{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ForeignFunctionInterface, MultiParamTypeClasses, CPP #-}
-- Module      : Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable, requires bang patterns and ByteString
-- Tested with : GHC-6.8.1
-- | It is suggested you use the 'crypto-api' class-based interface to access the MD5 algorithm.
-- Either rely on type inference or provide an explicit type:
-- @
--   hashFileStrict = liftM hash' B.readFile
--   hashFileLazyBS = liftM hash B.readFile
-- @

module Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
        -- * Types
        , MD5Digest
        -- * Static data
        , md5InitialContext
        -- * Functions
        , md5
        , md5Update
        , md5Finalize
	-- * Crypto-API interface
	, Hash(..)
        ) where

import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeDrop)
import Data.ByteString.Internal
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import System.IO
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as G
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as P
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Crypto.Classes (Hash(..), hash)
import Data.Tagged
import Numeric

-- | Block size in bits
md5BlockSize :: Int
md5BlockSize = 512

blockSizeBytes = md5BlockSize `div` 8
blockSizeBytesI64 = (fromIntegral blockSizeBytes) :: Int64
blockSizeBits = (fromIntegral md5BlockSize) :: Word64

-- | The type for intermediate results (from md5Update)
data MD5Partial = MD5Par {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
    deriving (Ord, Eq)

-- | The type for final results.
data MD5Context = MD5Ctx { mdPartial  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !MD5Partial,
                           mdTotalLen :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 }

-- |After finalizing a context, using md5Finalize, a new type
-- is returned to prevent 're-finalizing' the structure.
data MD5Digest = MD5Digest MD5Partial deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | The initial context to use when calling md5Update for the first time
md5InitialContext :: MD5Context
md5InitialContext = MD5Ctx (MD5Par h0 h1 h2 h3) 0
h0 = 0x67452301
h1 = 0xEFCDAB89
h2 = 0x98BADCFE
h3 = 0x10325476

-- | Processes a lazy ByteString and returns the md5 digest.
--   This is probably what you want.
md5 :: L.ByteString -> MD5Digest
md5 = hash

-- | Closes an MD5 context, thus producing the digest.
md5Finalize :: MD5Context -> B.ByteString -> MD5Digest
md5Finalize !ctx@(MD5Ctx par@(MD5Par a b c d) !totLen) end =
        let totLen' = 8*(totLen + fromIntegral l) :: Word64
            padBS = P.runPut ( do
			P.putByteString end
                        P.putWord8 0x80
                        mapM_ P.putWord8 (replicate lenZeroPad 0)
                        P.putWord64le totLen' )
        in MD5Digest $ blockAndDo par padBS
    l = B.length end
    lenZeroPad = if (l + 1) <= blockSizeBytes - 8
                     then (blockSizeBytes - 8) - (l + 1)
                     else (2 * blockSizeBytes - 8) - (l + 1)

-- | Alters the MD5Context with a partial digest of the data.
-- The input bytestring MUST be a multiple of the blockSize
-- or bad things can happen (incorrect digest results)!
md5Update :: MD5Context -> B.ByteString -> MD5Context
md5Update ctx bs
  | B.length bs `rem` blockSizeBytes /= 0 = error "Invalid use of hash update routine (see crypto-api Hash class semantics)"
  | otherwise = 
	let bs' = if isAligned bs then bs else B.copy bs -- copying has been measured as a net win on my x86 system
	    new =  blockAndDo (mdPartial ctx) bs'
	in ctx { mdPartial = new, mdTotalLen = mdTotalLen ctx + fromIntegral (B.length bs) }

blockAndDo :: MD5Partial -> B.ByteString -> MD5Partial
blockAndDo !ctx bs
  | B.length bs == 0 = ctx
  | otherwise = 
	let !new = performMD5Update ctx bs
	in blockAndDo new (unsafeDrop blockSizeBytes bs)
{-# INLINE blockAndDo #-}

-- Assumes ByteString length == blockSizeBytes, will fold the 
-- context across calls to applyMD5Rounds.
performMD5Update :: MD5Partial -> B.ByteString -> MD5Partial
performMD5Update !par@(MD5Par !a !b !c !d) !bs =
        let MD5Par a' b' c' d' = applyMD5Rounds par bs
	in MD5Par (a' + a) (b' + b) (c' + c) (d' + d)
{-# INLINE performMD5Update #-}

isAligned (PS _ off _) = off `rem` 4 == 0

applyMD5Rounds :: MD5Partial -> ByteString -> MD5Partial
applyMD5Rounds par@(MD5Par a b c d) w = {-# SCC "applyMD5Rounds" #-}
        let -- Round 1
            !r0  = ff  a  b  c  d   (w!!0)  7  3614090360
            !r1  = ff  d r0  b  c   (w!!1)  12 3905402710
            !r2  = ff  c r1 r0  b   (w!!2)  17 606105819
            !r3  = ff  b r2 r1 r0   (w!!3)  22 3250441966
            !r4  = ff r0 r3 r2 r1   (w!!4)  7  4118548399
            !r5  = ff r1 r4 r3 r2   (w!!5)  12 1200080426
            !r6  = ff r2 r5 r4 r3   (w!!6)  17 2821735955
            !r7  = ff r3 r6 r5 r4   (w!!7)  22 4249261313
            !r8  = ff r4 r7 r6 r5   (w!!8)  7  1770035416
            !r9  = ff r5 r8 r7 r6   (w!!9)  12 2336552879
            !r10 = ff r6 r9 r8 r7  (w!!10) 17 4294925233
            !r11 = ff r7 r10 r9 r8 (w!!11) 22 2304563134
            !r12 = ff r8 r11 r10 r9 (w!!12) 7  1804603682
            !r13 = ff r9 r12 r11 r10 (w!!13) 12 4254626195
            !r14 = ff r10 r13 r12 r11 (w!!14) 17 2792965006
            !r15 = ff r11 r14 r13 r12 (w!!15) 22 1236535329
            -- Round 2
            !r16 = gg r12 r15 r14 r13 (w!!1)  5  4129170786
            !r17 = gg r13 r16 r15 r14 (w!!6)  9  3225465664
            !r18 = gg r14 r17 r16 r15 (w!!11) 14 643717713
            !r19 = gg r15 r18 r17 r16 (w!!0)  20 3921069994
            !r20 = gg r16 r19 r18 r17 (w!!5)  5  3593408605
            !r21 = gg r17 r20 r19 r18 (w!!10) 9  38016083
            !r22 = gg r18 r21 r20 r19 (w!!15) 14 3634488961
            !r23 = gg r19 r22 r21 r20 (w!!4)  20 3889429448
            !r24 = gg r20 r23 r22 r21 (w!!9)  5  568446438
            !r25 = gg r21 r24 r23 r22 (w!!14) 9  3275163606
            !r26 = gg r22 r25 r24 r23 (w!!3)  14 4107603335
            !r27 = gg r23 r26 r25 r24 (w!!8)  20 1163531501
            !r28 = gg r24 r27 r26 r25 (w!!13) 5  2850285829
            !r29 = gg r25 r28 r27 r26 (w!!2)  9  4243563512
            !r30 = gg r26 r29 r28 r27 (w!!7)  14 1735328473
            !r31 = gg r27 r30 r29 r28 (w!!12) 20 2368359562
            -- Round 3
            !r32 = hh r28 r31 r30 r29 (w!!5)  4  4294588738
            !r33 = hh r29 r32 r31 r30 (w!!8)  11 2272392833
            !r34 = hh r30 r33 r32 r31 (w!!11) 16 1839030562
            !r35 = hh r31 r34 r33 r32 (w!!14) 23 4259657740
            !r36 = hh r32 r35 r34 r33 (w!!1)  4  2763975236
            !r37 = hh r33 r36 r35 r34 (w!!4)  11 1272893353
            !r38 = hh r34 r37 r36 r35 (w!!7)  16 4139469664
            !r39 = hh r35 r38 r37 r36 (w!!10) 23 3200236656
            !r40 = hh r36 r39 r38 r37 (w!!13) 4  681279174
            !r41 = hh r37 r40 r39 r38 (w!!0)  11 3936430074
            !r42 = hh r38 r41 r40 r39 (w!!3)  16 3572445317
            !r43 = hh r39 r42 r41 r40 (w!!6)  23 76029189
            !r44 = hh r40 r43 r42 r41 (w!!9)  4  3654602809
            !r45 = hh r41 r44 r43 r42 (w!!12) 11 3873151461
            !r46 = hh r42 r45 r44 r43 (w!!15) 16 530742520
            !r47 = hh r43 r46 r45 r44 (w!!2)  23 3299628645
            -- Round 4
            !r48 = ii r44 r47 r46 r45 (w!!0)  6  4096336452
            !r49 = ii r45 r48 r47 r46 (w!!7)  10 1126891415
            !r50 = ii r46 r49 r48 r47 (w!!14) 15 2878612391
            !r51 = ii r47 r50 r49 r48 (w!!5)  21 4237533241
            !r52 = ii r48 r51 r50 r49 (w!!12) 6  1700485571
            !r53 = ii r49 r52 r51 r50 (w!!3)  10 2399980690
            !r54 = ii r50 r53 r52 r51 (w!!10) 15 4293915773
            !r55 = ii r51 r54 r53 r52 (w!!1)  21 2240044497
            !r56 = ii r52 r55 r54 r53 (w!!8)  6  1873313359
            !r57 = ii r53 r56 r55 r54 (w!!15) 10 4264355552
            !r58 = ii r54 r57 r56 r55 (w!!6)  15 2734768916
            !r59 = ii r55 r58 r57 r56 (w!!13) 21 1309151649
            !r60 = ii r56 r59 r58 r57 (w!!4)  6  4149444226
            !r61 = ii r57 r60 r59 r58 (w!!11) 10 3174756917
            !r62 = ii r58 r61 r60 r59 (w!!2)  15 718787259
            !r63 = ii r59 r62 r61 r60 (w!!9)  21 3951481745
        in MD5Par r60 r63 r62 r61
        f !x !y !z = (x .&. y) .|. ((complement x) .&. z)
        {-# INLINE f #-}
        g !x !y !z = (x .&. z) .|. (y .&. (complement z))
        {-# INLINE g #-}
        h !x !y !z = (x `xor` y `xor` z)
        {-# INLINE h #-}
        i !x !y !z = y `xor` (x .|. (complement z))
        {-# INLINE i #-}
        ff a b c d !x s ac = {-# SCC "ff" #-}
                let !a' = f b c d + x + ac + a
                    !a'' = rotateL a' s
                in a'' + b
        {-# INLINE ff #-}
        gg a b c d !x s ac = {-# SCC "gg" #-}
                let !a' = g b c d + x + ac + a
                    !a'' = rotateL a' s
                in a'' + b
        {-# INLINE gg #-}
        hh a b c d !x s ac = {-# SCC "hh" #-}
                let !a' = h b c d + x + ac + a
                    !a'' = rotateL a' s
                    in a'' + b
        {-# INLINE hh #-}
        ii a b c d  !x s ac = {-# SCC "ii" #-}
                let !a' = i b c d + x + ac + a
                    !a'' = rotateL a' s
                in a'' + b
        {-# INLINE ii #-}
        (!!) word32s pos = getNthWord pos word32s
        {-# INLINE (!!) #-}
{-# INLINE applyMD5Rounds #-}

#ifdef FastWordExtract
getNthWord n b = inlinePerformIO (unsafeUseAsCString b (flip peekElemOff n . castPtr))
getNthWord :: Int -> B.ByteString -> Word32
getNthWord n = right . G.runGet G.getWord32le . B.drop (n * sizeOf (undefined :: Word32))
  right x = case x of Right y -> y
{-# INLINE getNthWord #-}

infix 9 .<.
(.<.) :: Word8 -> Int -> Word32
(.<.) w i = (fromIntegral w) `shiftL` i

----- Some quick and dirty instances follow -----

instance Show MD5Digest where
    show (MD5Digest h) = show h

instance Show MD5Partial where
  show (MD5Par a b c d) = 
    let bs = runPut $ putWord32be d >> putWord32be c >> putWord32be b >> putWord32be a
    in foldl' (\str w -> let c = showHex w str
                         in if length c < length str + 2
                                 then '0':c
                                else c) "" (L.unpack bs)

instance Binary MD5Digest where
    put (MD5Digest p) = put p
    get = do
        p <- get
        return $ MD5Digest p

instance Binary MD5Context where
        put (MD5Ctx p l) = put p >> putWord64be l
        get = do p <- get
                 l <- getWord64be
                 return $ MD5Ctx p l

instance Binary MD5Partial where
        put (MD5Par a b c d) = putWord32le a >> putWord32le b >> putWord32le c >> putWord32le d
        get = do a <- getWord32le
                 b <- getWord32le
                 c <- getWord32le
                 d <- getWord32le
                 return $ MD5Par a b c d

instance S.Serialize MD5Digest where
    put (MD5Digest p) = S.put p
    get = do
        p <- S.get
        return $ MD5Digest p

instance S.Serialize MD5Context where
        put (MD5Ctx p l) = S.put p >>
                             P.putWord64be l
        get = do p <- S.get
                 l <- G.getWord64be
                 return $ MD5Ctx p l

instance S.Serialize MD5Partial where
	put (MD5Par a b c d) = P.putWord32le a >> P.putWord32le b >> P.putWord32le c >> P.putWord32le d
	get = do a <- G.getWord32le
		 b <- G.getWord32le
		 c <- G.getWord32le
		 d <- G.getWord32le
		 return $ MD5Par a b c d

instance Hash MD5Context MD5Digest where
	outputLength = Tagged 128
	blockLength  = Tagged 512
	initialCtx   = md5InitialContext
	updateCtx    = md5Update
	finalize     = md5Finalize