prometheus-client-0.3.0: Haskell client library for

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides the basics for instrumenting Haskell executables for use with the Prometheus monitoring system.



registerIO :: IO (Metric s) -> IO (Metric s) Source #

Registers a metric with the global metric registry.

register :: Metric s -> IO (Metric s) Source #

Registers a metric with the global metric registry.

unsafeRegisterIO :: IO (Metric s) -> Metric s Source #

Registers a metric with the global metric registry.

IMPORTANT: This method should only be used to register metrics as top level symbols, it should not be run from other pure code.

For example,

>>> :{
 {-# NOINLINE c #-}
 let c = unsafeRegisterIO $ counter (Info "my_counter" "An example metric")

unsafeRegister :: Metric s -> Metric s Source #

Registers a metric with the global metric registry.

IMPORTANT: This method should only be used to register metrics as top level symbols, it should not be run from other pure code.

unregisterAll :: IO () Source #

Removes all currently registered metrics from the registry.

collectMetrics :: IO [SampleGroup] Source #

Collect samples from all currently registered metrics. In typical use cases there is no reason to use this function, instead you should use exportMetricsAsText or a convenience library.

This function is likely only of interest if you wish to export metrics in a non-supported format for use with another monitoring service.


exportMetricsAsText :: IO ByteString Source #

Export all registered metrics in the Prometheus 0.0.4 text exposition format.

For the full specification of the format, see the official Prometheus documentation.

>>> :m +Data.ByteString
>>> myCounter <- registerIO $ counter (Info "my_counter" "Example counter")
>>> incCounter myCounter
>>> exportMetricsAsText >>= Data.ByteString.putStr
# HELP my_counter Example counter
# TYPE my_counter counter
my_counter 1.0


A metric represents a single value that is being monitored. For example a metric could be the number of open files, the current CPU temperature, the elapsed time of execution, and the latency of HTTP requests.

This module provides 4 built-in metric types: counters, gauges, summaries, and metric vectors. These types of metrics should cover most typical use cases. However, for more specialized use cases it is also possible to write custom metrics.


A counter models a monotonically increasing value. It is the simplest type of metric provided by this library.

A Counter is typically used to count requests served, tasks completed, errors occurred, etc.

>>> myCounter <- counter (Info "my_counter" "An example counter")
>>> replicateM_ 47 (incCounter myCounter)
>>> getCounter myCounter
>>> void $ addCounter 10 myCounter
>>> getCounter myCounter

counter :: Info -> IO (Metric Counter) Source #

Creates a new counter metric with a given name and help string.

incCounter :: MonadMonitor m => Metric Counter -> m () Source #

Increments the value of a counter metric by 1.

addCounter :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric Counter -> m Bool Source #

Add the given value to the counter, if it is zero or more.

unsafeAddCounter :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric Counter -> m () Source #

Add the given value to the counter. Panic if it is less than zero.

addDurationToCounter :: IO a -> Metric Counter -> IO a Source #

Add the duration of an IO action (in seconds) to a counter.

getCounter :: Metric Counter -> IO Double Source #

Retrieves the current value of a counter metric.


A gauge models an arbitrary floating point value. There are operations to set the value of a gauge as well as add and subtract arbitrary values.

>>> myGauge <- gauge (Info "my_gauge" "An example gauge")
>>> setGauge 100 myGauge
>>> addGauge 50 myGauge
>>> subGauge 25 myGauge
>>> getGauge myGauge

gauge :: Info -> IO (Metric Gauge) Source #

Create a new gauge metric with a given name and help string.

incGauge :: MonadMonitor m => Metric Gauge -> m () Source #

Increments a gauge metric by 1.

decGauge :: MonadMonitor m => Metric Gauge -> m () Source #

Decrements a gauge metric by 1.

addGauge :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric Gauge -> m () Source #

Adds a value to a gauge metric.

subGauge :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric Gauge -> m () Source #

Subtracts a value from a gauge metric.

setGauge :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric Gauge -> m () Source #

Sets a gauge metric to a specific value.

setGaugeToDuration :: IO a -> Metric Gauge -> IO a Source #

Sets a gauge metric to the duration in seconds of an IO action.

getGauge :: Metric Gauge -> IO Double Source #

Retrieves the current value of a gauge metric.

Summaries and histograms

An Observer is a generic metric that captures observations of a floating point value over time. Different implementations can store and summarise these value in different ways.

The two main observers are summaries and histograms. A Summary allows you to get a precise estimate of a particular quantile, but cannot be meaningfully aggregated across processes. A Histogram packs requests into user-supplied buckets, which can be aggregated meaningfully, but provide much less precise information on particular quantiles.

class Observer metric where Source #

Interface shared by Summary and Histogram.

Minimal complete definition



observe :: MonadMonitor m => Double -> Metric metric -> m () Source #

Observe that a particular floating point value has occurred. For example, observe that this request took 0.23s.

observeDuration :: Observer metric => IO a -> Metric metric -> IO a Source #

Adds the duration in seconds of an IO action as an observation to an observer metric.


A summary is an Observer that summarizes the observations as a count, sum, and rank estimations. A typical use case for summaries is measuring HTTP request latency.

>>> mySummary <- summary (Info "my_summary" "") defaultQuantiles
>>> observe 0 mySummary
>>> getSummary mySummary
[(1 % 2,0.0),(9 % 10,0.0),(99 % 100,0.0)]

data Summary Source #


type Quantile = (Rational, Rational) Source #

A quantile is a pair of a quantile value and an associated acceptable error value.

summary :: Info -> [Quantile] -> IO (Metric Summary) Source #

Creates a new summary metric with a given name, help string, and a list of quantiles. A reasonable set set of quantiles is provided by defaultQuantiles.

getSummary :: Metric Summary -> IO [(Rational, Double)] Source #

Retrieves a list of tuples containing a quantile and its associated value.


A histogram captures observations of a floating point value over time and stores those observations in a user-supplied histogram. A typical use case for histograms is measuring HTTP request latency. Histograms are unlike summaries in that they can be meaningfully aggregated across processes.

>>> myHistogram <- histogram (Info "my_histogram" "") defaultBuckets
>>> observe 0 myHistogram
>>> getHistogram myHistogram
fromList [(5.0e-3,1),(1.0e-2,0),(2.5e-2,0),(5.0e-2,0),(0.1,0),(0.25,0),(0.5,0),(1.0,0),(2.5,0),(5.0,0),(10.0,0)]

data Histogram Source #

A histogram. Counts the number of observations that fall within the specified buckets.

histogram :: Info -> [Bucket] -> IO (Metric Histogram) Source #

Create a new Histogram metric with a given name, help string, and list of buckets. Panics if the list of buckets is not strictly increasing. A good default list of buckets is defaultBuckets. You can also create buckets with linearBuckets or exponentialBuckets.

defaultBuckets :: [Double] Source #

The default Histogram buckets. These are tailored to measure the response time (in seconds) of a network service. You will almost certainly need to customize them for your particular use case.

exponentialBuckets :: Bucket -> Double -> Int -> [Bucket] Source #

Create count buckets, where the lowest bucket has an upper bound of start and each bucket's upper bound is factor times the previous bucket's upper bound. Use this to create buckets for histogram.

linearBuckets :: Bucket -> Double -> Int -> [Bucket] Source #

Create count buckets, each width wide, where the lowest bucket has an upper bound of start. Use this to create buckets for histogram.

getHistogram :: Metric Histogram -> IO (Map Bucket Int) Source #

Retries a map of upper bounds to counts of values observed that are less-than-or-equal-to that upper bound, but greater than any other upper bound in the map.


A vector models a collection of metrics that share the same name but are partitioned across a set of dimensions.

>>> myVector <- vector ("method", "code") $ counter (Info "http_requests" "")
>>> register myVector
>>> withLabel ("GET", "200") incCounter myVector
>>> withLabel ("GET", "200") incCounter myVector
>>> withLabel ("GET", "404") incCounter myVector
>>> withLabel ("POST", "200") incCounter myVector
>>> getVectorWith getCounter myVector
>>> exportMetricsAsText >>= Data.ByteString.putStr
# HELP http_requests
# TYPE http_requests counter
http_requests{method="GET",code="200"} 2.0
http_requests{method="GET",code="404"} 1.0
http_requests{method="POST",code="200"} 1.0

data Vector l m Source #

vector :: Label l => l -> IO (Metric m) -> IO (Metric (Vector l m)) Source #

Creates a new vector of metrics given a label.

withLabel :: (Label label, MonadMonitor m) => label -> (Metric metric -> IO ()) -> Metric (Vector label metric) -> m () Source #

Given a label, applies an operation to the corresponding metric in the vector.

removeLabel :: (Label label, MonadMonitor m) => Metric (Vector label metric) -> label -> m () Source #

Removes a label from a vector.

clearLabels :: (Label label, MonadMonitor m) => Metric (Vector label metric) -> m () Source #

Removes all labels from a vector.

getVectorWith :: (Metric metric -> IO a) -> Metric (Vector label metric) -> IO [(label, a)] Source #


The labels of a vector metric are types of the class Label. This module defines all n-tupes of Strings for n <= 9 to be Labels. Additionally, the type aliases LabelN is defined for each of these tuple types to make specifying the types of vectors more concise.

>>> :{
>>> let myVector :: IO (Metric (Vector Label3 Counter));
>>> myVector = vector ("a", "b", "c") $ counter (Info "some_counter" "")
>>> :}

class Ord l => Label l where Source #

Label describes a class of types that can be used to as the label of a vector.

Minimal complete definition



labelPairs :: l -> l -> LabelPairs Source #


Label () Source # 


labelPairs :: () -> () -> LabelPairs Source #

Label String Source # 
Label (String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String, String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) Source # 
Label (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) Source # 

type LabelPairs = [(String, String)] Source #

A list of tuples where the first value is the label and the second is the value of that label.

type Label0 = () Source #

Custom metrics

Custom metrics can be created by directly creating a new Metric type. There are two parts of any metric, the handle and the collect method.

The handle is a value embedded in the metric that is intended to allow for communication with the metric from instrumented code. For example, all of the metrics provided by this library use a newtype wrapped TVar of some underlying data type as their handle. When defining a new metric, it is recommended that you use a newtype wrapper around your handle type as it will allow users of your metric to succinctly identify your metric in type signatures.

The collect method is responsible for serializing the current value of a metric into a list of SampleGroups.

The following is an example of a custom metric that models the current CPU time. It uses a newtype wrapped unit as the handler type since it doesn't need to maintain any state.

>>> :m +System.CPUTime
>>> :m +Data.ByteString.UTF8
>>> newtype CPUTime = MkCPUTime ()
>>> let info = Info "cpu_time" "The current CPU time"
>>> let toValue = Data.ByteString.UTF8.fromString . show
>>> let toSample = Sample "cpu_time" [] . toValue
>>> let toSampleGroup = (:[]) . SampleGroup info GaugeType . (:[]) . toSample
>>> let collectCPUTime = fmap toSampleGroup getCPUTime
>>> let cpuTimeMetric = Metric (MkCPUTime ()) collectCPUTime
>>> register cpuTimeMetric
>>> exportMetricsAsText >>= Data.ByteString.putStr
# HELP cpu_time The current CPU time
# TYPE cpu_time gauge
cpu_time ...

Instrumenting pure code

Pure code can be instrumented through the use of the Monitor monad and MonitorT monad transformer. These constructs work by queueing all operations on metrics. In order for the operations to actually be performed, the queue must be evaluated within the IO monad.

The following is a contrived example that defines an add function that records the number of times it was invoked.

add :: Int -> Int -> Monitor Int

Note that the changes to numAdds are not reflected until the updateMetrics value has been evaluated in the IO monad.

>>> numAdds <- counter (Info "num_adds" "The number of additions")
>>> let add x y = incCounter numAdds >> return (x + y)
>>> let (3, updateMetrics) = runMonitor $ (add 1 1) >>= (add 1)
>>> getCounter numAdds
>>> updateMetrics
>>> getCounter numAdds

class Monad m => MonadMonitor m where Source #

MonadMonitor describes a class of Monads that are capable of performing asynchronous IO operations.

Minimal complete definition



doIO :: IO () -> m () Source #


MonadMonitor IO Source # 


doIO :: IO () -> IO () Source #

Monad m => MonadMonitor (MonitorT m) Source # 


doIO :: IO () -> MonitorT m () Source #

type Monitor a = MonitorT Identity a Source #

Monitor allows the use of Prometheus metrics in pure code. When using Monitor, all of the metric operations will be collected and queued into a single IO () value that can be run from impure code.

Because all of the operations are performed asynchronously use of this class is not recommended for use with metrics that are time sensitive (e.g. for measuring latency).

runMonitor :: Monitor a -> (a, IO ()) Source #

Extract a value and the corresponding monitor update value from the Monitor monad. For an example use see Monitor.

data MonitorT m a Source #

MonitorT is the monad transformer analog of Monitor and allows for monitoring pure monad transformer stacks.


MonadTrans MonitorT Source # 


lift :: Monad m => m a -> MonitorT m a #

Monad m => Monad (MonitorT m) Source # 


(>>=) :: MonitorT m a -> (a -> MonitorT m b) -> MonitorT m b #

(>>) :: MonitorT m a -> MonitorT m b -> MonitorT m b #

return :: a -> MonitorT m a #

fail :: String -> MonitorT m a #

Functor m => Functor (MonitorT m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MonitorT m a -> MonitorT m b #

(<$) :: a -> MonitorT m b -> MonitorT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (MonitorT m) Source # 


pure :: a -> MonitorT m a #

(<*>) :: MonitorT m (a -> b) -> MonitorT m a -> MonitorT m b #

(*>) :: MonitorT m a -> MonitorT m b -> MonitorT m b #

(<*) :: MonitorT m a -> MonitorT m b -> MonitorT m a #

Monad m => MonadMonitor (MonitorT m) Source # 


doIO :: IO () -> MonitorT m () Source #

runMonitorT :: Monad m => MonitorT m a -> m (a, IO ()) Source #

Extract a value and the corresponding monitor update value from the MonitorT monad transformer.

Base data types

data Info Source #

Meta data about a metric including its name and a help string that describes the value that the metric is measuring.




data Metric s Source #

A metric represents a single value that is being monitored. It is comprised of a handle value and a collect method. The handle value is typically a new type wrapped value that provides access to the internal state of the metric. The collect method samples the current value of the metric.




data Sample Source #

A single value recorded at a moment in time. The sample type contains the name of the sample, a list of labels and their values, and the value encoded as a ByteString.


data SampleGroup Source #

A Sample group is a list of samples that is tagged with meta data including the name, help string, and type of the sample.

data SampleType Source #

The type of a sample. This corresponds to the 5 types of metrics supported by Prometheus.