úÎ L 3     Safe-Infered:After finalizing a context, using md5Finalize, a new type  is returned to prevent 're-finalizing' the structure. The type for final results. EThe initial context to use when calling md5Update for the first time 8Processes a lazy ByteString and returns the md5 digest. # This is probably what you want. 2Closes an MD5 context, thus producing the digest. 9Alters the MD5Context with a partial digest of the data. 9The input bytestring MUST be a multiple of the blockSize 6 or bad things can happen (incorrect digest results)!           pureMD5- updateCtx initialCtx blockLength outputLengthHash MD5Digest MD5Contextmd5InitialContextmd5 md5Finalize md5Update$fHashMD5ContextMD5Digest$fSerializeMD5Partial$fSerializeMD5Context$fSerializeMD5Digest$fBinaryMD5Partial$fBinaryMD5Context$fBinaryMD5Digest$fShowMD5Partial$fShowMD5Digest