-- Generates the Cabal file for prednote-test. -- Written to use version of the Cartel -- library. module Main (main) where import CabalCommon import qualified Cartel as C prednote :: C.Package prednote = C.exactly "prednote" versionInts quickcheck :: C.Package quickcheck = C.closedOpen "QuickCheck" [2,7,5] [2,8] quickpull :: C.Package quickpull = C.closedOpen "quickpull" [0,4] [0,5] properties :: C.Properties properties = commonProperties { C.prName = "prednote-test" , C.prSynopsis = "Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany prednote." , C.prDescription = [ "These are packaged separately so other packages may depend" , "on them." ] , C.prExtraSourceFiles = [ "genCabal.hs" ] } depends :: [C.Package] depends = [ base , rainbow , rainbow_tests , text , prednote , quickcheck , containers , quickpull , barecheck ] library :: [String] -- ^ Library modules -> C.Library library ms = C.Library [ C.LibExposedModules ms , C.buildDepends depends , C.hsSourceDirs ["lib"] , C.ghcOptions ghcOptions , C.defaultLanguage C.Haskell2010 ] executable :: [String] -> C.Executable executable ms = C.Executable "prednote-test" [ C.hsSourceDirs ["lib", "exe"] , C.otherModules ms , C.ExeMainIs "prednote-test.hs" , C.ghcOptions ghcOptions , C.defaultLanguage C.Haskell2010 , C.buildDepends depends ] visual :: C.Executable visual = C.Executable "prednote-visual-test" [ C.hsSourceDirs ["lib", "visual"] , C.ExeMainIs "prednote-visual-test.hs" , C.ghcOptions ghcOptions , C.defaultLanguage C.Haskell2010 , C.buildDepends depends ] cabal :: [String] -- ^ Modules for library -> [String] -- ^ Modules for the executable -> C.Cabal cabal msLib msExe = C.empty { C.cProperties = properties , C.cRepositories = [repo] , C.cLibrary = Just $ library msLib , C.cExecutables = [executable (msLib ++ msExe), visual] } main :: IO () main = do mods <- C.modules "lib" modsExe <- C.modules "exe" C.render "genCabal.hs" $ cabal mods modsExe