----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : PureScript.CodeGen.JS -- Copyright : (c) Phil Freeman 2013 -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : Phil Freeman -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : -- -- | -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module PureScript.CodeGen.JS ( declToJs ) where import Data.Char import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Control.Arrow as A import Control.Arrow ((<+>)) import Control.Monad (forM) import Control.Applicative import PureScript.Types import PureScript.Values import PureScript.Names import PureScript.Declarations import PureScript.CodeGen.Common import PureScript.CodeGen.Common.Gen declToJs :: Declaration -> Maybe String declToJs (ValueDeclaration ident (Abs args ret)) = Just $ "function " ++ identToJs ident ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map identToJs args) ++ ") { return " ++ valueToJs ret ++ "; }" declToJs (ValueDeclaration ident val) = Just $ "var " ++ identToJs ident ++ " = " ++ valueToJs val ++ ";" declToJs (DataDeclaration _ _ ctors) = Just $ flip concatMap ctors $ \(ctor, maybeTy) -> case maybeTy of Nothing -> "var " ++ ctor ++ " = { ctor: '" ++ ctor ++ "' };" Just _ -> "var " ++ ctor ++ " = function (value) { return { ctor: '" ++ ctor ++ "', value: value }; };" declToJs _ = Nothing literals :: Pattern Value String literals = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (NumericLiteral n) = Just $ either show show n match (StringLiteral s) = Just $ show s match (BooleanLiteral True) = Just "true" match (BooleanLiteral False) = Just "false" match (ArrayLiteral xs) = Just $ "[" ++ intercalate "," (map valueToJs xs) ++ "]" match (ObjectLiteral ps) = Just $ "{" ++ intercalate "," (map objectPropertyToJs ps) ++ "}" match (ObjectUpdate o ps) = Just $ "Object.extend(" ++ valueToJs o ++ ", { " ++ intercalate ", " (map objectPropertyToJs ps) ++ " }" match (Constructor name) = Just name match (Block sts) = Just $ "(function () {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs sts) ++ "})()" match (Case value binders) = Just $ "(" ++ runGen (bindersToJs binders) ++ ")(" ++ valueToJs value ++ ")" where bindersToJs :: [(Binder, Value)] -> Gen String bindersToJs binders = do valName <- fresh jss <- forM binders $ \(binder, result) -> do let js = valueToJs result binderToJs valName ("return " ++ js ++ ";") binder return $ "function (" ++ valName ++ ") {" ++ concat jss ++ "throw \"Failed pattern match\"; }" match (Var ident) = Just (identToJs ident) match _ = Nothing ifThenElse :: Pattern Value ((Value, Value), Value) ifThenElse = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (IfThenElse cond th el) = Just ((th, el), cond) match _ = Nothing accessor :: Pattern Value (String, Value) accessor = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (Accessor prop val) = Just (prop, val) match _ = Nothing indexer :: Pattern Value (String, Value) indexer = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (Indexer index val) = Just (valueToJs index, val) match _ = Nothing app :: Pattern Value (String, Value) app = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (App val args) = Just (intercalate "," (map valueToJs args), val) match _ = Nothing lam :: Pattern Value ([String], Value) lam = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (Abs args val) = Just (map identToJs args, val) match _ = Nothing unary :: UnaryOperator -> String -> Operator Value String unary op str = Wrap pattern (++) where pattern :: Pattern Value (String, Value) pattern = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (Unary op' val) | op' == op = Just (str, val) match _ = Nothing binary :: BinaryOperator -> String -> Operator Value String binary op str = AssocR pattern (\v1 v2 -> v1 ++ " " ++ str ++ " " ++ v2) where pattern :: Pattern Value (Value, Value) pattern = Pattern $ A.Kleisli match where match (Binary op' v1 v2) | op' == op = Just (v1, v2) match _ = Nothing valueToJs :: Value -> String valueToJs = fromMaybe (error "Incomplete pattern") . pattern matchValue where matchValue :: Pattern Value String matchValue = buildPrettyPrinter operators (literals <+> fmap parens matchValue) operators :: OperatorTable Value String operators = OperatorTable [ [ Wrap accessor $ \prop val -> val ++ "." ++ prop ] , [ Wrap indexer $ \index val -> val ++ "[" ++ index ++ "]" ] , [ Wrap app $ \args val -> val ++ "(" ++ args ++ ")" ] , [ Split lam $ \args val -> "function (" ++ intercalate "," args ++ ") { return " ++ valueToJs val ++ "; }" ] , [ Wrap ifThenElse $ \(th, el) cond -> cond ++ " ? " ++ valueToJs th ++ " : " ++ valueToJs el ] , [ binary LessThan "<" ] , [ binary LessThanOrEqualTo "<=" ] , [ binary GreaterThan ">" ] , [ binary GreaterThanOrEqualTo ">=" ] , [ unary Not "!" ] , [ unary BitwiseNot "~" ] , [ unary Negate "-" ] , [ binary Multiply "*" ] , [ binary Divide "/" ] , [ binary Modulus "%" ] , [ binary Concat "+" ] , [ binary Add "+" ] , [ binary Subtract "-" ] , [ binary ShiftLeft "<<" ] , [ binary ShiftRight ">>" ] , [ binary ZeroFillShiftRight ">>>" ] , [ binary EqualTo "===" ] , [ binary NotEqualTo "!==" ] , [ binary BitwiseAnd "&" ] , [ binary BitwiseXor "^" ] , [ binary BitwiseOr "|" ] , [ binary And "&&" ] , [ binary Or "||" ] ] binderToJs :: String -> String -> Binder -> Gen String binderToJs varName done NullBinder = return done binderToJs varName done (StringBinder str) = return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ " === \"" ++ str ++ "\") {" ++ done ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (NumberBinder num) = return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ " === " ++ either show show num ++ ") {" ++ done ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (BooleanBinder True) = return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ ") {" ++ done ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (BooleanBinder False) = return $ "if (!" ++ varName ++ ") {" ++ done ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (VarBinder ident) = return $ "var " ++ identToJs ident ++ " = " ++ varName ++ "; " ++ done binderToJs varName done (NullaryBinder ctor) = return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ ".ctor === \"" ++ ctor ++ "\") { " ++ done ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (UnaryBinder ctor b) = do value <- fresh js <- binderToJs value done b return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ ".ctor === \"" ++ ctor ++ "\") { " ++ "var " ++ value ++ " = " ++ varName ++ ".value; " ++ js ++ " }" binderToJs varName done (ObjectBinder bs) = go done bs where go done [] = return done go done ((prop, binder):bs) = do propVar <- fresh done' <- go done bs js <- binderToJs propVar done' binder return $ "var " ++ propVar ++ " = " ++ varName ++ "." ++ prop ++ ";" ++ js binderToJs varName done (ArrayBinder bs rest) = do js <- go done rest 0 bs return $ "if (" ++ varName ++ ".length " ++ cmp ++ " " ++ show (length bs) ++ ") { " ++ js ++ " }" where cmp = maybe "===" (const ">=") rest go done Nothing _ [] = return done go done (Just binder) index [] = do restVar <- fresh js <- binderToJs restVar done binder return $ "var " ++ restVar ++ " = " ++ varName ++ ".slice(" ++ show index ++ "); " ++ js go done rest index (binder:bs) = do elVar <- fresh done' <- go done rest (index + 1) bs js <- binderToJs elVar done' binder return $ "var " ++ elVar ++ " = " ++ varName ++ "[" ++ show index ++ "]; " ++ js binderToJs varName done (NamedBinder ident binder) = do js <- binderToJs varName done binder return $ "var " ++ identToJs ident ++ " = " ++ varName ++ "; " ++ js binderToJs varName done (GuardedBinder cond binder) = binderToJs varName done' binder where done' = "if (" ++ valueToJs cond ++ ") { " ++ done ++ "}" objectPropertyToJs :: (String, Value) -> String objectPropertyToJs (key, value) = key ++ ": " ++ valueToJs value statementToJs :: Statement -> String statementToJs (VariableIntroduction ident value) = "var " ++ identToJs ident ++ " = " ++ valueToJs value statementToJs (Assignment target value) = identToJs target ++ " = " ++ valueToJs value statementToJs (While cond sts) = "while (" ++ valueToJs cond ++ ") {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs sts) ++ "}" statementToJs (For ident start end sts) = "for (" ++ identToJs ident ++ " = " ++ valueToJs start ++ ";" ++ identToJs ident ++ " < " ++ valueToJs end ++ ";" ++ identToJs ident ++ "++) {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs sts) ++ "}" statementToJs (ForEach ident arr sts) = valueToJs arr ++ ".forEach(function(" ++ identToJs ident ++ ") {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs sts) ++ "})" statementToJs (If ifst) = ifStatementToJs ifst statementToJs (Return value) = "return " ++ valueToJs value ifStatementToJs :: IfStatement -> String ifStatementToJs (IfStatement cond thens elst) = "if (" ++ valueToJs cond ++ ") {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs thens) ++ "}" ++ maybe "" elseStatementToJs elst elseStatementToJs :: ElseStatement -> String elseStatementToJs (Else sts) = " else {" ++ intercalate ";" (map statementToJs sts) ++ "}" elseStatementToJs (ElseIf ifst) = " else " ++ ifStatementToJs ifst