import TutorialD.Interpreter.DatabaseContextExpr import TutorialD.Interpreter.TestBase import TutorialD.Interpreter import TutorialD.Interpreter.Base import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Relation as R import ProjectM36.Tuple import ProjectM36.TupleSet import ProjectM36.Error import ProjectM36.DatabaseContext import ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Primitive import ProjectM36.RelationalExpression import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Either import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Interval import ProjectM36.DataTypes.NonEmptyList import ProjectM36.DataTypes.List import ProjectM36.DateExamples import ProjectM36.Base hiding (Finite) import ProjectM36.TransactionGraph import ProjectM36.Client import qualified ProjectM36.DisconnectedTransaction as Discon import qualified ProjectM36.AttributeNames as AN import qualified ProjectM36.Session as Sess import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Exit import Data.Maybe (isJust) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text hiding (map) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX hiding (getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT (TestList tests) if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess where tests = [ simpleRelTests, dateExampleRelTests, transactionGraphBasicTest, transactionGraphAddCommitTest, transactionRollbackTest, transactionJumpTest, transactionBranchTest, simpleJoinTest, testNotification, testTypeConstructors, testMergeTransactions, testComments, testTransGraphRelationalExpr, failJoinTest, testMultiAttributeRename, testSchemaExpr, testRelationalExprStateTupleElems, testFunctionalDependencies, testEmptyCommits, testIntervalAtom, testListConstructedAtom, testTypeChecker, testRestrictionPredicateExprs, testRelationalAttributeNames, testSemijoin, testAntijoin, testRelationAttributeDefinition, testAssignWithTypeVar, testDefineWithTypeVar, testIntervalType, testArbitraryRelation, testNonEmptyListType, testUnresolvedAtomTypes, testWithClause, testAtomFunctionArgumentMismatch, testInvalidDataConstructor, testBasicList, testRelationDeclarationMismatch, testInvalidTuples, testSelfReferencingUncommittedContext, testUnionAndIntersectionAttributeExprs ] simpleRelTests :: Test simpleRelTests = TestCase $ do (graph, transId) <- freshTransactionGraph dateExamples mapM_ (\(tutd, expected) -> assertTutdEqual basicDatabaseContext transId graph expected tutd) testTups where testTups = [("x:=true", Right relationTrue), ("x:=false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true union false", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true minus false", Right relationTrue), ("x:=false minus true", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true; x:=false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=relation{a Integer}{}", mkRelation simpleAAttributes emptyTupleSet), ("x:=relation{c Integer}{} rename {c as d}", mkRelation simpleBAttributes emptyTupleSet), ("y:=relation{b Integer, c Integer}{}; x:=y{c}", mkRelation simpleProjectionAttributes emptyTupleSet), ("x:=relation{tuple{a \"spam\", b 5}}", mkRelation simpleCAttributes $ RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple simpleCAttributes (V.fromList [TextAtom "spam", IntegerAtom 5])]), ("constraint failc true in false; x:=true", Left $ InclusionDependencyCheckError "failc"), ("x:=y; x:=true", Left $ RelVarNotDefinedError "y"), ("x:=relation{}{}", Right relationFalse), ("x:=relation{tuple{}}", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true where true", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true where false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true where true or false", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true where false or false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true where true and false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true where false and true", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true where ^t and ^f", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true where true and true", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true=true", Right relationTrue), ("x:=true=false", Right relationFalse), ("x:=true; undefine x", Left (RelVarNotDefinedError "x")), ("x:=relation {b Integer, a Text}{}; insert x relation{tuple{b -5, a \"spam\"}}", mkRelationFromTuples simpleCAttributes [RelationTuple simpleCAttributes $ V.fromList [TextAtom "spam", IntegerAtom (-5)]]), -- test nested relation constructor ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5, b relation{tuple{a 6}}}}", mkRelation nestedRelationAttributes $ RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple nestedRelationAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, RelationAtom (Relation simpleAAttributes $ RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple simpleAAttributes $ V.fromList [IntegerAtom 6]])])]), ("x:=relation{tuple{b 5,a \"spam\"},tuple{b 6,a \"sam\"}}; delete x where b=6", mkRelation simpleCAttributes $ RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple simpleCAttributes (V.fromList [TextAtom "spam", IntegerAtom 5])]), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=@a}", mkRelation simpleDAttributes $ RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple simpleDAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, IntegerAtom 5])]), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=6}", mkRelationFromTuples simpleDAttributes [RelationTuple simpleDAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, IntegerAtom 6])]), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=add(@a,5)}", mkRelationFromTuples simpleDAttributes [RelationTuple simpleDAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, IntegerAtom 10])]), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=add(@a,\"spam\")}", Left (AtomFunctionTypeError "add" 2 IntegerAtomType TextAtomType)), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=add(add(@a,2),5)}", mkRelationFromTuples simpleDAttributes [RelationTuple simpleDAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, IntegerAtom 12])]), ("x:=false:{a:=1,b:=2}", mkRelationFromTuples simpleDAttributes []) ] simpleAAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntegerAtomType] simpleBAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "d" IntegerAtomType] simpleCAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" TextAtomType, Attribute "b" IntegerAtomType] simpleDAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "b" IntegerAtomType] simpleProjectionAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "c" IntegerAtomType] nestedRelationAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "b" (RelationAtomType $ A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntegerAtomType])] dateExampleRelTests :: Test dateExampleRelTests = TestCase $ do (graph, transId) <- freshTransactionGraph dateExamples mapM_ (\(tutd, expected) -> assertTutdEqual dateExamples transId graph expected tutd) testTups where simpleEitherIntTextAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" (eitherAtomType IntegerAtomType TextAtomType)] maybeIntegerAtomType = ConstructedAtomType "Maybe" (M.singleton "a" IntegerAtomType) maybeTextAtomType = ConstructedAtomType "Maybe" (M.singleton "a" TextAtomType) simpleMaybeTextAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" maybeTextAtomType] simpleMaybeIntAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" maybeIntegerAtomType] byteStringAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "y" ByteStringAtomType] minMaxAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "s#" TextAtomType, Attribute "z" IntegerAtomType] groupCountAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "z" IntegerAtomType] updateParisPlus10 = relMap (\tuple -> do statusAtom <- atomForAttributeName "status" tuple cityAtom <- atomForAttributeName "city" tuple if cityAtom == TextAtom "Paris" then Right $ updateTupleWithAtoms (M.singleton "status" (IntegerAtom (castInteger statusAtom + 10))) tuple else Right tuple) suppliersRel extendTestAttributes = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "b" $ RelationAtomType (R.attributes suppliersRel)] testTups = [("x:=s where true", Right suppliersRel), ("x:=s where city = \"London\"", restrict (\tuple -> pure $ atomForAttributeName "city" tuple == Right (TextAtom "London")) suppliersRel), ("x:=s where false", Right $ Relation (R.attributes suppliersRel) emptyTupleSet), ("x:=p where color=\"Blue\" and city=\"Paris\"", mkRelationFromList (R.attributes productsRel) [[TextAtom "P5", TextAtom "Cam", TextAtom "Blue", IntegerAtom 12, TextAtom "Paris"]]), ("a:=s; update a (status:=50); x:=a{status}", mkRelation (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "status" IntegerAtomType]) (RelationTupleSet [mkRelationTuple (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "status" IntegerAtomType]) (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 50])])), ("x:=s minus (s where status=20)", mkRelationFromList (R.attributes suppliersRel) [[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10, TextAtom "Paris"], [TextAtom "S3", TextAtom "Blake", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Paris"], [TextAtom "S5", TextAtom "Adams", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Athens"]]), --atom function tests ("x:=((s : {status2 := add(10,@status)}) where status2=add(10,@status)){city,s#,sname,status}", Right suppliersRel), ("x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} : {b:=s}", mkRelation extendTestAttributes (RelationTupleSet [mkRelationTuple extendTestAttributes (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 5, RelationAtom suppliersRel])])), ("x:=s; update x where sname=\"Blake\" (city:=\"Boston\")", relMap (\tuple -> if atomForAttributeName "sname" tuple == Right (TextAtom "Blake") then Right $ updateTupleWithAtoms (M.singleton "city" (TextAtom "Boston")) tuple else Right tuple) suppliersRel), ("x:=s; update x where city=\"Paris\" (status:=add(@status,10))", updateParisPlus10), --relatom function tests ("x:=((s group ({city} as y)):{z:=count(@y)}){z}", mkRelation groupCountAttrs (RelationTupleSet [mkRelationTuple groupCountAttrs (V.singleton $ IntegerAtom 1)])), ("x:=(sp group ({s#} as y)) ungroup y", Right supplierProductsRel), ("x:=((sp{s#,qty}) group ({qty} as x):{z:=max(@x)}){s#,z}", mkRelationFromList minMaxAttrs (map (\(s,i) -> [TextAtom s,IntegerAtom i]) [("S1", 400), ("S2", 400), ("S3", 200), ("S4", 400)])), ("x:=((sp{s#,qty}) group ({qty} as x):{z:=min(@x)}){s#,z}", mkRelationFromList minMaxAttrs (map (\(s,i) -> [TextAtom s,IntegerAtom i]) [("S1", 100), ("S2", 300), ("S3", 200), ("S4", 200)])), ("x:=((sp{s#,qty}) group ({qty} as x):{z:=sum(@x)}){s#,z}", mkRelationFromList minMaxAttrs (map (\(s,i) -> [TextAtom s,IntegerAtom i]) [("S1", 1000), ("S2", 700), ("S3", 200), ("S4", 900)])), --boolean function restriction ("x:=s where ^lt(@status,20)", mkRelationFromList (R.attributes suppliersRel) [[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10, TextAtom "Paris"]]), ("x:=s where ^gt(@status,20)", mkRelationFromList (R.attributes suppliersRel) [[TextAtom "S3", TextAtom "Blake", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Paris"], [TextAtom "S5", TextAtom "Adams", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Athens"]]), ("x:=s where ^sum(@status)", Left $ AtomTypeMismatchError IntegerAtomType BoolAtomType), ("x:=s where ^not(gte(@status,20))", mkRelationFromList (R.attributes suppliersRel) [[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10, TextAtom "Paris"]]), --test "all but" attribute inversion syntax ("x:=s{all but s#} = s{city,sname,status}", Right relationTrue), --test key syntax ("x:=s; key testconstraint {s#,city} x; insert x relation{tuple{city \"London\", s# \"S1\", sname \"gonk\", status 50}}", Left (InclusionDependencyCheckError "testconstraint")), ("y:=s; key testconstraint {s#} y; insert y relation{tuple{city \"London\", s# \"S6\", sname \"gonk\", status 50}}; x:=y{s#} = s{s#} union relation{tuple{s# \"S6\"}}", Right relationTrue), --test binary bytestring data type ("x:=relation{tuple{y bytestring(\"dGVzdGRhdGE=\")}}", mkRelationFromList byteStringAttributes [[ByteStringAtom (TE.encodeUtf8 "testdata")]]), --test Maybe Text ("x:=relation{tuple{a Just \"spam\"}}", mkRelationFromList simpleMaybeTextAttributes [[ConstructedAtom "Just" maybeTextAtomType [TextAtom "spam"]]]), --test Maybe Integer ("x:=relation{tuple{a Just 3}}", mkRelationFromList simpleMaybeIntAttributes [[ConstructedAtom "Just" maybeIntegerAtomType [IntegerAtom 3]]]), --test Either Integer Text ("x:=relation{tuple{a Left 3}}", Left (TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing "b")), -- Left 3, alone is not enough information to imply the type ("x:=relation{a Either Integer Text}{tuple{a Left 3}}", mkRelationFromList simpleEitherIntTextAttributes [[ConstructedAtom "Left" (eitherAtomType IntegerAtomType TextAtomType) [IntegerAtom 3]]]), --test datetime constructor ("x:=relation{tuple{a dateTimeFromEpochSeconds(1495199790)}}", mkRelationFromList (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" DateTimeAtomType]) [[DateTimeAtom (posixSecondsToUTCTime(realToFrac (1495199790 :: Int)))]]), --test Day constructor ("x:=relation{tuple{a fromGregorian(2017,05,30)}}", mkRelationFromList (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" DayAtomType]) [[DayAtom (fromGregorian 2017 05 30)]]) ] assertTutdEqual :: DatabaseContext -> TransactionId -> TransactionGraph -> Either RelationalError Relation -> Text -> Assertion assertTutdEqual databaseContext transId graph expected tutd = assertEqual (unpack tutd) expected interpreted where interpreted = case interpretDatabaseContextExpr databaseContext transId graph tutd of Left err -> Left err Right context -> case M.lookup "x" (relationVariables context) of Nothing -> Left $ RelVarNotDefinedError "x" Just relExpr -> do let env = freshGraphRefRelationalExprEnv (Just context) graph runGraphRefRelationalExprM env (evalGraphRefRelationalExpr relExpr) transactionGraphBasicTest :: Test transactionGraphBasicTest = TestCase $ do (_, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback graph <- transactionGraph_ dbconn assertEqual "validate bootstrapped graph" (validateGraph graph) Nothing --add a new transaction to the graph, validate it is in the graph transactionGraphAddCommitTest :: Test transactionGraphAddCommitTest = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback case parseTutorialD "x:=s" of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right parsed -> do result <- evalTutorialD sessionId dbconn UnsafeEvaluation parsed case result of QuitResult -> assertFailure "quit?" DisplayResult _ -> assertFailure "display?" DisplayIOResult _ -> assertFailure "displayIO?" DisplayRelationResult _ -> assertFailure "displayrelation?" DisplayDataFrameResult _ -> assertFailure "displaydataframe?" DisplayParseErrorResult _ _ -> assertFailure "displayparseerror?" DisplayErrorResult err -> assertFailure (show err) QuietSuccessResult -> do commit sessionId dbconn >>= eitherFail discon <- disconnectedTransaction_ sessionId dbconn let context = Discon.concreteDatabaseContext discon assertEqual "ensure x was added" (M.lookup "x" (relationVariables context)) (Just (ExistingRelation suppliersRel)) transactionRollbackTest :: Test transactionRollbackTest = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback graph <- transactionGraph_ dbconn executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Assign "x" (RelationVariable "s" ())) >>= eitherFail rollback sessionId dbconn >>= eitherFail discon <- disconnectedTransaction_ sessionId dbconn graph' <- transactionGraph_ dbconn assertEqual "validate context" Nothing (M.lookup "x" (relationVariables (Discon.concreteDatabaseContext discon))) let graphEq graphArg = transactionId (transactionsForGraph graphArg) assertEqual "validate graph" (graphEq graph) (graphEq graph') --commit a new transaction with "x" relation, jump to first transaction, verify that "x" is not present transactionJumpTest :: Test transactionJumpTest = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback (DisconnectedTransaction firstUUID _ _) <- disconnectedTransaction_ sessionId dbconn executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Assign "x" (RelationVariable "s" ())) >>= eitherFail commit sessionId dbconn >>= eitherFail --perform the jump executeGraphExpr sessionId dbconn (JumpToTransaction firstUUID) >>= eitherFail --check that the disconnected transaction does not include "x" discon <- disconnectedTransaction_ sessionId dbconn assertEqual "ensure x is not present" Nothing (M.lookup "x" (relationVariables (Discon.concreteDatabaseContext discon))) --branch from the first transaction and verify that there are two heads transactionBranchTest :: Test transactionBranchTest = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback mapM_ (>>= eitherFail) [executeGraphExpr sessionId dbconn (Branch "test"), executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Assign "x" (RelationVariable "s" ())), commit sessionId dbconn, executeGraphExpr sessionId dbconn (JumpToHead "master"), executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Assign "y" (RelationVariable "s" ())) ] graph <- transactionGraph_ dbconn assertBool "master branch exists" $ isJust (transactionForHead "master" graph) assertBool "test branch exists" $ isJust (transactionForHead "test" graph) -- test that overlapping attribute names with different types fail with an error failJoinTest :: Test failJoinTest = TestCase $ do (graph, transId) <- freshTransactionGraph dateExamples assertTutdEqual basicDatabaseContext transId graph err "x:=relation{tuple{test 4}} join relation{tuple{test \"test\"}}" where err = Left (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "test" IntegerAtomType])) simpleJoinTest :: Test simpleJoinTest = TestCase $ do (graph, transId) <- freshTransactionGraph dateExamples assertTutdEqual dateExamples transId graph joinedRel "x:=s join sp" where attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "city" TextAtomType, Attribute "qty" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "p#" TextAtomType, Attribute "s#" TextAtomType, Attribute "sname" TextAtomType, Attribute "status" IntegerAtomType] joinedRel = mkRelationFromList attrs [[TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 100, TextAtom "P6", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 400, TextAtom "P3", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 400, TextAtom "P5", TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "Clark", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 300, TextAtom "P1", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "Paris", IntegerAtom 200, TextAtom "P2", TextAtom "S3", TextAtom "Blake", IntegerAtom 30], [TextAtom "Paris", IntegerAtom 300, TextAtom "P1", TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 100, TextAtom "P5", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 300, TextAtom "P4", TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "Clark", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "Paris", IntegerAtom 400, TextAtom "P2", TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 200, TextAtom "P2", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 200, TextAtom "P4", TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 200, TextAtom "P2", TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "Clark", IntegerAtom 20] ] {- inclusionDependencies :: Connection -> M.Map IncDepName InclusionDependency inclusionDependencies (InProcessConnection (DisconnectedTransaction _ context)) = inclusionDependencies context inclusionDependencies _ = error "remote connection used" -} -- test notifications over the InProcessConnection testNotification :: Test testNotification = TestCase $ do notifmvar <- newEmptyMVar let notifCallback mvar _ _ = putMVar mvar () relvarx = RelationVariable "x" () (sess, conn) <- dateExamplesConnection (notifCallback notifmvar) executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationTrue)) >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (AddNotification "test notification" relvarx relvarx relvarx) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationFalse)) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail takeMVar notifmvar testTypeConstructors :: Test testTypeConstructors = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "data Hair = Color Text | Bald | UserRefusesToSpecify" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{a Hair}{tuple{a Color \"Blonde\"},tuple{a Bald},tuple{a UserRefusesToSpecify}}" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | EmptyNode" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=relation{a Tree Integer}{tuple{a Node 3 (Node 4 EmptyNode EmptyNode) EmptyNode},tuple{a Node 4 EmptyNode EmptyNode}}" testMergeTransactions :: Test testMergeTransactions = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback mapM_ (executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn) [ ":branch branchA", "conflictrv := relation{conflict Integer}{tuple{conflict 1}}", ":commit", ":jumphead master", ":branch branchB", "conflictrv := relation{conflict Integer}{tuple{conflict 2}}", ":commit", ":mergetrans union branchA branchB" ] case mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "conflict" IntegerAtomType]) [[IntegerAtom 1],[IntegerAtom 2]] of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right conflictCheck -> do eRv <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "conflictrv" ()) case eRv of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right conflictrv -> assertEqual "conflict union merge relvar" conflictCheck conflictrv testComments :: Test testComments = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback mapM_ (executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn) [ ":branch testbranch --test comment\n", ":jumphead {- test comment -} master"] -- create a graph and query from two disparate contexts testTransGraphRelationalExpr :: Test testTransGraphRelationalExpr = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback mapM_ (executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn) [ "x:=s", --dud relvar so that the commit isn't empty ":commit", ":branch testbranch", "insert s relation{tuple{city \"Boston\", s# \"S9\", sname \"Smithers\", status 50}}", ":commit" ] let masterMarker = TransactionIdHeadNameLookup "master" [] testBranchMarker = TransactionIdHeadNameLookup "testbranch" [] sattrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "city" TextAtomType, Attribute "sname" TextAtomType, Attribute "s#" TextAtomType, Attribute "status" IntegerAtomType] expectedRel = mkRelationFromList sattrs [[TextAtom "Boston", TextAtom "Smithers", TextAtom "S9", IntegerAtom 50]] diff <- executeTransGraphRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (Difference (RelationVariable "s" testBranchMarker) (RelationVariable "s" masterMarker)) assertEqual "difference in s" expectedRel diff --test graph traversal (head backtracking) let testBranchBacktrack = TransactionIdHeadNameLookup "testbranch" [TransactionIdHeadParentBacktrack 1] backtrackRel <- executeTransGraphRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (Equals (RelationVariable "s" testBranchBacktrack) (RelationVariable "s" masterMarker)) assertEqual "backtrack to master" (Right relationTrue) backtrackRel --test walkback to time (stay in current location) now <- getCurrentTime headId <- headTransactionId sessionId dbconn _ <- executeGraphExpr sessionId dbconn (WalkBackToTime now) headId' <- headTransactionId sessionId dbconn assertEqual "transaction walk back stays in place" headId headId' --test branch deletion mapM_ (executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn) [ ":jumphead master", ":deletebranch testbranch"] eEvald <- case parseTutorialD ":jumphead testbranch" of Left _ -> assertFailure "jumphead parse error" >> error "x" Right parsed -> evalTutorialD sessionId dbconn UnsafeEvaluation parsed case eEvald of DisplayErrorResult err -> assertEqual "testbranch deletion" (show (NoSuchHeadNameError "testbranch")) (unpack err) _ -> assertFailure "failed to delete branch" testMultiAttributeRename :: Test testMultiAttributeRename = TestCase $ do (graph, transId) <- freshTransactionGraph dateExamples assertTutdEqual dateExamples transId graph renamedRel "x:=s rename {city as town, status as price} where false" where sattrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "town" TextAtomType, Attribute "sname" TextAtomType, Attribute "s#" TextAtomType, Attribute "price" IntegerAtomType] renamedRel = mkRelationFromList sattrs [] testSchemaExpr :: Test testSchemaExpr = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback mapM_ (executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn) [ ":addschema test (isopassthrough \"true\", isopassthrough \"false\", isorename \"supplier\" \"s\", isorename \"supplier_product\" \"sp\", isounion \"heavy_product\" \"light_product\" \"p\" ^gte(17,@weight))", ":setschema test", "" ] eLightProduct <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "light_product" ()) lightProduct <- assertEither eLightProduct let restriction = NotPredicate (AtomExprPredicate (FunctionAtomExpr "gte" [NakedAtomExpr (IntegerAtom 17), AttributeAtomExpr "weight"] ())) setCurrentSchemaName sessionId dbconn Sess.defaultSchemaName >>= eitherFail eRestrictedProduct <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (Restrict restriction (RelationVariable "p" ())) restrictedProduct <- assertEither eRestrictedProduct assertEqual "light product" restrictedProduct lightProduct assertEither :: (Show a) => Either a b -> IO b assertEither x = case x of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) >> undefined Right val -> pure val -- | Validate that a tuple passed through the context correctly typechecks and propagates to the AttributeAtomExpr. testRelationalExprStateTupleElems :: Test testRelationalExprStateTupleElems = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x := (s : { parts := p rename {city as pcity} where pcity=@city}) : {z:=count(@parts)}" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=x{city,z}" eRv <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "y" ()) let expectedRel = mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "city" TextAtomType, Attribute "z" IntegerAtomType]) [[TextAtom "Paris", IntegerAtom 2], [TextAtom "London", IntegerAtom 3], [TextAtom "Athens", IntegerAtom 0]] assertEqual "validate parts count" expectedRel eRv executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "rv1:=relation{tuple{test 1}}" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "rv2:=relation{tuple{val 1},tuple{val 2}}" --check subexpression evaluation in restriction predicate -- "rv1 where ((rv2 where val=@test) {})" let correctSubexpr = Restrict (AttributeEqualityPredicate "val" (AttributeAtomExpr "test")) (RelationVariable "rv2" ()) mainExpr subexpr = Restrict (RelationalExprPredicate (Project AN.empty subexpr)) (RelationVariable "rv1" ()) eRv2 <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (mainExpr correctSubexpr) let expectedRel2 = mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "test" IntegerAtomType]) [[IntegerAtom 1]] assertEqual "validate sub-expression attribute" expectedRel2 eRv2 --check error in subexpression let wrongSubexpr = Restrict (AttributeEqualityPredicate "nosuchattr" (AttributeAtomExpr "test")) (RelationVariable "rv2" ()) eRv3 <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (mainExpr wrongSubexpr) assertEqual "validate missing attribute in subexpression" (Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton "nosuchattr"))) eRv3 -- | Add a functional dependency on sname -> status and insert one tuple which is valid and another tuple which is invalid. testFunctionalDependencies :: Test testFunctionalDependencies = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "funcdep sname_status (sname) -> (status) s" --insert a new, valid tuple executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "insert s relation{tuple{city \"Boston\", s# \"S6\", sname \"Stevens\", status 30}}" --insert an constraint-violating tuple let expectedError = "InclusionDependencyCheckError \"sname_status_A\"" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf expectedError) "insert s relation{tuple{city \"Boston\", s# \"S7\", sname \"Jones\", status 20}}" testEmptyCommits :: Test testEmptyCommits = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback dirty <- disconnectedTransactionIsDirty sessionId dbconn assertEqual "no change not dirty" (Right False) dirty Right () <- commit sessionId dbconn --insert no tuples Right () <- executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Insert "s" (RelationVariable "s" ())) dirty' <- disconnectedTransactionIsDirty sessionId dbconn assertEqual "empty insert empty commit" (Right False) dirty' Right () <- commit sessionId dbconn --update no tuples- since we defer the restriction, we can only assume the context is dirty, perhaps the constraint checker could offer an optimization here Right () <- executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Update "s" (M.singleton "sname" (NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "Bob"))) (AttributeEqualityPredicate "sname" (NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "Mike")))) dirty'' <- disconnectedTransactionIsDirty sessionId dbconn assertEqual "empty update empty commit" (Right True) dirty'' Right () <- commit sessionId dbconn --assign the same rel expr Right () <- executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Assign "true" (ExistingRelation relationTrue)) sameREdirty <- disconnectedTransactionIsDirty sessionId dbconn assertEqual "same relexpr assigned" (Right False) sameREdirty Right () <- commit sessionId dbconn --delete no tuples Right () <- executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn (Delete "s" (AttributeEqualityPredicate "sname" (NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "Mike")))) dirty''' <- disconnectedTransactionIsDirty sessionId dbconn assertEqual "empty delete empty commit" (Right True) dirty''' testIntervalAtom :: Test testIntervalAtom = TestCase $ do --test interval creation (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{tuple{n 1, a interval(3,4,f,f), b interval(4,5,f,f)}, tuple{n 2,a interval(3,4,t,t), b interval(4,5,t,t)}}" --test failed interval creation let err1 = "AtomFunctionUserError InvalidIntervalOrderingError" err2 = "AtomFunctionUserError (AtomTypeDoesNotSupportIntervalError \"Text\")" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "z:=relation{tuple{a interval(4,3,f,f)}}" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err2) "z:=relation{tuple{a interval(\"s\",\"t\",f,f)}}" --test interval_overlaps executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=x:{c:=interval_overlaps(@a,@b)}" eRv <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (Project (AttributeNames (S.fromList ["n","c"])) (RelationVariable "y" ())) assertEqual "interval overlap check" (mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "c" BoolAtomType,Attribute "n" IntegerAtomType]) [[BoolAtom True, IntegerAtom 1], [BoolAtom False, IntegerAtom 2]]) eRv testListConstructedAtom :: Test testListConstructedAtom = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{tuple{l Cons 4 (Cons 5 Empty)}}" let err1 = "ConstructedAtomArgumentCountMismatchError 2 1" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "z:=relation{tuple{l Cons 4}}" let err2 = "TypeConstructorAtomTypeMismatch \"List\" IntegerAtomType" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err2) "z:=relation{tuple{l Cons 4 5}}" testTypeChecker :: Test testTypeChecker = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "AtomFunctionTypeError \"max\" 1 (RelationAtomType [Attribute \"_\" IntegerAtomType]) IntegerAtomType" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=relation{tuple{a 0}}:{b:=max(@a)}" --exercise expression parser testRestrictionPredicateExprs :: Test testRestrictionPredicateExprs = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback -- or executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=s where status=20 or status=10" eRvOr <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) let expectedRelOr = restrict (\tuple -> pure (atomForAttributeName "status" tuple `elem` [Right (IntegerAtom 10), Right (IntegerAtom 20)])) suppliersRel assertEqual "status 20 or 10" expectedRelOr eRvOr -- and executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=s where status=20 and status=10" eRvAnd <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) let expectedRelAnd = Right (emptyRelationWithAttrs (R.attributes suppliersRel)) assertEqual "status 20 and 10" expectedRelAnd eRvAnd testRelationalAttributeNames :: Test testRelationalAttributeNames = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=(s join sp){all from sp}" eRv <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) case eRv of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right rel -> assertEqual "attributes from sp" (R.attributes supplierProductsRel) (R.attributes rel) testSemijoin :: Test testSemijoin = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=s semijoin sp" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=s where not (sname = \"Adams\")" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) eY <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "y" ()) assertEqual "semijoin missing Adams" eX eY testAntijoin :: Test testAntijoin = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=s antijoin sp" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=s where sname = \"Adams\"" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) eY <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "y" ()) assertEqual "antijoin only Adams" eX eY testRelationAttributeDefinition :: Test testRelationAttributeDefinition = TestCase $ do -- test normal subrelation construction (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{a relation{b Integer}}{tuple{a relation{tuple{b 4}}}}" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) let expected = mkRelationFromList attrs [[RelationAtom subRel]] attrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "a" (RelationAtomType subRelAttrs)] subRelAttrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "b" IntegerAtomType] Right subRel = mkRelationFromList subRelAttrs [[IntegerAtom 4]] assertEqual "relation attribute construction" expected eX -- test rejected subrelation construction due to floating type variables expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf "TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing") "y:=relation{a relation{b x}}" testAssignWithTypeVar :: Test testAssignWithTypeVar = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "y:=relation{a int, b invalidtype}" testDefineWithTypeVar :: Test testDefineWithTypeVar = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isInfixOf err1) "y::{a int, b invalidtype}" testIntervalType :: Test testIntervalType = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{a Interval Integer}" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) let expectedIntervalInt = mkRelationFromList expectedAttrs [] expectedAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" (intervalAtomType IntegerAtomType)] assertEqual "Interval Int attribute" expectedIntervalInt eX testArbitraryRelation :: Test testArbitraryRelation = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "createarbitraryrelation rv1 {a Integer} 5-10" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "createarbitraryrelation rv2 {a Integer, b relation{c Integer}} 10-100" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "createarbitraryrelation rv3 {a Int, b relation{c Interval Int}} 3-100" testNonEmptyListType :: Test testNonEmptyListType = TestCase $ do --create a NonEmptyList (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{tuple{a NECons 3 (Cons 4 Empty)}} : {x:=nonEmptyListHead(@a)}" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) let expected = mkRelationFromList attrs [[nelist, nehead]] attrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "a" neListType, Attribute "x" IntegerAtomType] neListType = nonEmptyListAtomType IntegerAtomType listType = listAtomType IntegerAtomType nelist = ConstructedAtom "NECons" (nonEmptyListAtomType IntegerAtomType) [ IntegerAtom 3, ConstructedAtom "Cons" listType [IntegerAtom 4, ConstructedAtom "Empty" listType []]] nehead = IntegerAtom 3 assertEqual "non-empty list type construction" expected eX testUnresolvedAtomTypes :: Test testUnresolvedAtomTypes = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=relation{tuple{a Empty}}" executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=relation{a List Int}{tuple{a Empty}}" -- with (x as s) s testWithClause :: Test testWithClause = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=with (x as s) x" eX <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) assertEqual "with x as s" (Right suppliersRel) eX let err1 = "RelVarAlreadyDefinedError" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=with (s as s) s" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=with (s as sp) s" testAtomFunctionArgumentMismatch :: Test testAtomFunctionArgumentMismatch = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "AtomTypeMismatchError" --atom function type mismatch expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} where ^gt(@a,1.5)" --wrong argument count let err2 = "FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err2) "x:=relation{tuple{a 5}} where ^gt(@a,1,3)" testInvalidDataConstructor :: Test testInvalidDataConstructor = TestCase $ do --test that a referenced TypeConstructor in a DataConstructor definition matches the expected count of arguments (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let err1 = "ConstructedAtomArgumentCountMismatchError" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf err1) "data TestT = TestT Maybe Int" testBasicList :: Test testBasicList = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x := relation{tuple{ a (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Empty)) }}" testRelationDeclarationMismatch :: Test testRelationDeclarationMismatch = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf "AtomTypeMismatchError") "data A a = A a | B | C; a := relation{a A Integer}{tuple{a A \"1\"}}" --generate errors when the tuples in a new relation don't match testInvalidTuples :: Test testInvalidTuples = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf "AttributeNamesMismatchError") ":showexpr relation{tuple{a 1},tuple{b 2}}" expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf "AttributeNamesMismatchError") ":showexpr relation{tuple{a 1},tuple{a 2, b 3}}" -- expectTutorialDErr sessionId dbconn (T.isPrefixOf "ParseErrorBundle") ":showexpr relation{tuple{a 2, a 3}}" --parse failure can't be validated with this function testSelfReferencingUncommittedContext :: Test testSelfReferencingUncommittedContext = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "s:=s union s" eS <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "s" ()) _ <- rollback sessionId dbconn eSorig <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "s" ()) assertEqual "s=s'" eSorig eS testUnionAndIntersectionAttributeExprs :: Test testUnionAndIntersectionAttributeExprs = TestCase $ do (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "x:=s{intersection of {all but sname} {sname}}" xRel <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "x" ()) assertEqual "intersection attrs" (Right relationTrue) xRel executeTutorialD sessionId dbconn "y:=s{union of {all but sname} {sname}}" yRel <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn (RelationVariable "y" ()) assertEqual "union attrs" (Right suppliersRel) yRel