{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module System.Process.Read.Convenience
    ( -- * Predicates
    , isStdout
    , isStderr
    , isOutput
    , isException
    -- * Filters
    , discardStdout
    , discardStderr
    , discardOutput
    , discardExceptions
    , discardResult
    , keepStdout
    , keepStderr
    , keepOutput
    , keepExceptions
    , keepResult
    -- * Transformers
    , mergeToStdout
    , mergeToStderr
    , mapMaybeResult
    , mapMaybeStdout
    , mapMaybeStderr
    , mapMaybeException
    -- * Collectors
    , collectOutputs
    -- * IO operations
    , ePutStr
    , ePutStrLn
    , eMessage
    , eMessageLn

    , foldException
    , foldChars
    , foldStdout
    , foldStderr
    , foldResult
    , foldSuccess
    , foldFailure
    , foldFailure'

    , doException
    , doOutput
    , doStdout
    , doStderr
    , doExit
    , doAll

    , dots
    , prefixed
    ) where

import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.ListLike (ListLike(empty, append, concat, span, tail, singleton, null), ListLikeIO(hPutStr))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Prelude hiding (length, rem, concat, span, tail, null)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import System.IO (stdout, stderr)
import qualified System.IO as IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import System.Process.Read.Chars (ListLikePlus(..))
import System.Process.Read.Chunks (NonBlocking(..), Output(..), foldOutput, foldOutputsR)
import System.Process.Read.Instances ()

isResult :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Bool
isResult = foldOutput (const True) (const False) (const False) (const False)
isStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Bool
isStdout = foldOutput (const False) (const True) (const False) (const False)
isStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Bool
isStderr = foldOutput (const False) (const False) (const True) (const False)
isOutput :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Bool
isOutput = foldOutput (const False) (const True) (const True) (const False)
isException :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Bool
isException = foldOutput (const False) (const False) (const False) (const True)

toStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Output a
toStdout = foldOutput Result Stdout Stdout Exception
toStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => Output a -> Output a
toStderr = foldOutput Result Stderr Stderr Exception

mergeToStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
mergeToStdout = map toStdout
mergeToStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
mergeToStderr = map toStderr

discardStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
discardStdout = filter (not . isStdout)
discardStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
discardStderr = filter (not . isStderr)
discardOutput :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
discardOutput = filter (\ x -> not (isStdout x || isStderr x))
discardExceptions :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
discardExceptions = filter (not . isException)
discardResult :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [Output a]
discardResult = filter (not . isResult)

keepStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [a]
keepStdout = mapMaybe $ foldOutput (const Nothing) Just (const Nothing) (const Nothing)
keepStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [a]
keepStderr = mapMaybe $ foldOutput (const Nothing) (const Nothing) Just (const Nothing)
keepOutput :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [a]
keepOutput = mapMaybe $ foldOutput (const Nothing) Just Just (const Nothing)
keepExceptions :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [IOError]
keepExceptions = mapMaybe $ foldOutput (const Nothing) (const Nothing) (const Nothing) Just
keepResult :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> [ExitCode]
keepResult = mapMaybe $ foldOutput Just (const Nothing) (const Nothing) (const Nothing)

mapMaybeResult :: ListLikePlus a c => (ExitCode -> Maybe (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> [Output a]
mapMaybeResult f = mapMaybe (foldOutput f (Just . Stdout) (Just . Stderr) (Just . Exception))
mapMaybeStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => (a -> Maybe (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> [Output a]
mapMaybeStdout f = mapMaybe (foldOutput (Just . Result) f (Just . Stderr) (Just . Exception))
mapMaybeStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => (a -> Maybe (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> [Output a]
mapMaybeStderr f = mapMaybe (foldOutput (Just . Result) (Just . Stdout) f (Just . Exception))
mapMaybeException :: ListLikePlus a c => (IOError -> Maybe (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> [Output a]
mapMaybeException f = mapMaybe (foldOutput (Just . Result) (Just . Stdout) (Just . Stderr) f)

collectOutputs :: forall a c. ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
collectOutputs xs =
    foldOutputsR codefn outfn errfn exnfn result0 xs
      result0 :: ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
      result0 = ([], empty, empty, [])
      codefn :: ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError]) -> ExitCode -> ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
      codefn (codes, outs, errs, exns) code = (code : codes, outs, errs, exns)
      outfn :: ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError]) -> a -> ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
      outfn (codes, outs, errs, exns) out = (codes, append out outs, errs, exns)
      errfn :: ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError]) -> a -> ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
      errfn (codes, outs, errs, exns) err = (codes, outs, append err errs, exns)
      exnfn :: ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError]) -> IOError -> ([ExitCode], a, a, [IOError])
      exnfn (codes, outs, errs, exns) exn = (codes, outs, errs, exn : exns)

ePutStr :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
ePutStr s = liftIO $ IO.hPutStr stderr s

ePutStrLn :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
ePutStrLn s = liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr s

eMessage :: MonadIO m => String -> a -> m a
eMessage s x = ePutStr s >> return x

eMessageLn :: MonadIO m => String -> a -> m a
eMessageLn s x = ePutStrLn s >> return x

foldException :: ListLikePlus a c => (IOError -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldException exnfn = mapM (foldOutput (return . Result) (return . Stdout) (return . Stderr) exnfn)

foldChars :: ListLikePlus a c => (a -> IO (Output a)) -> (a -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldChars outfn errfn = mapM (foldOutput (return . Result) outfn errfn (return . Exception))

foldStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => (a -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldStdout outfn = foldChars outfn (return . Stderr)

foldStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => (a -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldStderr errfn = foldChars (return . Stdout) errfn

foldResult :: ListLikePlus a c => (ExitCode -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldResult codefn = mapM (foldOutput codefn (return . Stdout) (return . Stderr) (return . Exception))

foldFailure :: ListLikePlus a c => (Int -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldFailure failfn = foldResult codefn
    where codefn (ExitFailure n) = failfn n
          codefn x = return (Result x)

foldResult' :: ListLikePlus a c => ([Output a] -> ExitCode -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldResult' codefn outputs = mapM (foldOutput (codefn outputs) (return . Stdout) (return . Stderr) (return . Exception)) outputs

foldFailure' :: ListLikePlus a c => (Int -> IO (Output a)) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldFailure' failfn outputs = foldResult' codefn outputs
    where codefn outputs (ExitFailure n) = failfn n
          codefn _ x = return (Result x)

foldSuccess :: ListLikePlus a c => IO (Output a) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
foldSuccess successfn = foldResult codefn
    where codefn ExitSuccess = successfn
          codefn x = return (Result x)

doException :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doException = foldException throw

doOutput :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doOutput = foldChars (\ cs -> hPutStr stdout cs >> return (Stdout cs)) (\ cs -> hPutStr stderr cs >> return (Stderr cs))

doStdout :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doStdout = foldStdout (\ cs -> hPutStr stdout cs >> return (Stdout cs))

doStderr :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doStderr = foldStderr (\ cs -> hPutStr stderr cs >> return (Stderr cs))

-- | I don't see much use for this.
doExit :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doExit = foldResult (\ code -> exitWith code >> return (Result code))

doAll :: ListLikePlus a c => [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
doAll = mapM (foldOutput (\ code -> exitWith code >> return (Result code))
                         (\ cs -> hPutStr stdout cs >> return (Stdout cs))
                         (\ cs -> hPutStr stderr cs >> return (Stderr cs))

dots :: forall a c. NonBlocking a c => LengthType a -> (LengthType a -> IO ()) -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
dots charsPerDot nDots outputs =
    nDots 1 >> dots' 0 outputs >>= eMessage "\n"
      dots' _ [] = nDots 1 >> return []
      dots' rem (x : xs) =
          do let (count', rem') = divMod (rem + foldOutput (const 0) length' length' (const 0) x) charsPerDot
             when (count' > 0) (nDots count')
             xs' <- dots' rem' xs
             return (x : xs')

-- | Output the stream with a prefix added at the beginning of each
-- line of stdout and stderr.
prefixed :: forall a c. (Enum c, ListLikePlus a c) => a -> a -> [Output a] -> IO [Output a]
prefixed opre epre output =
    mapM (\ (old, new) -> doOutput [new] >> return old) (prefixes opre epre output)

-- | Return the original stream of outputs zipped with one that has
-- had prefixes for stdout and stderr inserted.  For the prefixed
-- stream only, apply @map snd@.
prefixes :: forall a c. (Enum c, ListLikePlus a c) => a -> a -> [Output a] -> [(Output a, Output a)]
prefixes opre epre output =
    loop True output
      loop :: (Enum c, ListLike a c) => Bool -> [Output a] -> [(Output a, Output a)]
      loop _ [] = []
      loop bol (x@(Stdout s) : xs) = let (s', bol') = step bol opre s in (x, Stdout s') : loop bol' xs
      loop bol (x@(Stderr s) : xs) = let (s', bol') = step bol epre s in (x, Stderr s') : loop bol' xs
      loop bol (x : xs) = (x, Stdout empty) : loop bol xs

      step :: (Enum c, ListLike a c) => Bool -> a -> a -> (a, Bool)
      step bol pre s =
          let (a, b) = Data.ListLike.span (\ c -> fromEnum c /= fromEnum '\n') s in
          if null a
          then if null b
               then (empty, bol)
               else let x = (if bol then pre else empty)
                        (s', bol') = step True pre (tail b) in
                    (concat [x, singleton (toEnum . fromEnum $ '\n'), s'], bol')
          -- There is some text before a possible newline
          else let x = (if bol then append pre a else a)
                   (s', bol') = step False pre b in
               (append x s', bol')