# 0.5.1 * Support newer versions of proto3-wire, bytestring, and turtle * Increase minimum version of base for canonicalize-proto-file from 4.8 to 4.11 # 0.5.0 * [BREAKING CHANGE: Proto3 standard compatibility improvements](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/143) * This is a breaking change due to adding a new `DotProtoMessageOption` constructor to `DotProtoMessagePart`, which requires updating any exhaustive pattern matches * [BREAKING CHANGE: Don't capitalize first character of prefixed service method names](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/171) * This is a breaking change because the generated Haskell code will have slightly different field names for service methods * [BREAKING CHANGE: Remove `Optional` from Protobuf AST](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/165) * This is a technically breaking change because we no longer support the `optional` keyword, but this wasn't supported by proto3 anyway * [Support GHC 9.0.2](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/176) * [Fix dashes in Haskell module names](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/173) * This prevents the code generator from generating invalid Haskell module names with dashes in them * [Add `Message` instance for wrapped types](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/162) * This adds `Message` instances for several scalar Haskell types that correspond to the standard `*Wrapper` protobuf types * [Use Swagger schema `format` to distinguish wrapper types from primitives](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/167) * [Update codegen to add the `serverMaxMetadataSize` field to generated `ServiceOptions`](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/181) * [Fix module renaming in `compile-proto-file`](https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/pull/183)