{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Test.Data.Radius.Arbitraries (
  ) where

import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Gen, oneof, elements, choose)

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure, (<*>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Word (Word16)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Serialize.Put (Put, runPut)

import Data.Radius.Scalar
  (Bin128, word64Bin128, AtText (..), AtString (..), AtInteger (..), AtIpV4 (..))
import Data.Radius.Packet (codeFromWord, Code, Header(..), Packet (..))
import Data.Radius.Attribute
  (NumberAbstract (..), Attribute' (..), untypeNumber, Attribute (..),
   TypedNumberSets (..), )
import qualified Data.Radius.Attribute as Attribute
import qualified Data.Radius.StreamPut as Put

instance Arbitrary Code where
  arbitrary = codeFromWord <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary Bin128 where
  arbitrary = word64Bin128 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary Attribute.Number where
  arbitrary =
    [ c
    | w <- [0  .. 255]
    , let c = Attribute.fromWord w
    , c /= Attribute.VendorSpecific

instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (NumberAbstract v) where
  arbitrary = oneof [ Standard <$> arbitrary, Vendors <$> arbitrary ]

genSizedList :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen [a]
genSizedList n =
  elements [0..n] >>= (`replicateM` arbitrary)

genSizedString :: IsString a => Int -> Gen a
genSizedString n = fromString <$> genSizedList n

instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (Attribute' v) where
  arbitrary =
    [ Attribute' . Standard <$> arbitrary <*> genSizedString (255 - 1 - 1)
    , Attribute' . Vendors  <$> arbitrary <*> genSizedString (255 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 1)

genAtText :: Int -> Gen AtText
genAtText n = AtText <$> genSizedString (n  `quot` 4)

instance Arbitrary (AtText) where
  arbitrary = genAtText (255 - 1 - 1) {- USE CAREFULLY with vendor specific. -}

genAtString :: Int -> Gen AtString
genAtString n = AtString <$> genSizedString n

instance Arbitrary (AtString) where
  arbitrary = genAtString (255 - 1 - 1) {- USE CAREFULLY with vendor specific. -}

instance Arbitrary (AtInteger) where
  arbitrary = AtInteger <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary (AtIpV4) where
  arbitrary = AtIpV4 <$> arbitrary

instance TypedNumberSets v => Arbitrary (Attribute v AtText) where
  arbitrary = do
    n  <-  elements $ Set.toList attributeNumbersText
    case untypeNumber n of
      Standard _  -> Attribute n <$> genAtText (255 - 1 - 1)
      Vendors _   -> Attribute n <$> genAtText (255 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 1)

instance TypedNumberSets v => Arbitrary (Attribute v AtString) where
  arbitrary = do
    n  <-  elements $ Set.toList attributeNumbersString
    case untypeNumber n of
      Standard _  -> Attribute n <$> genAtString (255 - 1 - 1)
      Vendors _   -> Attribute n <$> genAtString (255 - 1 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 1)

instance TypedNumberSets v => Arbitrary (Attribute v AtInteger) where
  arbitrary =
    <$> elements (Set.toList attributeNumbersInteger)
    <*> arbitrary

-- attributeNumbersIpV4 is empty list
instance Arbitrary (Attribute AtIpV4) where
  arbitrary =
    <$> elements (Set.toList attributeNumbersIpV4)
    <*> arbitrary

genHeader :: Word16 -> Gen Header
genHeader len =
  Header <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure len <*> arbitrary

-- Random header, may be wrong length
instance Arbitrary Header where
  arbitrary = genHeader =<< arbitrary

pseudoHeader :: Header
pseudoHeader = Header (codeFromWord 0) 0 0 (word64Bin128 0 0)

genCountedPacket :: Arbitrary a
                 => Int
                 -> (a -> Put)
                 -> Gen (Packet [a], Int)
genCountedPacket ac encodeA = do
  attrs <- replicateM ac arbitrary
  let len = BS.length . runPut . Put.packet (mapM_ encodeA) $ Packet pseudoHeader attrs
  (,) <$> (Packet <$> (genHeader $ fromIntegral len) <*> pure attrs) <*> pure len

genPacket :: Arbitrary a
          => (a -> Put)
          -> Gen (Packet [a])
genPacket encodeA = do
  ac <- choose (0, 31)
  (p, len) <- genCountedPacket ac encodeA
  if len <= 4096
    then pure p
    else do
    ac <- choose (0, 15)
    (p, len) <- genCountedPacket ac encodeA
    if len <= 4096
      then pure p
      else fail "genPacket: this should not happen broken size property (header-size + 256 * 15 < 4096)."