-- | -- Common code generation utility functions -- module Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Common where import Prelude.Compat import Data.Char import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Language.PureScript.Crash import Language.PureScript.Names moduleNameToJs :: ModuleName -> Text moduleNameToJs (ModuleName pns) = let name = T.intercalate "_" (runProperName `map` pns) in if nameIsJsBuiltIn name then "$$" <> name else name -- | -- Convert an Ident into a valid Javascript identifier: -- -- * Alphanumeric characters are kept unmodified. -- -- * Reserved javascript identifiers are prefixed with '$$'. -- -- * Symbols are prefixed with '$' followed by a symbol name or their ordinal value. -- identToJs :: Ident -> Text identToJs (Ident name) = properToJs name identToJs (GenIdent _ _) = internalError "GenIdent in identToJs" properToJs :: Text -> Text properToJs name | nameIsJsReserved name || nameIsJsBuiltIn name = "$$" <> name | otherwise = T.concatMap identCharToText name -- | -- Test if a string is a valid JS identifier without escaping. -- identNeedsEscaping :: Text -> Bool identNeedsEscaping s = s /= properToJs s || T.null s -- | -- Attempts to find a human-readable name for a symbol, if none has been specified returns the -- ordinal value. -- identCharToText :: Char -> Text identCharToText c | isAlphaNum c = T.singleton c identCharToText '_' = "_" identCharToText '.' = "$dot" identCharToText '$' = "$dollar" identCharToText '~' = "$tilde" identCharToText '=' = "$eq" identCharToText '<' = "$less" identCharToText '>' = "$greater" identCharToText '!' = "$bang" identCharToText '#' = "$hash" identCharToText '%' = "$percent" identCharToText '^' = "$up" identCharToText '&' = "$amp" identCharToText '|' = "$bar" identCharToText '*' = "$times" identCharToText '/' = "$div" identCharToText '+' = "$plus" identCharToText '-' = "$minus" identCharToText ':' = "$colon" identCharToText '\\' = "$bslash" identCharToText '?' = "$qmark" identCharToText '@' = "$at" identCharToText '\'' = "$prime" identCharToText c = '$' `T.cons` T.pack (show (ord c)) -- | -- Checks whether an identifier name is reserved in Javascript. -- nameIsJsReserved :: Text -> Bool nameIsJsReserved name = name `elem` jsAnyReserved -- | -- Checks whether a name matches a built-in value in Javascript. -- nameIsJsBuiltIn :: Text -> Bool nameIsJsBuiltIn name = name `elem` [ "arguments" , "Array" , "ArrayBuffer" , "Boolean" , "DataView" , "Date" , "decodeURI" , "decodeURIComponent" , "encodeURI" , "encodeURIComponent" , "Error" , "escape" , "eval" , "EvalError" , "Float32Array" , "Float64Array" , "Function" , "Infinity" , "Int16Array" , "Int32Array" , "Int8Array" , "Intl" , "isFinite" , "isNaN" , "JSON" , "Map" , "Math" , "NaN" , "Number" , "Object" , "parseFloat" , "parseInt" , "Promise" , "Proxy" , "RangeError" , "ReferenceError" , "Reflect" , "RegExp" , "Set" , "SIMD" , "String" , "Symbol" , "SyntaxError" , "TypeError" , "Uint16Array" , "Uint32Array" , "Uint8Array" , "Uint8ClampedArray" , "undefined" , "unescape" , "URIError" , "WeakMap" , "WeakSet" ] jsAnyReserved :: [Text] jsAnyReserved = concat [ jsKeywords , jsSometimesReserved , jsFutureReserved , jsFutureReservedStrict , jsOldReserved , jsLiterals ] jsKeywords :: [Text] jsKeywords = [ "break" , "case" , "catch" , "class" , "const" , "continue" , "debugger" , "default" , "delete" , "do" , "else" , "export" , "extends" , "finally" , "for" , "function" , "if" , "import" , "in" , "instanceof" , "new" , "return" , "super" , "switch" , "this" , "throw" , "try" , "typeof" , "var" , "void" , "while" , "with" ] jsSometimesReserved :: [Text] jsSometimesReserved = [ "await" , "let" , "static" , "yield" ] jsFutureReserved :: [Text] jsFutureReserved = [ "enum" ] jsFutureReservedStrict :: [Text] jsFutureReservedStrict = [ "implements" , "interface" , "package" , "private" , "protected" , "public" ] jsOldReserved :: [Text] jsOldReserved = [ "abstract" , "boolean" , "byte" , "char" , "double" , "final" , "float" , "goto" , "int" , "long" , "native" , "short" , "synchronized" , "throws" , "transient" , "volatile" ] jsLiterals :: [Text] jsLiterals = [ "null" , "true" , "false" ]