{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Codec.Compression.Zlib.Monad(
       , runDeflateM
       , DecompressionError(..)
         -- * Getting data from the input stream.
       , nextBit
       , nextBits
       , nextByte
       , nextWord16
       , nextBlock
       , nextCode
       , readRest
         -- * Aligning
       , advanceToByte
         -- * Emitting data
       , emitByte
       , emitBlock
       , emitPastChunk
         -- * Getting output
       , finalAdler
       , finalOutput

import Codec.Compression.Zlib.Adler32
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.HuffmanTree
import Codec.Compression.Zlib.OutputWindow
import Control.Exception(Exception)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString.Lazy(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Int
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import MonadLib
import Prelude()
import Prelude.Compat

data DecompressState = DecompressState {
       dcsNextBitNo     :: !Int
     , dcsCurByte       :: !Word8
     , dcsAdler32       :: !AdlerState
     , dcsInput         :: !ByteString
     , dcsOutput        :: !OutputWindow

data DecompressionError = HuffmanTreeError   String
                        | FormatError        String
                        | DecompressionError String
                        | HeaderError        String
                        | ChecksumError      String
  deriving (Typeable, Eq)

instance Show DecompressionError where
  show x =
    case x of
      HuffmanTreeError   s -> "Huffman tree manipulation error: " ++ s
      FormatError        s -> "Block format error: " ++ s
      DecompressionError s -> "Decompression error: " ++ s
      HeaderError        s -> "Header error: " ++ s
      ChecksumError      s -> "Checksum error: " ++ s

instance Exception DecompressionError

newtype DeflateM a = DeflateM (StateT DecompressState
                                (ExceptionT DecompressionError Id)
 deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)

instance StateM DeflateM DecompressState where
  get   = DeflateM get
  set x = DeflateM (set x)

instance ExceptionM DeflateM DecompressionError where
  raise e = DeflateM (lift (raise e))

initialState :: ByteString -> DecompressState
initialState bstr =
  case BS.uncons bstr of
    Nothing       -> error "No compressed data to inflate."
    Just (f,rest) -> DecompressState 0 f initialAdlerState rest emptyWindow

runDeflateM :: DeflateM a -> ByteString -> Either DecompressionError a
runDeflateM (DeflateM m) i =
  case runId (runExceptionT (runStateT (initialState i) m)) of
    Left err       -> Left err
    Right (res, _) -> Right res

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

nextBit :: DeflateM Bool
nextBit =
  do dcs <- get
     let v = dcsCurByte dcs `testBit` dcsNextBitNo dcs
     set $ advanceBit dcs
     return v
  advanceBit dcs
    | dcsNextBitNo dcs == 7 =
        case BS.uncons (dcsInput dcs) of
          Nothing ->
            error "Bit required, but no bits available!"
          Just (nextb, rest) ->
            dcs{ dcsNextBitNo = 0, dcsCurByte = nextb, dcsInput = rest }
    | otherwise             =
        dcs{ dcsNextBitNo = dcsNextBitNo dcs + 1 }

nextBits :: (Num a, Bits a) => Int -> DeflateM a
nextBits x
 | x < 1     = error "nextBits called with x < 1"
 | x == 1    = toNum `fmap` nextBit
 | otherwise = do cur  <- toNum `fmap` nextBit
                  rest <- nextBits (x - 1)
                  return ((rest `shiftL` 1) .|. cur)
  toNum False = 0
  toNum True  = 1

nextByte :: DeflateM Word8
nextByte =
  do dcs <- get
     case BS.uncons (dcsInput dcs) of
       _ | dcsNextBitNo dcs /= 0 ->
            nextBits 8
       Nothing ->
         error "nextByte called with no more data."
       Just (nextb, rest) ->
          do set dcs{ dcsNextBitNo = 0, dcsCurByte = nextb, dcsInput = rest }
             return (dcsCurByte dcs)

nextWord16 :: DeflateM Word16
nextWord16 =
  do low  <- fromIntegral `fmap` nextByte
     high <- fromIntegral `fmap` nextByte
     return ((high `shiftL` 8) .|. low)

nextBlock :: Integral a => a -> DeflateM ByteString
nextBlock amt =
  do dcs <- get
     unless (dcsNextBitNo dcs == 0) $
       fail "Can't get a block on a non-byte boundary."
     let curBlock = BS.cons (dcsCurByte dcs) (dcsInput dcs)
         (block, rest) = BS.splitAt (fromIntegral amt) curBlock
     case BS.uncons rest of
       Nothing ->
         fail "Not enough data left after nextBlock."
       Just (first, rest') ->
         do set dcs{ dcsNextBitNo = 0, dcsCurByte = first, dcsInput = rest' }
            return block

nextCode :: Show a => HuffmanTree a -> DeflateM a
nextCode tree =
  do b <- nextBit
     case advanceTree b tree of
       AdvanceError str -> raise (HuffmanTreeError str)
       NewTree tree'    -> nextCode tree'
       Result x         -> return x

readRest :: DeflateM ByteString
readRest =
  do dcs <- get
     return (BS.cons (dcsCurByte dcs) (dcsInput dcs))

advanceToByte :: DeflateM ()
advanceToByte =
  do dcs <- get
     when (dcsNextBitNo dcs /= 0) $
       case BS.uncons (dcsInput dcs) of
         Nothing -> error "Advanced with no bytes left!"
         Just (nextb, rest) ->
           set dcs{ dcsNextBitNo = 0, dcsCurByte = nextb, dcsInput = rest }

emitByte :: Word8 -> DeflateM ()
emitByte b =
  do dcs <- get
     set dcs{ dcsOutput  = dcsOutput dcs `addByte` b
            , dcsAdler32 = advanceAdler (dcsAdler32 dcs) b }

emitBlock :: ByteString -> DeflateM ()
emitBlock b =
  do dcs <- get
     set dcs { dcsOutput  = dcsOutput dcs `addChunk` b
             , dcsAdler32 = BS.foldl advanceAdler (dcsAdler32 dcs) b }

emitPastChunk :: Int -> Int64 -> DeflateM ()
emitPastChunk dist len =
  do dcs <- get
     let (output', newChunk) = addOldChunk (dcsOutput dcs) dist len
     set dcs { dcsOutput = output'
             , dcsAdler32 = BS.foldl advanceAdler (dcsAdler32 dcs) newChunk }

finalAdler :: DeflateM Word32
finalAdler = (finalizeAdler . dcsAdler32) `fmap` get

finalOutput :: DeflateM ByteString
finalOutput = (outByteString . dcsOutput) `fmap` get