process-streaming- Streaming interface to system processes.

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred







These examples require the OverloadedStrings extension.

Some preliminary imports:

 module Main where
 import Data.Bifunctor
 import Data.Monoid
 import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
 import Control.Applicative
 import Control.Monad
 import Control.Lens (view)
 import Pipes
 import qualified Pipes.ByteString as B
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
 import qualified Pipes.Parse as P
 import qualified Pipes.Attoparsec as P
 import qualified Pipes.Text as T
 import qualified Pipes.Text.Encoding as T
 import qualified Pipes.Text.IO as T
 import qualified Pipes.Group as G
 import qualified Pipes.Safe as S
 import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as S
 import System.IO
 import System.IO.Error
 import System.Exit
 import System.Process.Streaming

Stdin and stderr to different files

Using separated to consume stdout and stderr concurrently, and functions from pipes-safe to write the files.

 example1 :: IO (Either String ((),()))
 example1 = simpleSafeExecute
          (pipeoe $ separated (consume "stdout.log") (consume "stderr.log"))
          (shell "{ echo ooo ; echo eee 1>&2 ; }")
      consume file = surely . safely . useConsumer $
          S.withFile file WriteMode B.toHandle

Missing executable

Missing executables and other IOExceptions are converted to an error type e and returned in the Left of an Either:

 example2 :: IO (Either String ())
 example2 = simpleSafeExecute nopiping (proc "fsdfsdf" [])


>>> Left "fsdfsdf: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)"

Combining stdout and stderr

Here we use combined to process stdout and stderr together.

Notice that they are consumed together as Text. We have to specify a decoding function for each stream, and a LeftoverPolicy as well.

We also add a prefix to the lines coming from stderr.

 example3 :: IO (Either String ())
 example3 = simpleSafeExecute
        (pipeoe $ combined
            (linePolicy T.decodeIso8859_1 id policy)
            (linePolicy T.decodeIso8859_1 annotate policy)
            (surely . safely . useConsumer $
                S.withFile "combined.txt" WriteMode T.toHandle))
        (shell "{ echo ooo ; echo eee 1>&2 ; echo ppp ;  echo ffff 1>&2 ; }")
         policy = failOnLeftovers $ \_ _->"badbytes"
         annotate x = P.yield "errprefix: " *> x

Running two parsers in parallel

Plugging parsers from pipes-parse into separated or combined is easy because running evalStateT on a parser returns a function that consumes a Producer.

In this example we define two Attoparsec Text parsers and we convert them to Pipes parsers using function parse from package pipes-attoparsec.

Stdout is decoded to Text and parsed by the two parsers in parallel using the auxiliary forkSiphon function. The results are aggregated in a tuple.

Stderr is ignored using the nop function.

 parseChars :: Char -> A.Parser [Char] 
 parseChars c = fmap mconcat $ 
     many (A.notChar c) *> A.many1 (some (A.char c) <* many (A.notChar c))
 parser1 = parseChars 'o'

 parser2 = parseChars 'a'
 example4 ::IO (Either String (([Char], [Char]),()))
 example4 = simpleSafeExecute
        (pipeoe $ separated
            (encoding T.decodeIso8859_1 (failOnLeftovers $ \_ _->"badbytes") $
                forkSiphon (adapt parser1) (adapt parser2))
        (shell "{ echo ooaaoo ; echo aaooaoa; }")
        adapt p = P.evalStateT $ do
            r <- P.parse p
            return $ case r of
                Just (Right r') -> Right r'
                _ -> Left "parse error"


>>> Right (("ooooooo","aaaaaa"),())

Aborting an execution

If any function consuming a standard stream returns with an error value e, the external program is terminated and the computation returns immediately with e.

 example5 ::IO (Either String ((),()))
 example5 = simpleSafeExecute
         (pipeoe $ separated (\_ -> return $ Left "fast return!") nop)
         (shell "sleep 10s")


>>> Left "fast return!"

If we change the stdout consuming function to nop, example5 waits 10 seconds.

Feeding stdin, collecting stdout as text

In this example we invoke the cat command, feeding its input stream with a ByteString.

We decode stdout to Text and collect the whole output using a fold from pipes-text.

Plugging folds defined in Pipes.Prelude (or pipes-bytestring or pipes-text) into separated or combined is easy because the folds return functions that consume Producers.

Notice that stdin is written concurrently with the reading of stdout. It is not the case that sdtin is written first and then stdout is read.

 example6 = simpleSafeExecute
             (surely . useProducer $ yield "aaaaaa\naaaaa")
                 (encoding T.decodeIso8859_1 ignoreLeftovers $ surely $ T.toLazyM)
         (shell "cat")


>>> Right ((),("aaaaaa\naaaaa",()))

Collecting stdout and stderr as bytestring

In this example we collect stdout and stderr as lazy bytestrings, using a fold defined in pipes-bytestring.

 example7 = simpleSafeExecute
         (pipeoe $ separated (surely B.toLazyM) (surely B.toLazyM))
         (shell "{ echo ooo ; echo eee 1>&2 ; echo ppp ;  echo ffff 1>&2 ; }")


>>> Right ("ooo\nppp\n","eee\nffff\n")

Counting words

In this example we count words emitted to stdout in a streaming fashion, without having to keep whole words in memory.

We use a lens from pipes-text to split the text into words, and a trivial fold from pipes-group to create a Producer of Int values. Then we sum the ints using a fold from Pipes.Prelude.

 example8 = simpleSafeExecute
         (pipeoe $ separated
              (encoding T.decodeIso8859_1 ignoreLeftovers $ surely $
                   P.sum . G.folds const () (const 1) . view T.words)
         (shell "{ echo aaa ; echo bbb ; echo ccc ; }")


Sometimes it's useful to launch external programs during a ghci session, like this:

>>> a <- async $ execute nopiping (proc "xeyes" [])

Cancelling the async causes the termination of the external program:

>>> cancel a

Waiting for the async returns the result:

>>> wait a