process-qq: A Quasi-Quoter to execute processes =============================================== # About This is a simple package for executing external process using quasi-quoters. # Install ~~~ {.bash} $ cabal update $ cabal install process-qq ~~~ # API process-qq has three quasi-quoters, `cmd`, `lcmd` and `enumCmd`. The result type of `cmd` is `(Strict) ByteString`, `lcmd` is `Lazy ByteString`, `enumCmd`'s is `MonadIO m => Enumerator ByteString m a`. Command is failed, an Exception is thrown. Command is executed in ***run-time***, not compile-time. # Example * Invoke a process simply ~~~ {.haskell} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} import System.Process.QQ main = print =<< [cmd|ls|] ~~~ * Enumerate a process ~~~ {.haskell} main = run_ $ [enumCmd|curl|] $$ iterHandle stdout ~~~ * Unquoting (syntax is same as [shakespeare-text]( ~~~ {.haskell} main = do [url] <- getArgs print =<< [cmd|curl #{url}|] ~~~