 -      generated by DtdToHaskell (from HaXml 1.19.4)
 -      altered to fix ambiguities (added explicit Prelude imports)

module Data.PropertyList.Xml.Dtd where

import Prelude ((++), ($), return, Eq, Show, String, concatMap)

import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN

{-Type decls-}

-- |DtdToHaskell-generated type representing XML trees that match the PropertyList-1.0 dtd.
-- This is an opaque representation of a structurally-sound property list
-- which might still contain invalid data.  End users should never need to
-- use this type, but if they do, it can be manipulated with the constructors
-- and deconstructors in "Data.PropertyList.Algebra".
data Plist = PlistArray Plist_Attrs Array
           | PlistData Plist_Attrs Data
           | PlistDate Plist_Attrs Date
           | PlistDict Plist_Attrs Dict
           | PlistAReal Plist_Attrs AReal
           | PlistAInteger Plist_Attrs AInteger
           | PlistAString Plist_Attrs AString
           | PlistTrue Plist_Attrs True
           | PlistFalse Plist_Attrs False
           deriving (Eq,Show)
data Plist_Attrs = Plist_Attrs
    { plistVersion :: (Defaultable String)
    } deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype Array = Array [(OneOf9 Array Data Date Dict AReal AInteger AString True False)] 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype Dict = Dict [Dict_] 		deriving (Eq,Show)
data Dict_ = Dict_ Key
                   (OneOf9 Array Data Date Dict AReal AInteger AString True False)
           deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype Key = Key String 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype AString = AString String 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype Data = Data String 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype Date = Date String 		deriving (Eq,Show)
data True = True 		deriving (Eq,Show)
data False = False 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype AReal = AReal String 		deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype AInteger = AInteger String 		deriving (Eq,Show)

{-Instance decls-}

instance HTypeable Plist where
    toHType x = Defined "plist" [] []
instance XmlContent Plist where
    toContents (PlistArray as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistData as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistDate as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistDict as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistAReal as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistAInteger as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistAString as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistTrue as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    toContents (PlistFalse as a) =
        [CElem (Elem "plist" (toAttrs as) (toContents a) ) ()]
    parseContents = do 
        { e@(Elem _ as _) <- element ["plist"]
        ; interior e $ oneOf
            [ return (PlistArray (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistData (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistDate (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistDict (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistAReal (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistAInteger (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistAString (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistTrue (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            , return (PlistFalse (fromAttrs as)) `apply` parseContents
            ] `adjustErr` ("in <plist>, "++)
instance XmlAttributes Plist_Attrs where
    fromAttrs as =
          { plistVersion = defaultA fromAttrToStr "1.0" "version" as
    toAttrs v = catMaybes 
        [ defaultToAttr toAttrFrStr "version" (plistVersion v)

instance HTypeable Array where
    toHType x = Defined "array" [] []
instance XmlContent Array where
    toContents (Array a) =
        [CElem (Elem "array" [] (concatMap toContents a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["array"]
        ; interior e $ return (Array) `apply` many parseContents
        } `adjustErr` ("in <array>, "++)

instance HTypeable Dict where
    toHType x = Defined "dict" [] []
instance XmlContent Dict where
    toContents (Dict a) =
        [CElem (Elem "dict" [] (concatMap toContents a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["dict"]
        ; interior e $ return (Dict) `apply` many parseContents
        } `adjustErr` ("in <dict>, "++)

instance HTypeable Dict_ where
    toHType x = Defined "dict" [] []
instance XmlContent Dict_ where
    toContents (Dict_ a b) =
        (toContents a ++ toContents b)
    parseContents = return (Dict_) `apply` parseContents
                    `apply` parseContents

instance HTypeable Key where
    toHType x = Defined "key" [] []
instance XmlContent Key where
    toContents (Key a) =
        [CElem (Elem "key" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["key"]
        ; interior e $ return (Key) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <key>, "++)

instance HTypeable AString where
    toHType x = Defined "string" [] []
instance XmlContent AString where
    toContents (AString a) =
        [CElem (Elem "string" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["string"]
        ; interior e $ return (AString) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <string>, "++)

instance HTypeable Data where
    toHType x = Defined "data" [] []
instance XmlContent Data where
    toContents (Data a) =
        [CElem (Elem "data" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["data"]
        ; interior e $ return (Data) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <data>, "++)

instance HTypeable Date where
    toHType x = Defined "date" [] []
instance XmlContent Date where
    toContents (Date a) =
        [CElem (Elem "date" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["date"]
        ; interior e $ return (Date) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <date>, "++)

instance HTypeable True where
    toHType x = Defined "true" [] []
instance XmlContent True where
    toContents True =
        [CElem (Elem "true" [] []) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { (Elem _ as []) <- element ["true"]
        ; return True
        } `adjustErr` ("in <true>, "++)

instance HTypeable False where
    toHType x = Defined "false" [] []
instance XmlContent False where
    toContents False =
        [CElem (Elem "false" [] []) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { (Elem _ as []) <- element ["false"]
        ; return False
        } `adjustErr` ("in <false>, "++)

instance HTypeable AReal where
    toHType x = Defined "real" [] []
instance XmlContent AReal where
    toContents (AReal a) =
        [CElem (Elem "real" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["real"]
        ; interior e $ return (AReal) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <real>, "++)

instance HTypeable AInteger where
    toHType x = Defined "integer" [] []
instance XmlContent AInteger where
    toContents (AInteger a) =
        [CElem (Elem "integer" [] (toText a)) ()]
    parseContents = do
        { e@(Elem _ [] _) <- element ["integer"]
        ; interior e $ return (AInteger) `apply` (text `onFail` return "")
        } `adjustErr` ("in <integer>, "++)
