{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- | -- Monads for type checking and type inference and associated data types -- module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad where import Prelude.Compat import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..)) import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..), censor) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (Text) import Language.PureScript.Environment import Language.PureScript.Errors import Language.PureScript.Kinds import Language.PureScript.Names import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries import Language.PureScript.Types -- | A substitution of unification variables for types or kinds data Substitution = Substitution { substType :: M.Map Int Type -- ^ Type substitution , substKind :: M.Map Int Kind -- ^ Kind substitution } -- | An empty substitution emptySubstitution :: Substitution emptySubstitution = Substitution M.empty M.empty -- | State required for type checking data CheckState = CheckState { checkEnv :: Environment -- ^ The current @Environment@ , checkNextType :: Int -- ^ The next type unification variable , checkNextKind :: Int -- ^ The next kind unification variable , checkNextSkolem :: Int -- ^ The next skolem variable , checkNextSkolemScope :: Int -- ^ The next skolem scope constant , checkCurrentModule :: Maybe ModuleName -- ^ The current module , checkSubstitution :: Substitution -- ^ The current substitution , checkHints :: [ErrorMessageHint] -- ^ The current error message hint stack. -- This goes into state, rather than using 'rethrow', -- since this way, we can provide good error messages -- during instance resolution. } -- | Create an empty @CheckState@ emptyCheckState :: Environment -> CheckState emptyCheckState env = CheckState env 0 0 0 0 Nothing emptySubstitution [] -- | Unification variables type Unknown = Int -- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to values bindNames :: MonadState CheckState m => M.Map (Qualified Ident) (Type, NameKind, NameVisibility) -> m a -> m a bindNames newNames action = do orig <- get modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = newNames `M.union` (names . checkEnv $ st) } } a <- action modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = names . checkEnv $ orig } } return a -- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to types bindTypes :: MonadState CheckState m => M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)) (Kind, TypeKind) -> m a -> m a bindTypes newNames action = do orig <- get modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = newNames `M.union` (types . checkEnv $ st) } } a <- action modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = types . checkEnv $ orig } } return a -- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to types withScopedTypeVars :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => ModuleName -> [(Text, Kind)] -> m a -> m a withScopedTypeVars mn ks ma = do orig <- get forM_ ks $ \(name, _) -> when (Qualified (Just mn) (ProperName name) `M.member` types (checkEnv orig)) $ tell . errorMessage $ ShadowedTypeVar name bindTypes (M.fromList (map (\(name, k) -> (Qualified (Just mn) (ProperName name), (k, ScopedTypeVar))) ks)) ma withErrorMessageHint :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m) => ErrorMessageHint -> m a -> m a withErrorMessageHint hint action = do orig <- get modify $ \st -> st { checkHints = hint : checkHints st } -- Need to use 'rethrow' anyway, since we have to handle regular errors a <- rethrow (addHint hint) action modify $ \st -> st { checkHints = checkHints orig } return a -- | These hints are added at the front, so the most nested hint occurs -- at the front, but the simplifier assumes the reverse order. getHints :: MonadState CheckState m => m [ErrorMessageHint] getHints = gets (reverse . checkHints) rethrowWithPositionTC :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m) => SourceSpan -> m a -> m a rethrowWithPositionTC pos = withErrorMessageHint (PositionedError pos) warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC :: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => SourceSpan -> m a -> m a warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos = rethrowWithPositionTC pos . warnWithPosition pos -- | Temporarily make a collection of type class dictionaries available withTypeClassDictionaries :: MonadState CheckState m => [NamedDict] -> m a -> m a withTypeClassDictionaries entries action = do orig <- get let mentries = M.fromListWith (M.unionWith M.union) [ (mn, M.singleton className (M.singleton (tcdValue entry) entry)) | entry@TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdValue = Qualified mn _, tcdClassName = className } <- entries ] modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = M.unionWith (M.unionWith M.union) (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st) mentries } } a <- action modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ orig } } return a -- | Get the currently available map of type class dictionaries getTypeClassDictionaries :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m (M.Map (Maybe ModuleName) (M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) NamedDict))) getTypeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv <$> get -- | Lookup type class dictionaries in a module. lookupTypeClassDictionaries :: (MonadState CheckState m) => Maybe ModuleName -> m (M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) NamedDict)) lookupTypeClassDictionaries mn = fromMaybe M.empty . M.lookup mn . typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv <$> get -- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to local variables bindLocalVariables :: (MonadState CheckState m) => [(Ident, Type, NameVisibility)] -> m a -> m a bindLocalVariables bindings = bindNames (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(name, ty, visibility) -> (Qualified Nothing name, (ty, Private, visibility))) -- | Temporarily bind a collection of names to local type variables bindLocalTypeVariables :: (MonadState CheckState m) => ModuleName -> [(ProperName 'TypeName, Kind)] -> m a -> m a bindLocalTypeVariables moduleName bindings = bindTypes (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(pn, kind) -> (Qualified (Just moduleName) pn, (kind, LocalTypeVariable))) -- | Update the visibility of all names to Defined makeBindingGroupVisible :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m () makeBindingGroupVisible = modifyEnv $ \e -> e { names = M.map (\(ty, nk, _) -> (ty, nk, Defined)) (names e) } -- | Update the visibility of all names to Defined in the scope of the provided action withBindingGroupVisible :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m a -> m a withBindingGroupVisible action = preservingNames $ makeBindingGroupVisible >> action -- | Perform an action while preserving the names from the @Environment@. preservingNames :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m a -> m a preservingNames action = do orig <- gets (names . checkEnv) a <- action modifyEnv $ \e -> e { names = orig } return a -- | Lookup the type of a value by name in the @Environment@ lookupVariable :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m) => Qualified Ident -> m Type lookupVariable qual = do env <- getEnv case M.lookup qual (names env) of Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ NameIsUndefined (disqualify qual) Just (ty, _, _) -> return ty -- | Lookup the visibility of a value by name in the @Environment@ getVisibility :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m) => Qualified Ident -> m NameVisibility getVisibility qual = do env <- getEnv case M.lookup qual (names env) of Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ NameIsUndefined (disqualify qual) Just (_, _, vis) -> return vis -- | Assert that a name is visible checkVisibility :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m) => Qualified Ident -> m () checkVisibility name@(Qualified _ var) = do vis <- getVisibility name case vis of Undefined -> throwError . errorMessage $ CycleInDeclaration var _ -> return () -- | Lookup the kind of a type by name in the @Environment@ lookupTypeVariable :: (e ~ MultipleErrors, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError e m) => ModuleName -> Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName) -> m Kind lookupTypeVariable currentModule (Qualified moduleName name) = do env <- getEnv case M.lookup (Qualified (Just $ fromMaybe currentModule moduleName) name) (types env) of Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ UndefinedTypeVariable name Just (k, _) -> return k -- | Get the current @Environment@ getEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => m Environment getEnv = checkEnv <$> get -- | Get locally-bound names in context, to create an error message. getLocalContext :: MonadState CheckState m => m Context getLocalContext = do env <- getEnv return [ (ident, ty') | (Qualified Nothing ident@Ident{}, (ty', _, Defined)) <- M.toList (names env) ] -- | Update the @Environment@ putEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => Environment -> m () putEnv env = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = env }) -- | Modify the @Environment@ modifyEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => (Environment -> Environment) -> m () modifyEnv f = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = f (checkEnv s) }) -- | Run a computation in the typechecking monad, starting with an empty @Environment@ runCheck :: (Functor m) => StateT CheckState m a -> m (a, Environment) runCheck = runCheck' (emptyCheckState initEnvironment) -- | Run a computation in the typechecking monad, failing with an error, or succeeding with a return value and the final @Environment@. runCheck' :: (Functor m) => CheckState -> StateT CheckState m a -> m (a, Environment) runCheck' st check = second checkEnv <$> runStateT check st -- | Make an assertion, failing with an error message guardWith :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Bool -> m () guardWith _ True = return () guardWith e False = throwError e -- | Run a computation in the substitution monad, generating a return value and the final substitution. captureSubstitution :: MonadState CheckState m => m a -> m (a, Substitution) captureSubstitution = capturingSubstitution (,) capturingSubstitution :: MonadState CheckState m => (a -> Substitution -> b) -> m a -> m b capturingSubstitution f ma = do a <- ma subst <- gets checkSubstitution return (f a subst) withFreshSubstitution :: MonadState CheckState m => m a -> m a withFreshSubstitution ma = do orig <- get modify $ \st -> st { checkSubstitution = emptySubstitution } a <- ma modify $ \st -> st { checkSubstitution = checkSubstitution orig } return a withoutWarnings :: MonadWriter w m => m a -> m (a, w) withoutWarnings = censor (const mempty) . listen