module Parser ( consult, consultString, parseQuery , program, whitespace, comment, clause, terms, term, bottom, vname ) where import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.Expr hiding (Assoc(..)) import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as Parsec import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef) import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>),(<$),(<*)) import Syntax consult = fmap consultString . readFile consultString :: String -> Either ParseError Program consultString = parse (whitespace >> program <* eof) "(input)" parseQuery = parse (whitespace >> terms <* eof) "(query)" program = many (clause <* char '.' <* whitespace) whitespace = skipMany (comment <|> skip space "") comment = skip $ choice [ string "/*" >> (manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "*/") , char '%' >> (manyTill anyChar $ try $ skip newline <|> eof) ] skip = (>> return ()) clause = do t <- struct <* whitespace dcg t <|> normal t where normal t = do ts <- option [] $ do string ":-" <* whitespace terms return (Clause t ts) dcg t = do string "-->" <* whitespace ts <- terms return (translate (t,ts)) translate ((Struct a ts), rhs) = let lhs' = Struct a (arguments ts (head vars) (last vars)) vars = map (var.("d_"++).(a++).show) [0..length rhs] -- We explicitly choose otherwise invalid variable names rhs' = zipWith3 translate' rhs vars (tail vars) in Clause lhs' rhs' translate' t s s0 | isList t = Struct "=" [ s, foldr_pl cons s0 t ] -- Terminal translate' t@(Struct "{}" ts) s s0 = foldr and (Struct "=" [ s, s0 ]) ts -- Braced terms translate' (Struct a ts) s s0 = Struct a (arguments ts s s0) -- Non-Terminal and x y = Struct "," [x,y] isList (Struct "." [_,_]) = True isList (Struct "[]" []) = True isList _ = False terms = sepBy1 termWithoutConjunction (charWs ',') term = term' False termWithoutConjunction = term' True term' ignoreConjunction = buildExpressionParser (reverse $ map (map toParser) $ hierarchy ignoreConjunction) (bottom <* whitespace) bottom = variable <|> struct <|> list <|> stringLiteral <|> cut <$ char '!' <|> Struct "{}" <$> between (charWs '{') (char '}') terms <|> between (charWs '(') (char ')') term toParser (PrefixOp name) = Prefix (reservedOp name >> return (\t -> Struct name [t])) toParser (InfixOp assoc name) = Infix (reservedOp name >> return (\t1 t2 -> Struct name [t1, t2])) (case assoc of AssocLeft -> Parsec.AssocLeft AssocRight -> Parsec.AssocRight) reservedOp = P.reservedOp $ P.makeTokenParser $ emptyDef { P.opStart = oneOf ";,<=>\\i*+m@" , P.opLetter = oneOf "=.:<+" , P.reservedOpNames = operatorNames , P.caseSensitive = True } charWs c = char c <* whitespace operatorNames = [ ";", ",", "<", "=..", "=:=", "=<", "=", ">=", ">", "\\=", "is", "*", "+", "-", "\\", "mod", "div", "\\+" ] variable = (Wildcard <$ try (char '_' <* notFollowedBy (alphaNum <|> char '_'))) <|> Var <$> vname "variable" vname = VariableName 0 <$> ((:) <$> upper <*> many (alphaNum <|> char '_') <|> (:) <$> char '_' <*> many1 (alphaNum <|> char '_')) atom = (:) <$> lower <*> many (alphaNum <|> char '_') <|> many1 digit <|> choice (map string operatorNames) <|> many1 (oneOf "#$&*+/.<=>\\^~") <|> between (char '\'') (char '\'') (many (noneOf "'")) "atom" struct = do a <- atom ts <- option [] $ between (charWs '(') (char ')') terms return (Struct a ts) list = between (charWs '[') (char ']') $ flip (foldr cons) <$> option [] terms <*> option nil (charWs '|' >> term) stringLiteral = foldr cons nil . map representChar <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (try (many (noneOf "\""))) representChar c = Struct (show (fromEnum c)) [] -- This is the classical Prolog representation of chars as code points. --representChar c = Struct [c] [] -- This is the more natural representation as one-character atoms. --representChar c = Struct "char" [Struct (show (fromEnum c)) []] -- This is a representation as tagged code points. --toChar :: Term -> Maybe Char --toChar (Struct "char" [Struct (toEnum . read->c) []]) = Just c --toChar _ = Nothing