{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeOperators #-}

-- Module      :  Data.PVar.Queue
-- Copyright   :  (c) Jake McArthur 2009
-- License     :  ISC
-- Maintainer  :  Jake.McArthur@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable


  A procrastinating queue. You can populate the back of the queue in
  IO and read the front of the queue in pure code. The front of an
  empty, un'close'd queue is @_|_@. I think it fits the definition of
  referentially transparent, but it's possible to do some really
  stupid things with one of these 'Queue's. If you read the source,
  this serves as an example of using "Data.PVar.Structure". Here's a
  simple example of using a 'Queue':

  > import Prelude hiding (sum)
  > import Data.Foldable (sum)
  > main :: IO ()
  > main = do
  >   (back, front) <- newQueue  -- Create a new queue.
  >   mapM_ (push back) [0..9]   -- Push some values to the back of the queue.
  >   print $ peek front         -- Safe to do since we know something has been written
  >   close back                 -- Close the queue.
  >   print $ sum front          -- Safe to do since the queue is finalized

  The output of the above program is:

  > Just 0
  > 45

  Is this useful? Who knows? It was a fun exercise.

module Data.PVar.Queue (Queue (), QueueBack (), newQueue, push, close, pop, peek) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable

import Data.PVar.Structure

infixr 9 :$
type a :$ b = a b

-- | A pure queue.
newtype Queue a = QF [a]
    deriving ( Functor
             , Applicative
             , Monad
             , MonadPlus
             , Alternative
             , Foldable
             , Traversable
             , Eq
             , Ord
             , Monoid)

-- | The impure back of a pure queue.
newtype QueueBack a = QB (MVar :$ Maybe :$ PStructure [Value a])
    deriving Eq

-- | Create both ends of a procrastinating queue.
newQueue :: IO (QueueBack a, Queue a)
newQueue = do
  (pvs, vs) <- newStruc
  qb        <- newMVar $ Just pvs
  return (QB qb, QF $ map getValue vs)

-- | Push to the back of an open 'QueueBack'. If the 'QueueBack' has
--   been closed, returns 'False'.
push :: QueueBack a -> a -> IO Bool
push (QB mpvsRef) x = modifyMVar mpvsRef writeVal
    where writeVal Nothing    = return (Nothing, False)
          writeVal (Just pvs) = do
            Just (ph, pt) <- writeStruc pvs ConsC
            writeStruc ph x
            return (Just pt, True)

-- | Close a 'QueueBack'. This finalizes the 'Queue' and means that it
--   is safe to evaluate all the way to the end.
close :: QueueBack a -> IO ()
close (QB mpvsRef) = modifyMVar_ mpvsRef writeVal
    where writeVal Nothing    = return Nothing
          writeVal (Just pvs) = do
            writeStruc pvs NilC
            return Nothing

-- | Get the value at the front of a 'Queue'. Returns 'False' if we
--   are at the end of a 'close'd 'Queue'.
peek :: Queue a -> Maybe a
peek = listToMaybe . toList

-- | Get the value at the front of a 'Queue' and return the remainder
--   of the 'Queue'. Returns 'False' if we are at the end of a
--   'close'd 'Queue'.
pop :: Queue a -> Maybe (Queue a, a)
pop (QF [])     = Nothing
pop (QF (x:xs)) = Just (QF xs, x)