module ProjectM36.Server.Config where
import ProjectM36.Client

data ServerConfig = ServerConfig { persistenceStrategy :: PersistenceStrategy, 
                                   databaseName :: DatabaseName,
                                   bindHost :: Hostname,
                                   bindPort :: Port,
                                   ghcPkgPaths :: [String], -- used for AtomFunction dynamic compilation
                                   perRequestTimeout :: Int,
                                   testMode :: Bool -- used exclusively for automated testing of the server, thus not accessible from the command line
                    deriving (Show)

defaultServerConfig :: ServerConfig
defaultServerConfig = ServerConfig { persistenceStrategy = NoPersistence,
                                     databaseName = "base", 
                                     bindHost = "",
                                     bindPort = 6543,
                                     ghcPkgPaths = [],
                                     perRequestTimeout = 0,
                                     testMode = False