Cabal-Version: 2.2 Build-Type: Simple Name: psx Version: Synopsis: Integrate @libpsx@ with the GHC RTS Description: This library embeds libpsx in a GHC Haskell-compiled application. . Note @libpsx@ performs some trickery with signal handling in a process. Furthermore, when using this library, @sigfillset@ will be wrapped so @SIGSYS@ is /not/ set, in order for the GHC RTS @ticker@ thread not to block the signal and work properly with @libpsx@. . __Warning:__ @libpsx@ on current Ubuntu and Debian systems (from @libcap@ 2.44) is broken. Hence, this library contains a bundled version of @libpsx@ by default. Disable the @bundled-libpsx@ flag to use a system-provided version of the library, which must be from @libcap@ version 2.46 or higher. The license of the bundled library can be found in @cbits\/psx\/License@. Homepage: Bug-Reports: License: BSD-3-Clause License-File: LICENSE Author: Nicolas Trangez Maintainer: Copyright: (c) 2022 Nicolas Trangez Category: System Stability: alpha Extra-Source-Files: cbits/hs-psx.h cbits/psx/License cbits/psx/psx_syscall.h test/detect-psx.h Tested-With: GHC ==8.10.5 , GHC ==9.0.2 , GHC ==9.2.2 Source-Repository head Type: git Location: Subdir: psx Branch: main Flag bundled-libpsx Description: Use the bundled libpsx instead of a (potentially broken) system-provided version. See @cbits\/psx\/License@. Default: True Manual: True Library -- Despite this library not containing any Haskell code, and -- hence not really having any dependency on `base`, it is -- only *tested* on particular GHC versions (which we can tie -- to some version of `base`). Given the intricate interaction -- between this package functionality working as expected (cfr. -- the `sigfillset` wrapping) and the GHC RTS, it seems wise to -- restrict compatibility with said GHC version(s). Exposed-Modules: System.PSX Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base ^>= || ^>=4.15 || ^>=4.16 Include-Dirs: cbits Install-Includes: hs-psx.h C-Sources: cbits/hs-psx.c Cc-Options: -Wall Ld-Options: -Wl,-wrap,sigfillset -Wl,-undefined,__wrap_sigfillset Default-Language: Haskell2010 Ghc-Options: -Wall if flag(bundled-libpsx) C-Sources: cbits/psx/psx.c Cc-Options: -DBUNDLED_LIBPSX Ld-Options: -pthread -Wl,-wrap,pthread_create else Pkgconfig-Depends: libpsx Test-Suite psx-test-threaded Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: test Main-Is: psx-test-threaded.hs Other-Modules: TestCases C-Sources: test/detect-psx.c Include-Dirs: test Build-Depends: psx , base , async ^>=2.2.3 , tasty ^>=1.4.1 , tasty-hunit ^>= Default-Language: Haskell2010 Ghc-Options: -Wall -threaded -with-rtsopts -N2 Test-Suite psx-test Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: test Main-Is: psx-test.hs Other-Modules: TestCases C-Sources: test/detect-psx.c Include-Dirs: test Build-Depends: psx , base , async ^>=2.2.3 , tasty ^>=1.4.1 , tasty-hunit ^>= Default-Language: Haskell2010 Ghc-Options: -Wall Test-Suite psx-test-no-psx Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: test Main-Is: psx-test-no-psx.hs C-Sources: test/detect-psx.c Include-Dirs: test cbits Build-Depends: base , tasty ^>=1.4.1 , tasty-hunit ^>= Default-Language: Haskell2010 Ghc-Options: -Wall