-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Common
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- Common code generation utility functions

module Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Common where

import Data.Char
import Language.PureScript.Names

-- |
-- Convert an Ident into a valid Javascript identifier:
--  * Alphanumeric characters are kept unmodified.
--  * Reserved javascript identifiers are prefixed with '$$'.
--  * Symbols are prefixed with '$' followed by a symbol name or their ordinal value.
identToJs :: Ident -> String
identToJs (Ident name) | nameIsJsReserved name = "$$" ++ name
identToJs (Ident name) = concatMap identCharToString name
identToJs (Op op) = concatMap identCharToString op
identToJs (Escaped name) = name

-- |
-- Attempts to find a human-readable name for a symbol, if none has been specified returns the
-- ordinal value.
identCharToString :: Char -> String
identCharToString c | isAlphaNum c = [c]
identCharToString '_' = "_"
identCharToString '.' = "$dot"
identCharToString '$' = "$dollar"
identCharToString '~' = "$tilde"
identCharToString '=' = "$eq"
identCharToString '<' = "$less"
identCharToString '>' = "$greater"
identCharToString '!' = "$bang"
identCharToString '#' = "$hash"
identCharToString '%' = "$percent"
identCharToString '^' = "$up"
identCharToString '&' = "$amp"
identCharToString '|' = "$bar"
identCharToString '*' = "$times"
identCharToString '/' = "$div"
identCharToString '+' = "$plus"
identCharToString '-' = "$minus"
identCharToString ':' = "$colon"
identCharToString '\\' = "$bslash"
identCharToString '?' = "$qmark"
identCharToString '@' = "$at"
identCharToString '\'' = "$prime"
identCharToString c = '$' : show (ord c)

-- |
-- Checks whether an identifier name is reserved in Javascript.
nameIsJsReserved :: String -> Bool
nameIsJsReserved name =
  elem name [ "abstract"
            , "boolean"
            , "break"
            , "byte"
            , "case"
            , "catch"
            , "char"
            , "class"
            , "const"
            , "continue"
            , "debugger"
            , "default"
            , "delete"
            , "do"
            , "double"
            , "else"
            , "enum"
            , "export"
            , "extends"
            , "final"
            , "finally"
            , "float"
            , "for"
            , "function"
            , "goto"
            , "if"
            , "implements"
            , "import"
            , "in"
            , "instanceof"
            , "int"
            , "interface"
            , "let"
            , "long"
            , "native"
            , "new"
            , "package"
            , "private"
            , "protected"
            , "public"
            , "return"
            , "short"
            , "static"
            , "super"
            , "switch"
            , "synchronized"
            , "this"
            , "throw"
            , "throws"
            , "transient"
            , "try"
            , "typeof"
            , "var"
            , "void"
            , "volatile"
            , "while"
            , "with"
            , "yield" ]