prelude-safeenum ================ [![Hackage version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependencies](]( A redefinition of the Prelude's `Enum` class in order to render it safe. That is, the Haskell Language Report defines `pred`, `succ`, `fromEnum`, and `toEnum` to be partial functions when the type is `Bounded`. This is unacceptable. We define a new type-class hierarchy for enumeration which is safe and also generalizes to cover types which can only be enumerated in one direction. ## Install This is a very simple package and should be easy to install. You should be able to use the standard: $> cabal install prelude-safeenum ## Portability An attempt has been made to keep this library portable; however, it does rely on a few language extensions. All the required language extensions are: * CPP * GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving * MagicHash - only for GHC * Trustworthy - only for GHC >= 7.1 The GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension is used for brevity in Data.Number.CalkinWilf. If you'd like to use this package with a compiler that does not support that extension, contact the maintainer and it can be removed. This package is only "Trustworthy" rather than "Safe" for two reasons: (1) Data.Number.CalkinWilf uses GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, and (2) Prelude.SafeEnum imports GHC.Exts for build/foldr fusion and for the Char instances. ## Links * [Website]( * [Blog]( * [Twitter]( * [Hackage]( * [GitHub](