-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable,
    GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad where

import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Values
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Unknown
import Language.PureScript.Declarations

import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Generics (mkT, everywhere)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Arrow ((***))

import qualified Data.Map as M

data NameKind
  = Value
  | Extern ForeignImportType
  | Alias ModuleName Ident
  | LocalVariable
  | DataConstructor deriving Show

data TypeDeclarationKind
  = Data
  | ExternData
  | TypeSynonym
  | DataAlias ModuleName ProperName
  | LocalTypeVariable deriving Show

data Environment = Environment
  { names :: M.Map (ModuleName, Ident) (Type, NameKind)
  , types :: M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName) (Kind, TypeDeclarationKind)
  , dataConstructors :: M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName) (Type, NameKind)
  , typeSynonyms :: M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName) ([String], Type)
  , typeClassDictionaries :: [TypeClassDictionaryInScope]
  } deriving (Show)

emptyEnvironment :: Environment
emptyEnvironment = Environment M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty []

bindNames :: (MonadState CheckState m) => M.Map (ModuleName, Ident) (Type, NameKind) -> m a -> m a
bindNames newNames action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = newNames `M.union` (names . checkEnv $ st) } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { names = names . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

bindTypes :: (MonadState CheckState m) => M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName) (Kind, TypeDeclarationKind) -> m a -> m a
bindTypes newNames action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = newNames `M.union` (types . checkEnv $ st) } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { types = types . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

withTypeClassDictionaries :: (MonadState CheckState m) => [TypeClassDictionaryInScope] -> m a -> m a
withTypeClassDictionaries entries action = do
  orig <- get
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = entries ++ (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st) } }
  a <- action
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ orig } }
  return a

getTypeClassDictionaries :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m) => m [TypeClassDictionaryInScope]
getTypeClassDictionaries = typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv <$> get

bindLocalVariables :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m) => ModuleName -> [(Ident, Type)] -> m a -> m a
bindLocalVariables moduleName bindings action =
  bindNames (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(name, ty) -> ((moduleName, name), (ty, LocalVariable))) action

bindLocalTypeVariables :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m) => ModuleName -> [(ProperName, Kind)] -> m a -> m a
bindLocalTypeVariables moduleName bindings action =
  bindTypes (M.fromList $ flip map bindings $ \(name, k) -> ((moduleName, name), (k, LocalTypeVariable))) action

lookupVariable :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError String m) => ModuleName -> Qualified Ident -> m Type
lookupVariable currentModule (Qualified moduleName var) = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (fromMaybe currentModule moduleName, var) (names env) of
    Nothing -> throwError $ show var ++ " is undefined"
    Just (ty, _) -> return ty

lookupTypeVariable :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError String m) => ModuleName -> Qualified ProperName -> m Kind
lookupTypeVariable currentModule (Qualified moduleName name) = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (fromMaybe currentModule moduleName, name) (types env) of
    Nothing -> throwError $ "Type variable " ++ show name ++ " is undefined"
    Just (k, _) -> return k

canonicalize :: ModuleName -> Environment -> Qualified Ident -> (ModuleName, Ident)
canonicalize _ _ (Qualified (Just mn) i) = (mn, i)
canonicalize mn env (Qualified Nothing i) = case (mn, i) `M.lookup` names env of
  Just (_, Alias mn' i') -> (mn', i')
  _ -> (mn, i)

canonicalizeType :: ModuleName -> Environment -> Qualified ProperName -> (ModuleName, ProperName)
canonicalizeType _ _ (Qualified (Just mn) nm) = (mn, nm)
canonicalizeType mn env (Qualified Nothing nm) = case (mn, nm) `M.lookup` types env of
  Just (_, DataAlias mn' pn') -> (mn', pn')
  _ -> (mn, nm)

data CheckState = CheckState { checkEnv :: Environment
                             , checkNextVar :: Int
                             , checkNextDictName :: Int

newtype Check a = Check { unCheck :: StateT CheckState (Either String) a }
  deriving (Functor, Monad, Applicative, MonadPlus, MonadState CheckState, MonadError String)

getEnv :: (Functor m, MonadState CheckState m) => m Environment
getEnv = checkEnv <$> get

putEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => Environment -> m ()
putEnv env = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = env })

modifyEnv :: (MonadState CheckState m) => (Environment -> Environment) -> m ()
modifyEnv f = modify (\s -> s { checkEnv = f (checkEnv s) })

runCheck :: Check a -> Either String (a, Environment)
runCheck c = do
  (a, s) <- flip runStateT (CheckState emptyEnvironment 0 0) $ unCheck c
  return (a, checkEnv s)

guardWith :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Bool -> m ()
guardWith _ True = return ()
guardWith e False = throwError e

rethrow :: (MonadError e m) => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
rethrow f = flip catchError $ \e -> throwError (f e)

freshDictionaryName :: Check Int
freshDictionaryName = do
  n <- checkNextDictName <$> get
  modify $ \s -> s { checkNextDictName = succ (checkNextDictName s) }
  return n

newtype Substitution = Substitution { runSubstitution :: forall t. (Unifiable t) => Unknown t -> t }

instance Monoid Substitution where
  mempty = Substitution unknown
  s1 `mappend` s2 = Substitution $ \u -> apply s1 (apply s2 (unknown u))

data SubstState = SubstState { substSubst :: Substitution }

newtype SubstContext = SubstContext { substCurrentModule :: ModuleName } deriving (Show)

newtype Subst a = Subst { unSubst :: ReaderT SubstContext (StateT SubstState Check) a }
  deriving (Functor, Monad, Applicative, MonadPlus, MonadReader SubstContext)

instance MonadState CheckState Subst where
  get = Subst . lift . lift $ get
  put = Subst . lift . lift . put

deriving instance MonadError String Subst

liftCheck :: Check a -> Subst a
liftCheck = Subst . lift . lift

getSubstState :: Subst SubstState
getSubstState = Subst . lift $ get

runSubst :: SubstContext -> Subst a -> Check (a, Substitution)
runSubst context subst = do
  (a, s) <- flip runStateT (SubstState mempty) . flip runReaderT context . unSubst $ subst
  return (a, substSubst s)

substituteWith :: (Typeable t) => (Unknown t -> t) -> Substitution
substituteWith f = Substitution $ \u -> fromMaybe (unknown u) $ do
  u1 <- cast u
  cast (f u1)

substituteOne :: (Unifiable t) => Unknown t -> t -> Substitution
substituteOne u t = substituteWith $ \u1 ->
  case u1 of
    u2 | u2 == u -> t
       | otherwise -> unknown u2

replace :: (Unifiable t) => Unknown t -> t -> Subst ()
replace u t' = do
  sub <- substSubst <$> Subst get
  let t = apply sub t'
  occursCheck u t
  let current = apply sub $ unknown u
  case isUnknown current of
    Just u1 | u1 == u -> return ()
    _ -> current ~~ t
  Subst . modify $ \s -> s { substSubst = substituteOne u t <> substSubst s }

class (Typeable t, Data t, Show t) => Unifiable t where
  unknown :: Unknown t -> t
  (~~) :: t -> t -> Subst ()
  isUnknown :: t -> Maybe (Unknown t)
  apply :: Substitution -> t -> t
  unknowns :: t -> [Int]

instance (Unifiable a) => Unifiable [a] where
  unknown _ = error "not supported"
  (~~) = zipWithM_ (~~)
  isUnknown _ = error "not supported"
  apply s = map (apply s)
  unknowns = concatMap unknowns

occursCheck :: (Unifiable t) => Unknown s -> t -> Subst ()
occursCheck (Unknown u) t =
  case isUnknown t of
    Nothing -> guardWith "Occurs check fails" (u `notElem` unknowns t)
    _ -> return ()

fresh' :: Subst Int
fresh' = do
  n <- checkNextVar <$> get
  modify $ \s -> s { checkNextVar = succ (checkNextVar s) }
  return n

fresh :: (Unifiable t) => Subst t
fresh = unknown . Unknown <$> fresh'

qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames :: (Data d) => ModuleName -> Environment -> d -> d
qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames mn env = everywhere (mkT go)
  go :: Type -> Type
  go (TypeConstructor nm) = TypeConstructor $ qualify' nm
  go (SaturatedTypeSynonym nm args) = SaturatedTypeSynonym (qualify' nm) args
  go (ConstrainedType constraints ty) = ConstrainedType (map (qualify' *** id) constraints) ty
  go other = other
  qualify' qual = let (mn', pn') = canonicalizeType mn env qual
                  in Qualified (Just mn') pn'