpmod err

data CompareAlg e = CompareAlg 
       { algName        :: String
       , changedLogger  :: ReportM ()
       , removedLogger  :: ReportM ()
       , diffCollect    :: Module -> Module -> [Edit4 e]
       , textPrinter    :: e -> String

compareModules :: Module -> Module -> ReportM ()
compareModules new old =
    do { runCompareAlg exports_alg    new old 
       ; runCompareAlg datadecls_alg  new old 
       ; runCompareAlg typesigs_alg   new old 
       ; runCompareAlg instances_alg  new old 

runCompareAlg :: CompareAlg e -> Module -> Module -> ReportM ()
runCompareAlg alg new old = let diff_list = (diffCollect alg) new old in 
    do { countWarnings (changedLogger alg) (removedLogger alg) diff_list
       ; tellHtml $ 
            renderModifications (algName alg) (textPrinter alg) diff_list

exports_alg :: CompareAlg ExportItem
exports_alg = CompareAlg { algName        = "Exports list"
                         , changedLogger  = incrChangedExports
                         , removedLogger  = incrRemovedExports
                         , diffCollect    = diffExports
                         , textPrinter    = ppExport
    ppExport (ModuleExport s)  = s
    ppExport (DataOrClass _ s) = s
    ppExport (Variable s)      = s

datadecls_alg :: CompareAlg DatatypeDecl
datadecls_alg = CompareAlg { algName        = "Data declarations"
                           , changedLogger  = incrChangedDatatypes
                           , removedLogger  = incrRemovedDatatypes
                           , diffCollect    = diffDataDecls
                           , textPrinter    = datatype_rep

typesigs_alg :: CompareAlg TypeSigDecl
typesigs_alg = CompareAlg { algName        = "Type signatures"
                          , changedLogger  = incrChangedTypeSigs
                          , removedLogger  = incrRemovedTypeSigs
                          , diffCollect    = diffTypeSigs
                          , textPrinter    = ppTypeSig 
    ppTypeSig a = type_decl_name a ++ " :: " ++ type_signature a

instances_alg :: CompareAlg InstanceDecl
instances_alg = CompareAlg { algName        = "Class instances"
                           , changedLogger  = incrChangedInstances
                           , removedLogger  = incrRemovedInstances
                           , diffCollect    = diffInstances
                           , textPrinter    = full_rep

countUnresolveds :: [UnresolvedModule] -> ReportM ()
countUnresolveds = mapM_ (tellUnresolved . NEW . getModName . unresolved_name)

-- Helpers

countWarnings :: ReportM () -> ReportM () -> [Edit4 a] -> ReportM ()
countWarnings mchange mdelete = mapM_ step where
    step (DIF _ _) = mchange
    step (DEL _)   = mdelete
    step _         = return ()

countDeletions :: ReportM () -> [Edit3 a] -> ReportM ()
countDeletions mf = mapM_ step where
    step (Del _) = mf
    step _       = return ()

renderModifications :: String -> (a -> String) -> [Edit4 a] -> Html
renderModifications txt pp es = case renderBody es of
    [] -> noHtml
    xs -> (h3 << txt) +++ concatHtml xs
    renderBody (DIF a b:xs) = diffMarkup pp a b : renderBody xs
    renderBody (DEL a:xs)   = delMarkup pp a : renderBody xs 
    renderBody (_:xs)       = renderBody xs
    renderBody []           = []

diffMarkup :: (a -> String) -> a -> a -> Html
diffMarkup pp a b = concatHtml [ p << "New"
                               , docChangedCode (NEW $ pp a)
                               , p << "Old"                
                               , docChangedCode (OLD $ pp b)

delMarkup :: (a -> String) -> a -> Html
delMarkup pp a = concatHtml [ p << "Deleted"
                            , docDeletedCode (pp a)
-- Html ...

docHead :: String -> Html
docHead pkg_name = header << doc_title +++ doc_style

    doc_title = thetitle << ("Change summary: " +++ pkg_name)
    doc_style = style ! [thetype "text/css"] << inline_stylesheet

docStartSummary :: HsSourceFile -> Html
docStartSummary src_file = h2 << ((getModName $ module_name src_file) ++ ":")

docModuleParseError :: CMP HsSourceFile -> ModuleParseError -> Html
docModuleParseError (OLD _src) err = pre << (moduleParseErrorMsg err)
docModuleParseError (NEW _src) err = pre << (moduleParseErrorMsg err)

docModulesDiffs :: [Edit3 ModName] -> [Edit3 ModName] -> Html
docModulesDiffs expos privs  = expos_doc +++ privs_doc
    expos_doc = maybe docNoExpos (withHeader2 "Exposed modules:")
                      $ modulesTable expos
    privs_doc = maybe docNoPrivs (withHeader2 "Internal modules:")
                      $ modulesTable privs

withHeader2 :: String -> Html -> Html
withHeader2 txt htm = (h2 << txt) +++ htm

docNoExpos :: Html
docNoExpos = p << txt where
    txt = unwords $ 
            [ "No exposed modules counted."
            , "Precis only summarizes libraries or combined"
            , "library/exe packages."

docNoPrivs :: Html
docNoPrivs = p << txt where
    txt = unwords $ 
            [ "No internal modules counted." ]

modulesTable :: [Edit3 ModName] -> Maybe Html
modulesTable [] = Nothing
modulesTable xs = Just $ table << zipWith fn xs [1::Int ..]
    fn (Add a)   i = makeRow i "+" $ getModName a
    fn (Equ a)   i = makeRow i ""  $ getModName a
    fn (Del a)   i = makeRow i "-" $ getModName a
    makeRow i op name = tr << [ td << (show i), td << op, td << name ]

docCaveat :: Html
docCaveat = p << txt
    txt = unwords $ 
      [ "Note, Precis uses a shallow mechanism to detect changes."
      , "Syntax elements are parsed by Haskell-src-exts and comparison" 
      , "is made on the strings extracted from pretty-printing them." 
      , "This means that Precis should be oblivious to"
      , "white-space differences, but harmless changes will be"
      , "flagged as differences. e.g. adding a new deriving clause"
      , "to a datatype."

docChangedCode :: CMP String -> Html
docChangedCode = step 
    step (NEW s) = pre ! [new_style] << s
    step (OLD s) = pre ! [old_style] << s

    new_style    = theclass "oldcode"
    old_style    = theclass "newcode"

docDeletedCode :: String -> Html
docDeletedCode s = pre ! [del_style] << s
    del_style    = theclass "deletedcode"