import Codec.Compression.Zlib(ZlibDecoder(..), decompressIncremental) import Control.Monad(unless) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Time.Clock(getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime) import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile) main :: IO () main = do zbstr <- L.readFile "test/test-cases/tor-list.z" goldbstr <- L.readFile "test/test-cases/" before <- getCurrentTime runDecompression (L.toChunks zbstr) goldbstr decompressIncremental after <- getCurrentTime putStrLn ("Decompression took " ++ show (diffUTCTime after before)) runDecompression :: [S.ByteString] -> L.ByteString -> ZlibDecoder -> IO () runDecompression ls real decoder = case decoder of Done -> do unless (null ls) $ fail "ERROR: Finished decompression with data left." unless (L.null real) $ fail "ERROR: Did not completely decompress file." return () DecompError e -> fail ("ERROR: " ++ show e) NeedMore f | (x:rest) <- ls -> runDecompression rest real (f x) | otherwise -> fail "ERROR: Ran out of data mid-decompression." Chunk c m -> let (realfirst, realrest) = L.splitAt (L.length c) real in if realfirst == c then runDecompression ls realrest m else fail "Mismatch in decompression"