-- | Maintainer: 2016 Evan Cofsky <evan@theunixman.com>
-- Personal Package Archives
module Propellor.Property.Apt.PPA where

import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt

-- | Ensure software-properties-common is installed.
installed :: Property DebianLike
installed = Apt.installed ["software-properties-common"]

-- | Personal Package Archives are people's individual package
-- contributions to the Buntish distro. There's a well-known format for
-- representing them, and this type represents that. It's also an instance
-- of 'Show' and 'IsString' so it can work with 'OverloadedStrings'. 
-- More on PPAs can be found at <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA>
data PPA = PPA
	{ ppaAccount :: String -- ^ The Launchpad account hosting this archive.
	, ppaArchive :: String -- ^ The name of the archive.
	} deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance ConfigurableValue PPA where
	val p = concat ["ppa:", ppaAccount p, "/", ppaArchive p]

instance IsString PPA where
	-- | Parse strings like "ppa:zfs-native/stable" into a PPA.
	fromString s =
			[_, ppa] = split "ppa:" s
			[acct, arch] = split "/" ppa
			PPA acct arch

-- | Adds a PPA to the local system repositories.
addPpa :: PPA -> Property DebianLike
addPpa p =
	cmdPropertyEnv "apt-add-repository" ["--yes", val p] Apt.noninteractiveEnv
	`assume` MadeChange
	`describe` ("Added PPA " ++ (val p))
	`requires` installed

-- | A repository key ID to be downloaded with apt-key.
data AptKeyId = AptKeyId
	{ akiName :: String
	, akiId :: String
	, akiServer :: String
	} deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Adds an 'AptKeyId' from the specified GPG server.
addKeyId :: AptKeyId -> Property DebianLike
addKeyId keyId =
	check keyTrusted akcmd
	`describe` (unwords ["Add third-party Apt key", desc keyId])
	akcmd =
		tightenTargets $ cmdProperty "apt-key" ["adv", "--keyserver", akiServer keyId, "--recv-keys", akiId keyId]
	keyTrusted =
			pks ls = concatMap (drop 1 . split "/")
				$ concatMap (take 1 . drop 1 . words)
				$ filter (\l -> "pub" `isPrefixOf` l)
					$ lines ls
			nkid = take 8 (akiId keyId)
			(isInfixOf [nkid] . pks) <$> readProcess "apt-key" ["list"]
	desc k = unwords ["Apt Key", akiName k, akiId k, "from", akiServer k]

-- | An Apt source line that apt-add-repository will just add to
-- sources.list. It's also an instance of both 'ConfigurableValue'
-- and 'IsString' to make using 'OverloadedStrings' in the configuration
-- file easier.
-- | FIXME there's apparently an optional "options" fragment that I've
-- definitely not parsed here.
data AptSource = AptSource
	{ asURL :: Apt.Url -- ^ The URL hosting the repository
	, asSuite :: String  -- ^ The operating system suite
	, asComponents :: [String] -- ^ The list of components to install from this repository.
	} deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance ConfigurableValue AptSource where
	val asrc = unwords ["deb", asURL asrc, asSuite asrc, unwords . asComponents $ asrc]

instance IsString AptSource where
	fromString s =
			url:suite:comps = drop 1 . words $ s
			AptSource url suite comps

-- | A repository for apt-add-source, either a PPA or a regular repository line.
data AptRepository = AptRepositoryPPA PPA | AptRepositorySource AptSource

-- | Adds an 'AptRepository' using apt-add-source.
addRepository :: AptRepository -> Property DebianLike
addRepository (AptRepositoryPPA p) = addPpa p
addRepository (AptRepositorySource src) =
	check repoExists addSrc
	`describe` unwords ["Adding APT repository", val src]
	`requires` installed
	allSourceLines =
		readProcess "/bin/sh" ["-c", "cat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"]
	activeSources = map (\s -> fromString s :: AptSource )
		. filter (not . isPrefixOf "#")
		. filter (/= "") . lines <$> allSourceLines
	repoExists = isInfixOf [src] <$> activeSources
	addSrc = cmdProperty "apt-add-source" [val src]