module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.TypeSearch ( typeSearch ) where import Protolude import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, runWriterT) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Entailment as Entailment import qualified Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad as TC import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Subsumption import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Unify as P import Control.Monad.Supply as P import Language.PureScript.AST as P import Language.PureScript.Environment as P import Language.PureScript.Errors as P import Language.PureScript.Label import Language.PureScript.Names as P import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Types as P import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Skolems as Skolem import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms as P import Language.PureScript.Types as P checkInEnvironment :: Environment -> TC.CheckState -> StateT TC.CheckState (SupplyT (WriterT b (Except P.MultipleErrors))) a -> Maybe (a, Environment) checkInEnvironment env st = either (const Nothing) Just . runExcept . evalWriterT . P.evalSupplyT 0 . TC.runCheck' (st { TC.checkEnv = env }) evalWriterT :: Monad m => WriterT b m r -> m r evalWriterT m = liftM fst (runWriterT m) checkSubsume :: Maybe [(P.Ident, Entailment.InstanceContext, P.Constraint)] -- ^ Additional constraints we need to satisfy -> P.Environment -- ^ The Environment which contains the relevant definitions and typeclasses -> TC.CheckState -- ^ The typechecker state -> P.Type -- ^ The user supplied type -> P.Type -- ^ The type supplied by the environment -> Maybe ((P.Expr, [(P.Ident, Entailment.InstanceContext, P.Constraint)]), P.Environment) checkSubsume unsolved env st userT envT = checkInEnvironment env st $ do let initializeSkolems = Skolem.introduceSkolemScope <=< P.replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< P.replaceTypeWildcards userT' <- initializeSkolems userT envT' <- initializeSkolems envT let dummyExpression = P.Var (P.Qualified Nothing (P.Ident "x")) elab <- subsumes envT' userT' subst <- gets TC.checkSubstitution let expP = P.overTypes (P.substituteType subst) (elab dummyExpression) -- Now check that any unsolved constraints have not become impossible (traverse_ . traverse_) (\(_, context, constraint) -> do let constraint' = P.mapConstraintArgs (map (P.substituteType subst)) constraint flip evalStateT Map.empty . evalWriterT $ Entailment.entails (Entailment.SolverOptions { solverShouldGeneralize = True , solverDeferErrors = False }) constraint' context []) unsolved -- Finally, check any constraints which were found during elaboration Entailment.replaceTypeClassDictionaries (isJust unsolved) expP accessorSearch :: Maybe [(P.Ident, Entailment.InstanceContext, P.Constraint)] -> P.Environment -> TC.CheckState -> P.Type -> ([(Label, P.Type)], [(Label, P.Type)]) -- ^ (all accessors we found, all accessors we found that match the result type) accessorSearch unsolved env st userT = maybe ([], []) fst $ checkInEnvironment env st $ do let initializeSkolems = Skolem.introduceSkolemScope <=< P.replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< P.replaceTypeWildcards userT' <- initializeSkolems userT rowType <- freshType resultType <- freshType let recordFunction = TypeApp (TypeApp tyFunction (TypeApp tyRecord rowType)) resultType _ <- subsumes recordFunction userT' subst <- gets TC.checkSubstitution let solvedRow = fst (rowToList (substituteType subst rowType)) tcS <- get pure (solvedRow, filter (\x -> checkAccessor tcS (substituteType subst resultType) x) solvedRow) where checkAccessor tcs x (_, type') = isJust (checkSubsume unsolved env tcs x type') typeSearch :: Maybe [(P.Ident, Entailment.InstanceContext, P.Constraint)] -- ^ Additional constraints we need to satisfy -> P.Environment -- ^ The Environment which contains the relevant definitions and typeclasses -> TC.CheckState -- ^ The typechecker state -> P.Type -- ^ The type we are looking for -> ([(P.Qualified Text, P.Type)], Maybe [(Label, P.Type)]) typeSearch unsolved env st type' = let resultMap = Map.mapMaybe (\(x, _, _) -> checkSubsume unsolved env st type' x $> x) (P.names env) (allLabels, solvedLabels) = accessorSearch unsolved env st type' solvedLabels' = first (P.Qualified Nothing . ("_." <>) . P.prettyPrintLabel) <$> solvedLabels in (solvedLabels' <> (first (map P.runIdent) <$> Map.toList resultMap), if null allLabels then Nothing else Just allLabels)