-- |
-- This module implements a simple linting pass on the PureScript AST.
module Language.PureScript.Linter (lint, module L) where

import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)

import Control.Monad.Writer.Class

import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Linter.Exhaustive as L
import Language.PureScript.Linter.Imports as L
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Types

-- | Lint the PureScript AST.
-- |
-- | Right now, this pass only performs a shadowing check.
lint :: forall m. (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => Module -> m ()
lint (Module _ _ mn ds _) = censor (addHint (ErrorInModule mn)) $ mapM_ lintDeclaration ds
  moduleNames :: S.Set Ident
  moduleNames = S.fromList (ordNub (mapMaybe getDeclIdent ds))

  getDeclIdent :: Declaration -> Maybe Ident
  getDeclIdent (ValueDeclaration vd) = Just (valdeclIdent vd)
  getDeclIdent (ExternDeclaration _ ident _) = Just ident
  getDeclIdent (TypeInstanceDeclaration _ ident _ _ _ _) = Just ident
  getDeclIdent BindingGroupDeclaration{} = internalError "lint: binding groups should not be desugared yet."
  getDeclIdent _ = Nothing

  lintDeclaration :: Declaration -> m ()
  lintDeclaration = tell . f
    (warningsInDecl, _, _, _, _) = everythingWithScope (\_ _ -> mempty) stepE stepB (\_ _ -> mempty) stepDo

    f :: Declaration -> MultipleErrors
    f (TypeClassDeclaration _ name args _ _ decs) = addHint (ErrorInTypeClassDeclaration name) (foldMap (f' (S.fromList $ fst <$> args)) decs)
    f dec = f' S.empty dec

    f' :: S.Set Text -> Declaration -> MultipleErrors
    f' s dec@(ValueDeclaration vd) = addHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration (valdeclIdent vd)) (warningsInDecl moduleNames dec <> checkTypeVarsInDecl s dec)
    f' s (TypeDeclaration td) = addHint (ErrorInTypeDeclaration (tydeclIdent td)) (checkTypeVars s (tydeclType td))
    f' s dec = warningsInDecl moduleNames dec <> checkTypeVarsInDecl s dec

    stepE :: S.Set Ident -> Expr -> MultipleErrors
    stepE s (Abs (VarBinder name) _) | name `S.member` s = errorMessage (ShadowedName name)
    stepE s (Let ds' _) = foldMap go ds'
      go d | Just i <- getDeclIdent d
           , i `S.member` s = errorMessage (ShadowedName i)
           | otherwise = mempty
    stepE _ _ = mempty

    stepB :: S.Set Ident -> Binder -> MultipleErrors
    stepB s (VarBinder name) | name `S.member` s = errorMessage (ShadowedName name)
    stepB s (NamedBinder name _) | name `S.member` s = errorMessage (ShadowedName name)
    stepB _ _ = mempty

    stepDo :: S.Set Ident -> DoNotationElement -> MultipleErrors
    stepDo s (DoNotationLet ds') = foldMap go ds'
      go d | Just i <- getDeclIdent d
           , i `S.member` s = errorMessage (ShadowedName i)
           | otherwise = mempty
    stepDo _ _ = mempty

  checkTypeVarsInDecl :: S.Set Text -> Declaration -> MultipleErrors
  checkTypeVarsInDecl s d = let (f, _, _, _, _) = accumTypes (checkTypeVars s) in f d

  checkTypeVars :: S.Set Text -> Type -> MultipleErrors
  checkTypeVars set ty = everythingWithContextOnTypes set mempty mappend step ty <> findUnused ty
    step :: S.Set Text -> Type -> (S.Set Text, MultipleErrors)
    step s (ForAll tv _ _) = bindVar s tv
    step s _ = (s, mempty)
    bindVar :: S.Set Text -> Text -> (S.Set Text, MultipleErrors)
    bindVar = bind ShadowedTypeVar
    findUnused :: Type -> MultipleErrors
    findUnused ty' =
      let used = usedTypeVariables ty'
          declared = everythingOnTypes (++) go ty'
          unused = ordNub declared \\ ordNub used
      in foldl (<>) mempty $ map (errorMessage . UnusedTypeVar) unused
      go :: Type -> [Text]
      go (ForAll tv _ _) = [tv]
      go _ = []

  bind :: (Ord a) => (a -> SimpleErrorMessage) -> S.Set a -> a -> (S.Set a, MultipleErrors)
  bind mkError s name | name `S.member` s = (s, errorMessage (mkError name))
                      | otherwise = (S.insert name s, mempty)