-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- This module generates code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation from Purescript code

{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}

module Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS (
    module AST,
) where

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Generics (mkQ, everything)

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, forM)

import qualified Data.Map as M

import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker (Environment(..), NameKind(..))
import Language.PureScript.Values
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Scope
import Language.PureScript.Declarations
import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Common
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Monad
import Language.PureScript.Options
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.AST as AST
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Optimize
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.Common
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad (canonicalizeDataConstructor)

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for all declarations in a
-- module.
moduleToJs :: Options -> Module -> Environment -> JS
moduleToJs opts (Module pname@(ProperName name) decls) env =
  JSAssignment (JSAccessor name (JSVar "_ps")) $ JSApp (JSFunction Nothing ["module"]
                      (JSBlock $ jsDecls ++ [JSReturn $ JSVar "module"]))
          [(JSBinary Or (JSAccessor name (JSVar "_ps")) (JSObjectLiteral []))]
  jsDecls = (concat $ mapMaybe (\decl -> fmap (map $ optimize opts) $ declToJs opts (ModuleName pname) decl env) (decls))

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a declaration
declToJs :: Options -> ModuleName -> Declaration -> Environment -> Maybe [JS]
declToJs opts mp (ValueDeclaration ident _ _ val) e =
  Just $ [ JSVariableIntroduction (identToJs ident) (Just (valueToJs opts mp e val))
         , setExportProperty ident (var ident) ]
declToJs opts mp (BindingGroupDeclaration vals) e =
  Just $ concatMap (\(ident, val) ->
           [ JSVariableIntroduction (identToJs ident) (Just (valueToJs opts mp e val))
           , setExportProperty ident (var ident) ]
         ) vals
declToJs _ mp (DataDeclaration _ _ ctors) _ =
  Just $ flip concatMap ctors $ \(pn@(ProperName ctor), tys) ->
    [ JSVariableIntroduction ctor (Just (go pn 0 tys []))
    , setExportProperty (Escaped ctor) (JSVar ctor) ]
    go pn _ [] values =
      JSObjectLiteral [ ("ctor", JSStringLiteral (show (Qualified (Just mp) pn))), ("values", JSArrayLiteral $ reverse values) ]
    go pn index (_ : tys') values =
      JSFunction Nothing ["value" ++ show index]
        (JSBlock [JSReturn (go pn (index + 1) tys' (JSVar ("value" ++ show index) : values))])
declToJs opts mp (DataBindingGroupDeclaration ds) e =
  Just $ concat $ mapMaybe (flip (declToJs opts mp) e) ds
declToJs _ mp (ExternDeclaration importTy ident (Just js) _) _ =
  Just $ [js, setExportProperty ident (var ident)]
declToJs _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for exporting a
-- declaration from a module.
setExportProperty :: Ident -> JS -> JS
setExportProperty ident val = JSAssignment (accessor ident (JSVar "module")) val

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a variable based on a
-- PureScript identifier.
var :: Ident -> JS
var = JSVar . identToJs

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for an accessor based on
-- a PureScript identifier. If the name is not valid in Javascript (symbol based, reserved name) an
-- indexer is returned.
accessor :: Ident -> JS -> JS
accessor (Ident name) | nameIsJsReserved name = JSIndexer (JSStringLiteral name)
accessor (Op op) = JSIndexer (JSStringLiteral op)
accessor ident = JSAccessor (identToJs ident)

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a value or expression.
valueToJs :: Options -> ModuleName -> Environment -> Value -> JS
valueToJs _ _ _ (NumericLiteral n) = JSNumericLiteral n
valueToJs _ _ _ (StringLiteral s) = JSStringLiteral s
valueToJs _ _ _ (BooleanLiteral b) = JSBooleanLiteral b
valueToJs opts m e (ArrayLiteral xs) = JSArrayLiteral (map (valueToJs opts m e) xs)
valueToJs opts m e (ObjectLiteral ps) = JSObjectLiteral (map (second (valueToJs opts m e)) ps)
valueToJs opts m e (ObjectUpdate o ps) = JSApp (JSAccessor "extend" (JSVar "Object")) [ valueToJs opts m e o, JSObjectLiteral (map (second (valueToJs opts m e)) ps)]
valueToJs _ m e (Constructor (Qualified Nothing name)) =
  case M.lookup (m, name) (dataConstructors e) of
    Just (_, Alias aliasModule aliasIdent) -> qualifiedToJS m id (Qualified (Just aliasModule) aliasIdent)
    _ -> JSVar . runProperName $ name
valueToJs _ m _ (Constructor name) = qualifiedToJS m (Ident . runProperName) name
valueToJs opts m e (Block sts) = JSApp (JSFunction Nothing [] (JSBlock (map (statementToJs opts m e) sts))) []
valueToJs opts m e (Case values binders) = bindersToJs opts m e binders (map (valueToJs opts m e) values)
valueToJs opts m e (IfThenElse cond th el) = JSConditional (valueToJs opts m e cond) (valueToJs opts m e th) (valueToJs opts m e el)
valueToJs opts m e (Accessor prop val) = JSAccessor prop (valueToJs opts m e val)
valueToJs opts m e (App val arg) = JSApp (valueToJs opts m e val) [valueToJs opts m e arg]
valueToJs opts m e (Abs arg val) = JSFunction Nothing [identToJs arg] (JSBlock [JSReturn (valueToJs opts m (bindName m arg e) val)])
valueToJs opts m e (TypedValue _ (Abs arg val) ty) | optionsPerformRuntimeTypeChecks opts = let arg' = identToJs arg in JSFunction Nothing [arg'] (JSBlock $ runtimeTypeChecks arg' ty ++ [JSReturn (valueToJs opts m e val)])
valueToJs _ m e (Var ident) = varToJs m e ident
valueToJs opts m e (TypedValue _ val _) = valueToJs opts m e val
valueToJs _ _ _ (TypeClassDictionary _ _) = error "Type class dictionary was not replaced"
valueToJs _ _ _ _ = error "Invalid argument to valueToJs"

-- |
-- Temporarily extends the environment with a single local variable name
bindName :: ModuleName -> Ident -> Environment -> Environment
bindName m ident = bindNames m [ident]

-- |
-- Temporarily extends the environment to include local variable names introduced by lambda
-- abstractions or case statements
bindNames :: ModuleName -> [Ident] -> Environment -> Environment
bindNames m idents env = env { names = M.fromList [ ((m, ident), (noType, LocalVariable)) | ident <- idents ] `M.union` names env }
  noType = error "Temporary lambda variable type was read"

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for runtime type checks.
runtimeTypeChecks :: String -> Type -> [JS]
runtimeTypeChecks arg ty =
    argTy = getFunctionArgumentType ty
    maybe [] (argumentCheck (JSVar arg)) argTy
  getFunctionArgumentType :: Type -> Maybe Type
  getFunctionArgumentType (TypeApp (TypeApp t funArg) _) | t == tyFunction = Just funArg
  getFunctionArgumentType (ForAll _ ty' _) = getFunctionArgumentType ty'
  getFunctionArgumentType _ = Nothing
  argumentCheck :: JS -> Type -> [JS]
  argumentCheck val t | t == tyNumber = [typeCheck val "number"]
  argumentCheck val t | t == tyString = [typeCheck val "string"]
  argumentCheck val t | t == tyBoolean = [typeCheck val "boolean"]
  argumentCheck val (TypeApp t _) | t == tyArray = [arrayCheck val]
  argumentCheck val (Object row) =
      (pairs, _) = rowToList row
      typeCheck val "object" : concatMap (\(prop, ty') -> argumentCheck (JSAccessor prop val) ty') pairs
  argumentCheck val (TypeApp (TypeApp t _) _) | t == tyFunction = [typeCheck val "function"]
  argumentCheck val (ForAll _ ty' _) = argumentCheck val ty'
  argumentCheck _ _ = []
  typeCheck :: JS -> String -> JS
  typeCheck js ty' = JSIfElse (JSBinary NotEqualTo (JSTypeOf js) (JSStringLiteral ty')) (JSBlock [JSThrow (JSStringLiteral $ ty' ++ " expected")]) Nothing
  arrayCheck :: JS -> JS
  arrayCheck js = JSIfElse (JSUnary Not (JSApp (JSAccessor "isArray" (JSVar "Array")) [js])) (JSBlock [JSThrow (JSStringLiteral "Array expected")]) Nothing

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a reference to a
-- variable.
varToJs :: ModuleName -> Environment -> Qualified Ident -> JS
varToJs m e qual@(Qualified _ ident) = go qual
  go qual = case M.lookup (qualify m qual) (names e) of
    Just (_, ty) | isExtern ty -> var ident
    Just (_, Alias aliasModule aliasIdent) -> go (Qualified (Just aliasModule) aliasIdent)
    _ -> case qual of
           Qualified Nothing _ -> var ident
           _ -> qualifiedToJS m id qual
  isExtern (Extern ForeignImport) = True
  isExtern (Alias m' ident') = case M.lookup (m', ident') (names e) of
    Just (_, ty') -> isExtern ty'
    Nothing -> error "Undefined alias in varToJs"
  isExtern _ = False

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a reference to a
-- variable that may have a qualified name.
qualifiedToJS :: ModuleName -> (a -> Ident) -> Qualified a -> JS
qualifiedToJS m f (Qualified (Just m'@(ModuleName (ProperName mn))) a) | m /= m' = accessor (f a) (JSAccessor mn $ JSVar "_ps")
qualifiedToJS m f (Qualified _ a) = JSVar $ identToJs (f a)

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for pattern match binders
-- and guards.
bindersToJs :: Options -> ModuleName -> Environment -> [([Binder], Maybe Guard, Value)] -> [JS] -> JS
bindersToJs opts m e binders vals = runGen (map identToJs (unusedNames (binders, vals))) $ do
  valNames <- replicateM (length vals) fresh
  jss <- forM binders $ \(bs, grd, result) -> go valNames [JSReturn (valueToJs opts m (bindNames m (binderNames bs) e) result)] bs grd
  return $ JSApp (JSFunction Nothing valNames (JSBlock (concat jss ++ [JSThrow (JSStringLiteral "Failed pattern match")])))
    go :: [String] -> [JS] -> [Binder] -> Maybe Guard -> Gen [JS]
    go _ done [] Nothing = return done
    go _ done [] (Just cond) = return [JSIfElse (valueToJs opts m e cond) (JSBlock done) Nothing]
    go (v:vs) done' (b:bs) grd = do
      done'' <- go vs done' bs grd
      binderToJs m e v done'' b
    go _ _ _ _ = error "Invalid arguments to bindersToJs"

-- |
-- Collect all names introduced in binders in an expression
binderNames :: (Data d) => d -> [Ident]
binderNames = everything (++) (mkQ [] go)
  go (VarBinder ident) = [ident]
  go _ = []

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a pattern match
-- binder.
binderToJs :: ModuleName -> Environment -> String -> [JS] -> Binder -> Gen [JS]
binderToJs _ _ _ done NullBinder = return done
binderToJs _ _ varName done (StringBinder str) =
  return [JSIfElse (JSBinary EqualTo (JSVar varName) (JSStringLiteral str)) (JSBlock done) Nothing]
binderToJs _ _ varName done (NumberBinder num) =
  return [JSIfElse (JSBinary EqualTo (JSVar varName) (JSNumericLiteral num)) (JSBlock done) Nothing]
binderToJs _ _ varName done (BooleanBinder True) =
  return [JSIfElse (JSVar varName) (JSBlock done) Nothing]
binderToJs _ _ varName done (BooleanBinder False) =
  return [JSIfElse (JSUnary Not (JSVar varName)) (JSBlock done) Nothing]
binderToJs m e varName done (VarBinder ident) =
  return (JSVariableIntroduction (identToJs ident) (Just (JSVar varName)) : done)
binderToJs m e varName done (ConstructorBinder ctor bs) = do
  js <- go 0 done bs
  if isOnlyConstructor m e ctor
    return js
    return [JSIfElse (JSBinary EqualTo (JSAccessor "ctor" (JSVar varName)) (JSStringLiteral (show ((\(mp, nm) -> Qualified (Just mp) nm) $ canonicalizeDataConstructor m e ctor))))
                     (JSBlock js)
  go :: Integer -> [JS] -> [Binder] -> Gen [JS]
  go _ done' [] = return done'
  go index done' (binder:bs') = do
    argVar <- fresh
    done'' <- go (index + 1) done' bs'
    js <- binderToJs m e argVar done'' binder
    return (JSVariableIntroduction argVar (Just (JSIndexer (JSNumericLiteral (Left index)) (JSAccessor "values" (JSVar varName)))) : js)
binderToJs m e varName done (ObjectBinder bs) = go done bs
  go :: [JS] -> [(String, Binder)] -> Gen [JS]
  go done' [] = return done'
  go done' ((prop, binder):bs') = do
    propVar <- fresh
    done'' <- go done' bs'
    js <- binderToJs m e propVar done'' binder
    return (JSVariableIntroduction propVar (Just (JSAccessor prop (JSVar varName))) : js)
binderToJs m e varName done (ArrayBinder bs) = do
  js <- go done 0 bs
  return [JSIfElse (JSBinary EqualTo (JSAccessor "length" (JSVar varName)) (JSNumericLiteral (Left (fromIntegral $ length bs)))) (JSBlock js) Nothing]
  go :: [JS] -> Integer -> [Binder] -> Gen [JS]
  go done' _ [] = return done'
  go done' index (binder:bs') = do
    elVar <- fresh
    done'' <- go done' (index + 1) bs'
    js <- binderToJs m e elVar done'' binder
    return (JSVariableIntroduction elVar (Just (JSIndexer (JSNumericLiteral (Left index)) (JSVar varName))) : js)
binderToJs m e varName done (ConsBinder headBinder tailBinder) = do
  headVar <- fresh
  tailVar <- fresh
  js1 <- binderToJs m e headVar done headBinder
  js2 <- binderToJs m e tailVar js1 tailBinder
  return [JSIfElse (JSBinary GreaterThan (JSAccessor "length" (JSVar varName)) (JSNumericLiteral (Left 0))) (JSBlock
    ( JSVariableIntroduction headVar (Just (JSIndexer (JSNumericLiteral (Left 0)) (JSVar varName))) :
      JSVariableIntroduction tailVar (Just (JSApp (JSAccessor "slice" (JSVar varName)) [JSNumericLiteral (Left 1)])) :
    )) Nothing]
binderToJs m e varName done (NamedBinder ident binder) = do
  js <- binderToJs m e varName done binder
  return (JSVariableIntroduction (identToJs ident) (Just (JSVar varName)) : js)

-- |
-- Checks whether a data constructor is the only constructor for that type, used to simplify the
-- check when generating code for binders.
isOnlyConstructor :: ModuleName -> Environment -> Qualified ProperName -> Bool
isOnlyConstructor m e ctor =
  let (ty, _) = fromMaybe (error "Data constructor not found") $ qualify m ctor `M.lookup` dataConstructors e
  in numConstructors ty == 1
  numConstructors ty = length $ filter (\(ty1, _) -> ((==) `on` typeConstructor) ty ty1) $ M.elems $ dataConstructors e
  typeConstructor (TypeConstructor qual) = qualify m qual
  typeConstructor (ForAll _ ty _) = typeConstructor ty
  typeConstructor (TypeApp (TypeApp t _) ty) | t == tyFunction = typeConstructor ty
  typeConstructor (TypeApp ty _) = typeConstructor ty
  typeConstructor fn = error $ "Invalid arguments to typeConstructor: " ++ show fn

-- |
-- Generate code in the simplified Javascript intermediate representation for a statement in a
-- PureScript block.
statementToJs :: Options -> ModuleName -> Environment -> Statement -> JS
statementToJs opts m e (VariableIntroduction ident value) = JSVariableIntroduction (identToJs ident) (Just (valueToJs opts m e value))
statementToJs opts m e (Assignment target value) = JSAssignment (JSVar (identToJs target)) (valueToJs opts m e value)
statementToJs opts m e (While cond sts) = JSWhile (valueToJs opts m e cond) (JSBlock (map (statementToJs opts m e) sts))
statementToJs opts m e (For ident start end sts) = JSFor (identToJs ident) (valueToJs opts m e start) (valueToJs opts m e end) (JSBlock (map (statementToJs opts m e) sts))
statementToJs opts m e (If ifst) = ifToJs ifst
  ifToJs :: IfStatement -> JS
  ifToJs (IfStatement cond thens elses) = JSIfElse (valueToJs opts m e cond) (JSBlock (map (statementToJs opts m e) thens)) (fmap elseToJs elses)
  elseToJs :: ElseStatement -> JS
  elseToJs (Else sts) = JSBlock (map (statementToJs opts m e) sts)
  elseToJs (ElseIf elif) = ifToJs elif
statementToJs opts m e (Return value) = JSReturn (valueToJs opts m e value)

wrapExportsContainer :: Options -> [JS] -> JS
wrapExportsContainer opts modules = JSApp (JSFunction Nothing ["_ps"] $ JSBlock $ (JSStringLiteral "use strict") : modules) [exportSelector]
  exportSelector = JSConditional (JSBinary And (JSBinary NotEqualTo (JSTypeOf $ JSVar "module") (JSStringLiteral "undefined")) (JSAccessor "exports" (JSVar "module")))
                           (JSAccessor "exports" (JSVar "module"))
                           (JSConditional (JSBinary NotEqualTo (JSTypeOf $ JSVar "window") (JSStringLiteral "undefined"))
                             (JSAssignment (JSAccessor browserNamespace (JSVar "window")) (JSBinary Or (JSAccessor browserNamespace (JSVar "window")) (JSObjectLiteral [])))
                             (JSApp (JSFunction Nothing [] $ JSBlock [JSThrow $ JSStringLiteral "PureScript doesn't know how to export modules in the current environment"]) []))
  browserNamespace = optionsBrowserNamespace opts