-- Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
-- https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Some utility functions, classes and instances for nicer code generation.
-- Re-exports simpler versions of the types and constructors from
-- @haskell-src-exts@.
-- We define orphan instances of IsString for various syntax
-- datatypes, with some intelligence about Haskell names.  For example, @"foo"
-- :: Exp@ is treated as a variable and @"Foo" :: Exp@ is treated as a
-- constructor.
module Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Combinators
    ( module Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Combinators
    -- Since ImportDecl is a record type, for simplicity we just export it
    -- directly.
    , Syntax.ImportDecl(..)
    ) where

import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isUpper)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty as Pretty
import Text.PrettyPrint (($+$), (<+>), render, text, vcat, Doc)

prettyPrint :: Pretty.Pretty a => a -> String
prettyPrint = Pretty.prettyPrint

prettyPrim :: Pretty.Pretty a => a -> Doc
prettyPrim = Pretty.prettyPrim

type Asst = Syntax.Asst ()

classA :: QName -> [Type] -> Asst
classA = Syntax.ClassA ()

equalP :: Type -> Type -> Asst
equalP = Syntax.EqualP ()

type ConDecl = Syntax.ConDecl ()

conDecl :: Name -> [Type] -> ConDecl
conDecl constructorName paramTypes
    = Syntax.ConDecl () constructorName $
        fmap tyBang paramTypes

recDecl :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> ConDecl
recDecl dataName fields
    = Syntax.RecDecl () dataName
        [Syntax.FieldDecl () [n] (tyBang t) | (n,t) <- fields]

type Decl = Syntax.Decl ()

patSynSig :: Name -> Type -> Decl
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,21,0)
patSynSig n t = Syntax.PatSynSig () [n] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing t
#elif MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
patSynSig n t = Syntax.PatSynSig () [n] Nothing Nothing Nothing t
patSynSig n t = Syntax.PatSynSig () n Nothing Nothing Nothing t

patSyn :: Pat -> Pat -> Decl
patSyn p1 p2 = Syntax.PatSyn () p1 p2 Syntax.ImplicitBidirectional

dataDecl :: Name -> [ConDecl] -> Deriving -> Decl
dataDecl = dataDeclHelper $ Syntax.DataType ()

newtypeDecl :: Name -> Type -> Deriving -> Decl
newtypeDecl name wrappedType
    = dataDeclHelper (Syntax.NewType ()) name
          [Syntax.ConDecl () name [wrappedType]]

dataDeclHelper :: Syntax.DataOrNew () -> Name -> [ConDecl] -> Deriving -> Decl
dataDeclHelper dataOrNew name conDecls derives
    = Syntax.DataDecl () dataOrNew Nothing
        (Syntax.DHead () name)
            [Syntax.QualConDecl () Nothing Nothing q | q <- conDecls]
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
        $ Just derives

type Deriving = Syntax.Deriving ()

deriving' :: [QName] -> Deriving
deriving' classes = Syntax.Deriving ()
#if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,20,0)
                      [ Syntax.IRule () Nothing Nothing (Syntax.IHCon () c)
                      | c <- classes

funBind :: [Match] -> Decl
funBind = Syntax.FunBind ()

patBind :: Pat -> Exp -> Decl
patBind p e = Syntax.PatBind () p (Syntax.UnGuardedRhs () e) Nothing

instType :: Type -> Type -> Syntax.InstDecl ()
instType = Syntax.InsType ()

instMatch :: [Match] -> Syntax.InstDecl ()
instMatch m = Syntax.InsDecl () $ funBind m

instDeclWithTypes :: [Asst] -> InstHead -> [Syntax.InstDecl ()] -> Decl
instDeclWithTypes ctx instHead decls
    = Syntax.InstDecl () Nothing
        (Syntax.IRule () Nothing ctx' instHead)
        $ Just decls
    ctx' = case ctx of
        [] -> Nothing
        [c] -> Just $ Syntax.CxSingle () c
        cs -> Just $ Syntax.CxTuple () cs

instDecl :: [Asst] -> InstHead -> [[Match]] -> Decl
instDecl ctx instHead = instDeclWithTypes ctx instHead . fmap instMatch

typeSig :: [Name] -> Type -> Decl
typeSig = Syntax.TypeSig ()

type Exp = Syntax.Exp ()

let' :: [Decl] -> Exp -> Exp
let' ds e = Syntax.Let () (Syntax.BDecls () ds) e

type Alt = Syntax.Alt ()

case' :: Exp -> [Alt] -> Exp
case' = Syntax.Case ()

(-->) :: Pat -> Exp -> Alt
p --> e = Syntax.Alt () p (Syntax.UnGuardedRhs () e) Nothing
infixl 1 -->

stringExp :: String -> Exp
stringExp = Syntax.Lit () . string

charExp :: Char -> Exp
charExp = Syntax.Lit () . char

tuple :: [Exp] -> Exp
tuple = Syntax.Tuple () Syntax.Boxed

lambda :: [Pat] -> Exp -> Exp
lambda ps e = Syntax.Paren () $ Syntax.Lambda () ps e

(@::@) :: Exp -> Type -> Exp
(@::@) = Syntax.ExpTypeSig ()
infixl 2 @::@

recConstr :: QName -> [FieldUpdate] -> Exp
recConstr = Syntax.RecConstr ()

recUpdate :: Exp -> [FieldUpdate] -> Exp
recUpdate = Syntax.RecUpdate ()

var, con :: QName -> Exp
var = Syntax.Var ()
con = Syntax.Con ()

list :: [Exp] -> Exp
list = Syntax.List ()

if' :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
if' = Syntax.If ()

-- | The ":" constructor.
cons :: Exp
cons = var $ Syntax.Special () $ Syntax.Cons ()

-- | The "[]" constructor.
emptyList :: Exp
emptyList = var $ Syntax.Special () $ Syntax.ListCon ()

-- | The "()" constructor.
unit :: Exp
unit = var $ Syntax.Special () $ Syntax.UnitCon ()

typeApp :: Type -> Exp
typeApp = Syntax.TypeApp ()

type Stmt = Syntax.Stmt ()

do' :: [Stmt] -> Exp
do' = Syntax.Do ()

(<--) :: Pat -> Exp -> Stmt
(<--) = Syntax.Generator ()
infixl 1 <--

stmt :: Exp -> Stmt
stmt = Syntax.Qualifier ()

letStmt :: [Decl] -> Stmt
letStmt = Syntax.LetStmt () . Syntax.BDecls ()

type FieldUpdate = Syntax.FieldUpdate ()

fieldUpdate :: QName -> Exp -> FieldUpdate
fieldUpdate = Syntax.FieldUpdate ()

type InstHead = Syntax.InstHead ()

ihApp :: InstHead -> [Type] -> InstHead
ihApp = foldl (Syntax.IHApp ())

tyParen :: Type -> Type
tyParen = Syntax.TyParen ()

tyFun :: Type -> Type -> Type
tyFun = Syntax.TyFun ()

type Match = Syntax.Match ()

-- | A simple clause of a function binding.
match :: Name -> [Pat] -> Exp -> Match
match n ps e = Syntax.Match () n ps (Syntax.UnGuardedRhs () e) Nothing

guardedMatch :: Name -> [Pat] -> [(Exp, Exp)] -> Match
guardedMatch n ps gs =
    Syntax.Match () n ps
       (Syntax.GuardedRhss ()
           $ map (\g -> Syntax.GuardedRhs () [Syntax.Qualifier () $ fst g]
                            (snd g)) gs)

-- | A hand-rolled type for modules, which allows comments on top-level
-- declarations.
data Module = Module ModuleName (Maybe [ExportSpec]) [ModulePragma]
                [Syntax.ImportDecl ()]

-- | A declaration, along with an optional comment.
data CommentedDecl = CommentedDecl (Maybe String) Decl

uncommented :: Decl -> CommentedDecl
uncommented = CommentedDecl Nothing

commented :: String -> Decl -> CommentedDecl
commented = CommentedDecl . Just

prettyPrintModule :: Module -> String
prettyPrintModule (Module modName exports pragmas imports decls) =
    render $
        vcat (map prettyPrim pragmas)
        $+$ prettyPrim (Syntax.ModuleHead () modName
                           -- no warning text
                           (Syntax.ExportSpecList () <$> exports))
        $+$ vcat (map prettyPrim imports)
        $+$ ""
        $+$ vcat (map pprintDecl decls)
    pprintDecl (CommentedDecl Nothing d) = prettyPrim d
    pprintDecl (CommentedDecl (Just c) d)
        = "{- |" <+> text c <+> "-}" $+$ prettyPrim d

type ExportSpec = Syntax.ExportSpec ()

getModuleName :: Module -> ModuleName
getModuleName (Module name _ _ _ _) = name

type ModuleName = Syntax.ModuleName ()
type ModulePragma = Syntax.ModulePragma ()

languagePragma :: [Name] -> ModulePragma
languagePragma = Syntax.LanguagePragma ()

optionsGhcPragma :: String -> ModulePragma
optionsGhcPragma = Syntax.OptionsPragma () (Just Syntax.GHC)

exportVar :: QName -> ExportSpec
exportVar = Syntax.EVar ()

exportAll :: QName -> ExportSpec
exportAll q = Syntax.EThingWith () (Syntax.EWildcard () 0) q []

exportWith :: QName -> [Name] -> ExportSpec
exportWith q = Syntax.EThingWith ()
                    (Syntax.NoWildcard ())
                    . map (Syntax.ConName ())

type Name = Syntax.Name ()

type Pat = Syntax.Pat ()

pApp :: QName -> [Pat] -> Pat
pApp = Syntax.PApp ()

pVar :: Name -> Pat
pVar = Syntax.PVar ()

pWildCard :: Pat
pWildCard = Syntax.PWildCard ()

stringPat :: String -> Pat
stringPat = Syntax.PLit () (Syntax.Signless ()) . string

bangPat :: Pat -> Pat
bangPat = Syntax.PBangPat ()

patTypeSig :: Pat -> Type -> Pat
patTypeSig = Syntax.PatTypeSig ()

type QName = Syntax.QName ()

qual :: ModuleName -> Name -> QName
qual = Syntax.Qual ()

unQual :: Name -> QName
unQual = Syntax.UnQual ()

type TyVarBind = Syntax.TyVarBind ()
type Type = Syntax.Type ()

tyCon :: QName -> Type
tyCon = Syntax.TyCon ()

tyList :: Type -> Type
tyList = Syntax.TyList ()

tyPromotedList :: [Type] -> Type
tyPromotedList ts = Syntax.TyPromoted () $ Syntax.PromotedList () True ts

tyPromotedString :: String -> Type
tyPromotedString s = Syntax.TyPromoted () $ Syntax.PromotedString () s s

type Promoted = Syntax.Promoted ()

tyPromotedCon :: Promoted -> Type
tyPromotedCon = Syntax.TyPromoted ()

instance IsString Promoted where
    fromString = Syntax.PromotedCon () True . fromString

tyForAll :: [TyVarBind] -> [Asst] -> Type -> Type
tyForAll vars ctx t = Syntax.TyForall () (Just vars)
                            (Just $ Syntax.CxTuple () ctx)

tyBang :: Type -> Type
tyBang = Syntax.TyBang () (Syntax.BangedTy ()) (Syntax.NoUnpackPragma ())

tyWildCard :: Type
tyWildCard = Syntax.TyWildCard () Nothing

-- | Application of a Haskell type or expression to an argument.
-- For example, to represent @f x y@, you can write
-- > "f" @@ "x" @@ "y"
class App a where
    (@@) :: a -> a -> a
    infixl 2 @@

instance App Type where
    (@@) = Syntax.TyApp ()

instance App Exp where
    Syntax.App () (Syntax.Con () v) x @@ y
        -- For readability, print fully-applied operators infix, i.e., "x OP y"
        -- rather than "(OP) x y".
        | isSymbol v
        = Syntax.InfixApp () (Syntax.Paren () x) (Syntax.QVarOp () v) y
        isSymbol (Syntax.Qual () _ (Syntax.Symbol () _)) = True
        isSymbol (Syntax.UnQual () (Syntax.Symbol () _)) = True
        isSymbol _ = False
    x @@ y = Syntax.App () x y

instance IsString Name where
    fromString s
        -- TODO: better handle the case of mixed ident and symbol characters.
        | all isIdentChar s = Syntax.Ident () s
        | otherwise = Syntax.Symbol () s

-- | Whether this character belongs to an Ident (e.g., "foo") or a symbol
-- (e.g., "<$>").
isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("_'" :: String)

instance IsString ModuleName where
    fromString = Syntax.ModuleName ()

instance IsString QName where
    fromString f
      -- TODO: support qualified operators (e.g., "Control.Applicative.<$>")
      -- Currently we ignore them due to edge-cases
      -- like the composition operator "Prelude.."
      | isIdentChar (last f), '.' `elem` f
      -- Split "Foo.Bar.baz" into ("Foo.Bar", "baz")
      , (f', '.':f'') <- span (/='.') (reverse f)
            = Syntax.Qual () (fromString $ reverse f'') (fromString $ reverse f')
      | otherwise = Syntax.UnQual () $ fromString f

instance IsString Type where
  fromString fs@(f:_)
      | isUpper f = Syntax.TyCon () $ fromString fs
  fromString fs = Syntax.TyVar () $ fromString fs

instance IsString Exp where
    fromString fs@(f:_)
        -- TODO: this logic isn't correct for qualified names (since the module is
        -- capitalized).  However, it doesn't matter in practice if we're just
        -- generating code.
        | isUpper f = Syntax.Con () $ fromString fs
    fromString fs = Syntax.Var () $ fromString fs

instance IsString Pat where
    fromString = Syntax.PVar () . fromString

instance IsString TyVarBind where
    fromString = Syntax.UnkindedVar () . fromString

instance IsString InstHead where
    fromString = Syntax.IHCon () . fromString

-- Helper functions for literal numbers, since haskell-src-exts doesn't
-- put parentheses around negative numbers automatically.

litInt :: Integer -> Exp
litInt n
    | n >= 0 = Syntax.Lit () $ Syntax.Int () n (show n)
    | otherwise = Syntax.NegApp () $ litInt $ negate n

litFrac :: Rational -> Exp
litFrac x
    | x >= 0 = Syntax.Lit () $ Syntax.Frac () x (show x)
    | otherwise = Syntax.NegApp () $ litFrac $ negate x

pLitInt :: Integer -> Pat
pLitInt n = Syntax.PLit () sign $ Syntax.Int () n' (show n')
    (n', sign)
        | n >= 0 = (n, Syntax.Signless ())
        | otherwise = (negate n, Syntax.Negative ())

string :: String -> Syntax.Literal ()
string s = Syntax.String () s (show s)

char :: Char -> Syntax.Literal ()
char c = Syntax.Char () c [c]

modifyModuleName :: (String -> String) -> ModuleName -> ModuleName
modifyModuleName f (Syntax.ModuleName _ unpacked) =
  Syntax.ModuleName () $ f unpacked