-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game -- http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ -- contributed by Bryan O'Sullivan -- modified by Eugene Kirpichov: pidgits only generates -- the result string instead of printing it. For some -- reason, this gives a speedup. import System.Environment (getArgs) pidgits n = 0 % (0 # (1,0,1)) where i%ds | i >= n = [] | True = (concat h ++ "\t:" ++ show j ++ "\n") ++ j%t where k = i+10; j = min n k (h,t) | k > n = (take (n`mod`10) ds ++ replicate (k-n) " ",[]) | True = splitAt 10 ds j # s | n>a || r+n>=d = k # t | True = show q : k # (n*10,(a-(q*d))*10,d) where k = j+1; t@(n,a,d)=k&s; (q,r)=(n*3+a)`divMod`d j&(n,a,d) = (n*j,(a+n*2)*y,d*y) where y=(j*2+1) main = putStr.pidgits.read.head =<< getArgs