protocol-buffers-fork-2.0.16: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications

Safe HaskellNone



By Chris Kuklewicz, drawing heavily from binary and binary-strict, but all the bugs are my own.

This file is under the usual BSD3 licence, copyright 2008.

Modified the monad to be strict for version 2.0.0

This started out as an improvement to Data.Binary.Strict.IncrementalGet with slightly better internals. The simplified Get, runGet, Result trio with the Data.Binary.Strict.Class.BinaryParser instance are an _untested_ upgrade from IncrementalGet. Especially untested are the strictness properties.

Get usefully implements Applicative and Monad, MonadError, Alternative and MonadPlus. Unhandled errors are reported along with the number of bytes successfully consumed. Effects of suspend and putAvailable are visible after failthrowErrormzero.

Each time the parser reaches the end of the input it will return a Partial wrapped continuation which requests a (Maybe Lazy.ByteString). Passing (Just bs) will append bs to the input so far and continue processing. If you pass Nothing to the continuation then you are declaring that there will never be more input and that the parser should never again return a partial contination; it should return failure or finished.

suspendUntilComplete repeatedly uses a partial continuation to ask for more input until Nothing is passed and then it proceeds with parsing.

The getAvailable command returns the lazy byte string the parser has remaining before calling suspend. The putAvailable replaces this input and is a bit fancy: it also replaces the input at the current offset for all the potential catchError/mplus handlers. This change is _not_ reverted by failthrowErrormzero.

The three lookAhead and lookAheadM and lookAheadE functions are very similar to the ones in binary's Data.Binary.Get.

Add specialized high-bit-run



runGet :: Get a -> ByteString -> Result aSource

runGet is the simple executor

runGetAll :: Get a -> ByteString -> Result aSource

runGetAll is the simple executor, and will not ask for any continuation because this lazy bytestring is all the input

data Result a Source


Show a => Show (Result a) 

ensureBytes :: Int64 -> Get ()Source

check that there are at least n bytes available in the input. This will suspend if there is to little data.

getStorable :: forall a. Storable a => Get aSource

getLazyByteString :: Int64 -> Get ByteStringSource

Pull n bytes from the input, as a lazy ByteString. This will suspend if there is too little data.

suspendUntilComplete :: Get ()Source

Keep calling suspend until Nothing is passed to the Partial continuation. This ensures all the data has been loaded into the state of the parser.

getAvailable :: Get ByteStringSource

Get the input currently available to the parser.

putAvailable :: ByteString -> Get ()Source

putAvailable replaces the bytestream past the current # of read bytes. This will also affect pending MonadError handler and MonadPlus branches. I think all pending branches have to have fewer bytesRead than the current one. If this is wrong then an error will be thrown.

WARNING : putAvailable is still untested.

lookAhead :: Get a -> Get aSource

lookAhead runs the todo action and then rewinds only the BinaryParser state. Any new input from suspend or changes from putAvailable are kept. Changes to the user state (MonadState) are kept. The MonadWriter output is retained.

If an error is thrown then the entire monad state is reset to last catchError as usual.

lookAheadM :: Get (Maybe a) -> Get (Maybe a)Source

lookAheadM runs the todo action. If the action returns Nothing then the BinaryParser state is rewound (as in lookAhead). If the action return Just then the BinaryParser is not rewound, and lookAheadM acts as an identity.

If an error is thrown then the entire monad state is reset to last catchError as usual.

lookAheadE :: Get (Either a b) -> Get (Either a b)Source

lookAheadE runs the todo action. If the action returns Left then the BinaryParser state is rewound (as in lookAhead). If the action return Right then the BinaryParser is not rewound, and lookAheadE acts as an identity.

If an error is thrown then the entire monad state is reset to last catchError as usual.

skip :: Int64 -> Get ()Source

Discard the next m bytes

bytesRead :: Get Int64Source

Return the number of bytesRead so far. Initially 0, never negative.

isEmpty :: Get BoolSource

Return True if the number of bytes remaining is 0. Any futher attempts to read an empty parser will call suspend which might result in more input to consume.

Compare with isReallyEmpty

isReallyEmpty :: Get BoolSource

Return True if the input is exhausted and will never be added to. Returns False if there is input left to consume.

Compare with isEmpty

remaining :: Get Int64Source

Return the number of bytes remaining before the current input runs out and suspend might be called.

spanOf :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Get ByteStringSource

get the longest prefix of the input where all the bytes satisfy the predicate.

highBitRun :: Get Int64Source

get the longest prefix of the input where the high bit is set as well as following byte. This made getVarInt slower.

getByteString :: Int -> Get ByteStringSource

Pull n bytes from the input, as a strict ByteString. This will suspend if there is too little data. If the result spans multiple lazy chunks then the result occupies a freshly allocated strict bytestring, otherwise it fits in a single chunk and refers to the same immutable memory block as the whole chunk.

decode7 :: forall s. (Integral s, Bits s) => Get sSource

decode7unrolled :: forall s. (Num s, Integral s, Bits s) => Get sSource