{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

module Data.Profunctor.Closed
  ( Closed(..)
  , Closure(..)
  , close
  , unclose
  , Environment(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Adjunction
import Data.Profunctor.Monad
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Data.Tagged
import Prelude hiding ((.),id)

-- * Closed

-- | A strong profunctor allows the monoidal structure to pass through.
-- A closed profunctor allows the closed structure to pass through.
class Profunctor p => Closed p where
  closed :: p a b -> p (x -> a) (x -> b)

instance Closed Tagged where
  closed (Tagged b) = Tagged (const b)

instance Closed (->) where
  closed = (.)

instance Functor f => Closed (DownStar f) where
  closed (DownStar fab) = DownStar $ \fxa x -> fab (fmap ($x) fxa)

instance Functor f => Closed (Cokleisli f) where
  closed (Cokleisli fab) = Cokleisli $ \fxa x -> fab (fmap ($x) fxa)

instance Distributive f => Closed (UpStar f) where
  closed (UpStar afb) = UpStar $ \xa -> distribute $ \x -> afb (xa x)

instance (Distributive f, Monad f) => Closed (Kleisli f) where
  closed (Kleisli afb) = Kleisli $ \xa -> distribute $ \x -> afb (xa x)

-- instance Monoid r => Closed (Forget r) where
--  closed _ = Forget $ \_ -> mempty

-- * Closure

-- | 'Closure' adjoins a 'Closed' structure to any 'Profunctor'.
-- Analogous to 'Data.Profunctor.Tambara.Tambara' for 'Strong'.

newtype Closure p a b = Closure { runClosure :: forall x. p (x -> a) (x -> b) }

instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (Closure p) where
  dimap f g (Closure p) = Closure $ dimap (fmap f) (fmap g) p
  lmap f (Closure p) = Closure $ lmap (fmap f) p
  rmap f (Closure p) = Closure $ rmap (fmap f) p
  w #. Closure p = Closure $ fmap w #. p
  Closure p .# w = Closure $ p .# fmap w

instance ProfunctorFunctor Closure where
  promap f (Closure p) = Closure (f p)

instance ProfunctorComonad Closure where
  proextract = dimap const ($ ()) . runClosure
  produplicate (Closure p) = Closure $ Closure $ dimap uncurry curry p

instance Profunctor p => Closed (Closure p) where
  closed = runClosure . produplicate

instance Strong p => Strong (Closure p) where
  first' (Closure p) = Closure $ dimap hither yon $ first' p

instance Category p => Category (Closure p) where
  id = Closure id
  Closure p . Closure q = Closure (p . q)

hither :: (s -> (a,b)) -> (s -> a, s -> b)
hither h = (fst . h, snd . h)

yon :: (s -> a, s -> b) -> s -> (a,b)
yon h s = (fst h s, snd h s)

instance Arrow p => Arrow (Closure p) where
  arr f = Closure (arr (f .))
  first (Closure f) = Closure $ arr yon . first f . arr hither

instance ArrowLoop p => ArrowLoop (Closure p) where
  loop (Closure f) = Closure $ loop (arr hither . f . arr yon)

instance ArrowZero p => ArrowZero (Closure p) where
  zeroArrow = Closure zeroArrow

instance ArrowPlus p => ArrowPlus (Closure p) where
  Closure f <+> Closure g = Closure (f <+> g)

instance Profunctor p => Functor (Closure p a) where
  fmap = rmap

instance (Profunctor p, Arrow p) => Applicative (Closure p a) where
  pure x = arr (const x)
  f <*> g = arr (uncurry id) . (f &&& g)

instance (Profunctor p, ArrowPlus p) => Alternative (Closure p a) where
  empty = zeroArrow
  f <|> g = f <+> g

instance (Profunctor p, Arrow p, Monoid b) => Monoid (Closure p a b) where
  mempty = pure mempty
  mappend = liftA2 mappend

-- |
-- @
-- 'close' '.' 'unclose' ≡ 'id'
-- 'unclose' '.' 'close' ≡ 'id'
-- @
close :: Closed p => (p :-> q) -> p :-> Closure q
close f p = Closure $ f $ closed p

-- |
-- @
-- 'close' '.' 'unclose' ≡ 'id'
-- 'unclose' '.' 'close' ≡ 'id'
-- @
unclose :: Profunctor q => (p :-> Closure q) -> p :-> q
unclose f p = dimap const ($ ()) $ runClosure $ f p

-- * Environment

data Environment p a b where
  Environment :: ((z -> y) -> b) -> p x y -> (a -> z -> x) -> Environment p a b

instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (Environment p) where
  dimap f g (Environment l m r) = Environment (g . l) m (r . f)
  lmap f (Environment l m r) = Environment l m (r . f)
  rmap g (Environment l m r) = Environment (g . l) m r
  w #. Environment l m r = Environment (w #. l) m r
  Environment l m r .# w = Environment l m (r .# w)

instance ProfunctorFunctor Environment where
  promap f (Environment l m r) = Environment l (f m) r

instance ProfunctorMonad Environment where
  proreturn p = Environment ($ ()) p const
  projoin (Environment l (Environment m n o) p) = Environment (lm . curry) n op where
    op a (b, c) = o (p a b) c
    lm zr = l (m.zr)

instance ProfunctorAdjunction Environment Closure where
  counit (Environment g (Closure p) f) = dimap f g p
  unit p = Closure (Environment id p id)