{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Precursor.System.IO
  ( -- * The IO monad

    -- * IO class
  , MonadIO
  , liftIO

    -- * Files and handles
  , FilePath

    -- * File-at-a-time operations
  , readFile
  , writeFile
  , appendFile

  -- * Special cases for standard input and output
  , interact
  , getContents
  , getLine
  , putStr
  , putStrLn
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO          as Text
import           Precursor.Control.Category
import           Precursor.Function
import           System.IO                  (FilePath, IO)

-- | Read a file and return its contents as a string.  The file is
-- read lazily, as with 'getContents'.
readFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Text
readFile = liftIO . Text.readFile

-- | Write a string to a file.  The file is truncated to zero length
-- before writing begins.
writeFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
writeFile = liftIO .: Text.writeFile

-- | Write a string the end of a file.
appendFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
appendFile = liftIO .: Text.appendFile

-- | The 'interact' function takes a function of type @Text -> Text@
-- as its argument. The entire input from the standard input device is
-- passed (lazily) to this function as its argument, and the resulting
-- string is output on the standard output device.
interact :: MonadIO m => (Text -> Text) -> m ()
interact = liftIO . Text.interact

-- | Lazily read all user input on 'stdin' as a single string.
getContents :: MonadIO m => m Text
getContents = liftIO Text.getContents

-- | Read a single line of user input from 'stdin'.
getLine :: MonadIO m => m Text
getLine = liftIO Text.getLine

-- | Write a string to 'stdout'.
putStr :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
putStr = liftIO . Text.putStr

-- | Write a string to 'stdout', followed by a newline.
putStrLn :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
putStrLn = liftIO . Text.putStrLn