Adaptation and extension of a parser for data definitions given in appendix of G. Huttons's paper - Monadic Parser Combinators. Parser does not accept infix data constructors. This is a shortcoming that needs to be fixed. >module DataP (Statement(..),Data(..),Type(..),Body(..), > Name,Var,Class,Constructor, > datadecl,newtypedecl) >where >import ParseLib2 >import Data.Char >import Data.List >import Control.Monad >data Statement = DataStmt | NewTypeStmt deriving (Eq,Show) >data Data = D { name :: Name, -- type name > constraints :: [(Class,Var)], > vars :: [Var], -- Parameters > body :: [Body], > derives :: [Class], -- derived classes > statement :: Statement} > | Directive > | TypeName Name > deriving (Eq,Show) >data Body = Body { constructor :: Constructor, > labels :: [Name], > types :: [Type]} deriving (Eq,Show) >type Name = String >type Var = String >type Class = String >type Constructor = String >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >datadecl :: Parser Data >datadecl = do > symbol "data" > con <- opt constraint > x <- constructorP > xs <- many variable > symbol "=" > b <- (conrecdecl +++ infixdecl) `sepby1` symbol "|" > d <- opt deriveP > return $D x con xs b d DataStmt >newtypedecl :: Parser Data >newtypedecl = do > symbol "newtype" > con <- opt constraint > x <- constructorP > xs <- many variable > symbol "=" > b <- conrecdecl > d <- opt deriveP > return $ D x con xs [b] d NewTypeStmt >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >constructorP = token $ > do {x <- upper;xs <- many alphanum;return (x:xs)} +++ do > string "(:" > y <- many1 $ sat (\x -> (not . isAlphaNum) x && (not . isSpace) x && (not . (== ')')) x ) > char ')' > return ("(:" ++ y ++ ")") > >infixconstr = token $ do > x <- char ':' > y <- many1 $ sat (\x -> (not . isAlphaNum) x && (not . isSpace) x) > return (x:y) > >variable = identifier [ "data","deriving","newtype", "type", > "instance", "class", "module", "import", > "infixl", "infix","infixr", "default"] >condecl = do > x <- constructorP > ts <- many type2 > return $ Body x [] ts >conrecdecl = do > x <- constructorP > (ls,ts) <- record +++ fmap (\a -> ([],a)) (many type2) > return $ Body x ls ts >-- haven't worked infixes into the program yet, as they cause problems >-- throughout >infixdecl = do > t1 <- type2 > x <- infixconstr > ts <- many1 type2 > return $ Body ("(" ++ x ++ ")") [] (t1:ts) >record = do > symbol "{" > (ls,ts) <- fmap unzip $ rectype `sepby1` symbol "," > symbol "}" > return (ls,ts) >constraint = do{x <- constrs; symbol "=>"; return x} > where > constrs = fmap (\x -> [x]) one +++ > bracket (symbol "(") (one `sepby` symbol ",") (symbol ")") > one = do{c <- constructorP; v <- variable; return (c,v)} >deriveP = do{symbol "deriving"; one +++ more} > where > one = fmap (\x -> [x]) constructorP -- well, it has the same form > more = bracket (symbol "(") > (((type0 >>= return . show)) `sepby` symbol ",") > (symbol ")") >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >data Type = Arrow Type Type -- fn > | LApply Type [Type] -- proper application > | Var String -- variable > | Con String -- constructor > | Tuple [Type] -- tuple > | List Type -- list > deriving (Eq) >instance Show Type where > show (Var s) = s > show (Con s) = s > show (Tuple ts) = "(" ++ concat (intersperse "," (map show ts)) ++ ")" > show (List t) = "[" ++ show t ++ "]" > show (Arrow a b) = show a ++ " -> " ++ show b > show (LApply t ts) = concat $ intersperse " " (map show (t:ts)) >type0 :: Parser Type >type0 = type1 `chainr1` fmap (const Arrow) (symbol "->") >--type1 = type2 `chainl1` (return Apply) >type1 = (do c <- con > as <- many1 type2 > return (LApply c as)) +++ > type2 >type2 = (char '!') +++ return '!' >> var +++ con +++ list +++ tuple >var = fmap Var variable >con = fmap Con constructorP >list = fmap List $ bracket (symbol "[") > type0 > (symbol "]") >tuple = fmap f $ bracket (symbol "(") > (type0 `sepby` symbol ",") > (symbol ")") > where f [t] = t > f ts = Tuple ts >--record entry >rectype :: Parser (String,Type) >rectype = do > s <- variable > symbol "::" > t <- type0 > return (s,t)