-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- This module implements the type checker

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types (
) where

  The following functions represent the corresponding type checking judgements:

      Synthesize a type for a value

      Check a value has a given type

      Check an object with a given type contains specified properties

      Check a function of a given type returns a value of another type when applied to its arguments

      Check a type subsumes another type

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, isNothing, isJust, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Data as D
import Data.Generics
       (everythingWithContext, mkM, everywhereM, everything, mkT,
        something, everywhere, mkQ)
import Data.Generics.Extras

import Language.PureScript.Values
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms
import Language.PureScript.Pretty

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Unify

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (Arrow(..))

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

instance Partial Type where
  unknown = TUnknown
  isUnknown (TUnknown u) = Just u
  isUnknown _ = Nothing

instance Unifiable Check Type where
  (=?=) = unifyTypes

-- |
-- Unify two types, updating the current substitution
unifyTypes :: Type -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check ()
unifyTypes t1 t2 = rethrow (\e -> "Error unifying type " ++ prettyPrintType t1 ++ " with type " ++ prettyPrintType t2 ++ ":\n" ++ e) $
  unifyTypes' t1 t2
  unifyTypes' (TUnknown u1) (TUnknown u2) | u1 == u2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' (TUnknown u) t = u =:= t
  unifyTypes' t (TUnknown u) = u =:= t
  unifyTypes' (SaturatedTypeSynonym name args) ty = do
    ty1 <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ args
    ty1 `unifyTypes` ty
  unifyTypes' ty s@(SaturatedTypeSynonym _ _) = s `unifyTypes` ty
  unifyTypes' (ForAll ident1 ty1 sc1) (ForAll ident2 ty2 sc2) =
    case (sc1, sc2) of
      (Just sc1', Just sc2') -> do
        sko <- newSkolemConstant
        let sk1 = skolemize ident1 sko sc1' ty1
        let sk2 = skolemize ident2 sko sc2' ty2
        sk1 `unifyTypes` sk2
      _ -> throwError (prettyPrintType ty1)
  unifyTypes' (ForAll ident ty1 (Just sc)) ty2 = do
    sko <- newSkolemConstant
    let sk = skolemize ident sko sc ty1
    sk `unifyTypes` ty2
  unifyTypes' ForAll{} _ = throwError "Skolem variable scope is unspecified"
  unifyTypes' ty f@ForAll{} = f `unifyTypes` ty
  unifyTypes' (Object row1) (Object row2) = row1 =?= row2
  unifyTypes' (TypeVar v1) (TypeVar v2) | v1 == v2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) = do
    env <- getEnv
    Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
    guardWith ("Cannot unify " ++ show c1 ++ " with " ++ show c2 ++ ".") (typeConstructorsAreEqual env moduleName c1 c2)
  unifyTypes' (TypeApp t3 t4) (TypeApp t5 t6) = do
    t3 `unifyTypes` t5
    t4 `unifyTypes` t6
  unifyTypes' (Skolem s1 _) (Skolem s2 _) | s1 == s2 = return ()
  unifyTypes' r1@RCons{} r2 = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1 r2@RCons{} = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1@REmpty r2 = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' r1 r2@REmpty = unifyRows r1 r2
  unifyTypes' t3 t4 = throwError $ "Cannot unify " ++ prettyPrintType t3 ++ " with " ++ prettyPrintType t4 ++ "."

-- |
-- Unify two rows, updating the current substitution
-- Common labels are first identified, and unified. Remaining labels and types are unified with a
-- trailing row unification variable, if appropriate, otherwise leftover labels result in a unification
-- error.
unifyRows :: Type -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check ()
unifyRows r1 r2 =
    (s1, r1') = rowToList r1
    (s2, r2') = rowToList r2
    int = [ (t1, t2) | (name, t1) <- s1, (name', t2) <- s2, name == name' ]
    sd1 = [ (name, t1) | (name, t1) <- s1, name `notElem` map fst s2 ]
    sd2 = [ (name, t2) | (name, t2) <- s2, name `notElem` map fst s1 ]
  in do
    forM_ int (uncurry (=?=))
    unifyRows' sd1 r1' sd2 r2'
  unifyRows' :: [(String, Type)] -> Type -> [(String, Type)] -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check ()
  unifyRows' [] (TUnknown u) sd r = u =:= rowFromList (sd, r)
  unifyRows' sd r [] (TUnknown u) = u =:= rowFromList (sd, r)
  unifyRows' ((name, ty):row) r others u@(TUnknown un) = do
    occursCheck un ty
    forM_ row $ \(_, t) -> occursCheck un t
    u' <- fresh
    u =?= RCons name ty u'
    unifyRows' row r others u'
  unifyRows' [] REmpty [] REmpty = return ()
  unifyRows' [] (TypeVar v1) [] (TypeVar v2) | v1 == v2 = return ()
  unifyRows' [] (Skolem s1 _) [] (Skolem s2 _) | s1 == s2 = return ()
  unifyRows' sd3 r3 sd4 r4 = throwError $ "Cannot unify (" ++ prettyPrintRow (rowFromList (sd3, r3)) ++ ") with (" ++ prettyPrintRow (rowFromList (sd4, r4)) ++ ")."

-- |
-- Ensure type constructors are equal after canonicalization
typeConstructorsAreEqual :: Environment -> ModuleName -> Qualified ProperName -> Qualified ProperName -> Bool
typeConstructorsAreEqual env moduleName = (==) `on` canonicalizeType moduleName env

-- |
-- Infer the types of multiple mutually-recursive values, and return elaborated values including
-- type class dictionaries and type annotations.
typesOf :: Maybe ModuleName -> ModuleName -> [(Ident, Value)] -> Check [(Ident, (Value, Type))]
typesOf mainModuleName moduleName vals = do
  tys <- fmap tidyUp . liftUnify $ do
    -- Map each declaration to a name/value pair, with an optional type, if the declaration is typed
      es = map isTyped vals
    -- Filter the typed and untyped declarations
      typed = filter (isJust . snd . snd) es
      untyped = filter (isNothing . snd . snd) es
    -- Make a map of names to typed declarations
      typedDict = map (\(ident, (_, Just (ty, _))) -> (ident, ty)) typed
    -- Create fresh unification variables for the types of untyped declarations
    untypedNames <- replicateM (length untyped) fresh
    -- Make a map of names to the unification variables of untyped declarations
      untypedDict = zip (map fst untyped) untypedNames
    -- Create the dictionary of all name/type pairs, which will be added to the environment during type checking
      dict = M.fromList (map (\(ident, ty) -> ((moduleName, ident), (ty, LocalVariable))) $ typedDict ++ untypedDict)
    forM es $ \e@(_, (val, _)) -> do
      -- If the declaration is a function, it has access to other values in the binding group.
      -- If not, the generated code might fail at runtime since those values might be undefined.
      let dict' = if isFunction val then dict else M.empty
      triple@(_, (val', ty)) <- case e of
        -- Typed declarations
        (ident, (val', Just (ty, checkType))) -> do
          -- Kind check
          kind <- liftCheck $ kindOf moduleName ty
          guardWith ("Expected type of kind *, was " ++ prettyPrintKind kind) $ kind == Star
          -- Check the type with the new names in scope
          ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty
          val'' <- bindNames dict' $ if checkType
                                   then TypedValue True <$> check val' ty' <*> pure ty'
                                   else return (TypedValue False val' ty')
          return (ident, (val'', ty'))
        -- Untyped declarations
        (ident, (val', Nothing)) -> do
          -- Infer the type with the new names in scope
          TypedValue _ val'' ty <- bindNames dict' $ infer val'
          ty =?= fromMaybe (error "name not found in dictionary") (lookup ident untypedDict)
          return (ident, (TypedValue True val'' ty, ty))
      -- If --main is enabled, need to check that `main` has type Eff eff a for some eff, a
      when (Just moduleName == mainModuleName && fst e == Ident "main") $ do
        [eff, a] <- replicateM 2 fresh
        ty =?= TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName "Control", ProperName "Monad", ProperName "Eff"])) (ProperName "Eff"))) eff) a
      -- Make sure unification variables do not escape
      escapeCheck val' ty
      return triple
  forM tys $ \(ident, (val, ty)) -> do
    -- Replace type class dictionary placeholders with actual dictionaries
    val' <- replaceTypeClassDictionaries moduleName val
    -- Check skolem variables did not escape their scope
    skolemEscapeCheck val'
    -- Remove type synonyms placeholders, remove duplicate row fields, and replace
    -- top-level unification variables with named type variables.
    let val'' = overTypes (desaturateAllTypeSynonyms . setifyAll) val'
        ty' = varIfUnknown . desaturateAllTypeSynonyms . setifyAll $ ty
    return (ident, (val'', ty'))
  -- Apply the substitution that was returned from runUnify to both types and (type-annotated) values
  tidyUp (ts, sub) = map (\(i, (val, ty)) -> (i, (overTypes (sub $?) val, sub $? ty))) ts

-- |
-- Check if a value introduces a function
isFunction :: Value -> Bool
isFunction (Abs _ _) = True
isFunction (TypedValue _ val _) = isFunction val
isFunction _ = False

-- |
-- Check if a value contains a type annotation
isTyped :: (Ident, Value) -> (Ident, (Value, Maybe (Type, Bool)))
isTyped (name, TypedValue checkType value ty) = (name, (value, Just (ty, checkType)))
isTyped (name, value) = (name, (value, Nothing))

-- |
-- Map a function over type annotations appearing inside a value
overTypes :: (Type -> Type) -> Value -> Value
overTypes f = everywhere (mkT f)

-- |
-- Replace type class dictionary placeholders with inferred type class dictionaries
replaceTypeClassDictionaries :: ModuleName -> Value -> Check Value
replaceTypeClassDictionaries mn = everywhereM' (mkM go)
  go (TypeClassDictionary constraint dicts) = entails mn dicts constraint
  go other = return other

-- |
-- Check that the current set of type class dictionaries entail the specified type class goal, and, if so,
-- return a type class dictionary reference.
entails :: ModuleName -> [TypeClassDictionaryInScope] -> (Qualified ProperName, [Type]) -> Check Value
entails moduleName context goal@(className, tys) = do
  env <- getEnv
  case go env goal of
    [] -> throwError $ "No " ++ show className ++ " instance found for " ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyPrintType tys)
    (dict : _) -> return dict
  go env (className', tys') =
    [ mkDictionary (canonicalizeDictionary tcd) args
    | tcd <- context
    -- Choose type class dictionaries in scope in the current module
    , filterModule tcd
    -- Make sure the type class name matches the one we are trying to satisfy
    , typeConstructorsAreEqual env moduleName className' (tcdClassName tcd)
    -- Make sure the type unifies with the type in the type instance definition
    , subst <- maybeToList . (>>= verifySubstitution) . fmap concat $ zipWithM (typeHeadsAreEqual moduleName env) tys' (tcdInstanceTypes tcd)
    -- Solve any necessary subgoals
    , args <- solveSubgoals env subst (tcdDependencies tcd) ]
  -- Create dictionaries for subgoals which still need to be solved by calling go recursively
  -- E.g. the goal (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) can be satisfied if the current type
  -- unifies with Either a b, and we can satisfy the subgoals Show a and Show b recursively.
  solveSubgoals :: Environment -> [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(Qualified ProperName, [Type])] -> [Maybe [Value]]
  solveSubgoals _ _ Nothing = return Nothing
  solveSubgoals env subst (Just subgoals) = do
    dict <- mapM (go env . second (map (replaceAllTypeVars subst))) subgoals
    return $ Just dict
  -- Make a dictionary from subgoal dictionaries by applying the correct function
  mkDictionary :: Qualified Ident -> Maybe [Value] -> Value
  mkDictionary fnName Nothing = Var fnName
  mkDictionary fnName (Just []) = App (Var fnName) (ObjectLiteral [])
  mkDictionary fnName (Just dicts) = foldl App (Var fnName) dicts
  -- Filter out type dictionaries which are in scope in the current module
  filterModule :: TypeClassDictionaryInScope -> Bool
  filterModule (TypeClassDictionaryInScope { tcdName = Qualified (Just mn) _ }) | mn == moduleName = True
  filterModule (TypeClassDictionaryInScope { tcdName = Qualified Nothing _ }) = True
  filterModule _ = False
  -- Resolve a type class dictionary in scope to an actual value by following any (TCDAlias) pointers
  -- which originated from module imports
  canonicalizeDictionary :: TypeClassDictionaryInScope -> Qualified Ident
  canonicalizeDictionary (TypeClassDictionaryInScope { tcdType = TCDRegular, tcdName = nm }) = nm
  canonicalizeDictionary (TypeClassDictionaryInScope { tcdType = TCDAlias nm }) = nm
  -- Ensure that a substitution is valid
  verifySubstitution :: [(String, Type)] -> Maybe [(String, Type)]
  verifySubstitution subst = do
    let grps = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) subst
    guard (all ((==) 1 . length . nubBy ((==) `on` snd)) grps)
    return $ map head grps

-- |
-- Check whether the type heads of two types are equal (for the purposes of type class dictionary lookup),
-- and return a substitution from type variables to types which makes the type heads unify.
typeHeadsAreEqual :: ModuleName -> Environment -> Type -> Type -> Maybe [(String, Type)]
typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ (Skolem s1 _) (Skolem s2 _) | s1 == s2 = Just []
typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ (TypeVar v) t = Just [(v, t)]
typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ t (TypeVar v) = Just [(v, t)]
typeHeadsAreEqual m e (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) | typeConstructorsAreEqual e m c1 c2 = Just []
typeHeadsAreEqual m e (TypeApp h1 (TypeVar v)) (TypeApp h2 arg) = (:) (v, arg) <$> typeHeadsAreEqual m e h1 h2
typeHeadsAreEqual m e t1@(TypeApp _ _) t2@(TypeApp _ (TypeVar _)) = typeHeadsAreEqual m e t2 t1
typeHeadsAreEqual m e (SaturatedTypeSynonym name args) t2 = case expandTypeSynonym' e m name args of
  Left  _  -> Nothing
  Right t1 -> typeHeadsAreEqual m e t1 t2
typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ _ _ = Nothing

-- |
-- Ensure unsolved unification variables do not escape
escapeCheck :: Value -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check ()
escapeCheck value ty = do
  subst <- unifyCurrentSubstitution <$> UnifyT get
  let visibleUnknowns = nub $ unknowns $ subst $? ty
  let allUnknowns = findAllTypes value
  forM_ allUnknowns $ \t -> do
    let unsolvedUnknowns = nub . unknowns $ subst $? t
    guardWith "Escape check fails" $ null $ unsolvedUnknowns \\ visibleUnknowns

-- |
-- Find all type annotations occuring inside a value
findAllTypes :: Value -> [Type]
findAllTypes = everything (++) (mkQ [] go)
  go (TypedValue _ _ ty) = [ty]
  go _ = []

-- |
-- Ensure skolem variables do not escape their scope
skolemEscapeCheck :: Value -> Check ()
skolemEscapeCheck (TypedValue False _ _) = return ()
skolemEscapeCheck root@TypedValue{} =
  -- Every skolem variable is created when a ForAll type is skolemized.
  -- This determines the scope of that skolem variable, which is copied from the SkolemScope
  -- field of the ForAll constructor.
  -- We traverse the tree top-down, and collect any SkolemScopes introduced by ForAlls.
  -- If a Skolem is encountered whose SkolemScope is not in the current list, we have found
  -- an escaped skolem variable.
  case everythingWithContext [] (++) (mkQ ((,) []) go) root of
    [] -> return ()
    ((binding, val) : _) -> throwError $ "Rigid/skolem type variable bound by " ++ maybe "<unknown>" prettyPrintValue binding ++ " has escaped at " ++ prettyPrintValue val
  go :: Value -> [(SkolemScope, Value)] -> ([(Maybe Value, Value)], [(SkolemScope, Value)])
  go val@(TypedValue _ _ (ForAll _ _ (Just sco))) scos = ([], (sco, val) : scos)
  go val@(TypedValue _ _ ty) scos = case collectSkolems ty \\ map fst scos of
                                      (sco : _) -> ([(findBindingScope sco, val)], scos)
                                      _ -> ([], scos)
    collectSkolems :: Type -> [SkolemScope]
    collectSkolems = nub . everything (++) (mkQ [] collect)
      collect (Skolem _ scope) = [scope]
      collect _ = []
  go _ scos = ([], scos)
  findBindingScope :: SkolemScope -> Maybe Value
  findBindingScope sco = something (mkQ Nothing go') root
    go' val@(TypedValue _ _ (ForAll _ _ (Just sco'))) | sco == sco' = Just val
    go' _ = Nothing
skolemEscapeCheck val = throwError $ "Untyped value passed to skolemEscapeCheck: " ++ prettyPrintValue val

-- |
-- Ensure a row contains no duplicate labels
setify :: Type -> Type
setify = rowFromList . first (M.toList . M.fromList) . rowToList

-- |
-- \"Setify\" all rows occuring inside a value
setifyAll :: (D.Data d) => d -> d
setifyAll = everywhere (mkT setify)

-- |
-- Replace outermost unsolved unification variables with named type variables
varIfUnknown :: Type -> Type
varIfUnknown ty =
  let unks = nub $ unknowns ty
      toName = (:) 't' . show
      ty' = everywhere (mkT typeToVar) ty
      typeToVar :: Type -> Type
      typeToVar (TUnknown (Unknown u)) = TypeVar (toName u)
      typeToVar t = t
  in mkForAll (sort . map (toName . runUnknown) $ unks) ty'

-- |
-- Remove any ForAlls and ConstrainedType constructors in a type by introducing new unknowns
-- or TypeClassDictionary values.
-- This is necessary during type checking to avoid unifying a polymorphic type with a
-- unification variable.
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns :: Value -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check (Value, Type)
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val (ForAll ident ty _) = do
  ty' <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty
  instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val ty'
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val (ConstrainedType constraints ty) = do
   env <- getEnv
   Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
   dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
   (_, ty') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (error "Types under a constraint cannot themselves be constrained") ty
   return (foldl App val (map (flip TypeClassDictionary dicts) (qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames moduleName env constraints)), ty')
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val ty = return (val, ty)

-- |
-- Replace a single type variable with a new unification variable
replaceVarWithUnknown :: String -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check Type
replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty = do
  tu <- fresh
  return $ replaceTypeVars ident tu ty

-- |
-- Replace fully applied type synonyms with the @SaturatedTypeSynonym@ data constructor, which helps generate
-- better error messages during unification.
replaceAllTypeSynonyms' :: (D.Data d) => Environment -> ModuleName -> d -> Either String d
replaceAllTypeSynonyms' env moduleName d =
    syns = map (\((path, name), (args, _)) -> ((path, name), length args)) . M.toList $ typeSynonyms env
    saturateAllTypeSynonyms env moduleName syns d

replaceAllTypeSynonyms :: (Functor m, Monad m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError String m) => (D.Data d) => d -> m d
replaceAllTypeSynonyms d = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  either throwError return $ replaceAllTypeSynonyms' env moduleName d

-- |
-- \"Desaturate\" @SaturatedTypeSynonym@s
desaturateAllTypeSynonyms :: (D.Data d) => d -> d
desaturateAllTypeSynonyms = everywhere (mkT replaceSaturatedTypeSynonym)
  replaceSaturatedTypeSynonym (SaturatedTypeSynonym name args) = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor name) args
  replaceSaturatedTypeSynonym t = t

-- |
-- Replace a type synonym and its arguments with the aliased type
expandTypeSynonym' :: Environment -> ModuleName -> Qualified ProperName -> [Type] -> Either String Type
expandTypeSynonym' env moduleName name args =
  case M.lookup (canonicalizeType moduleName env name) (typeSynonyms env) of
    Just (synArgs, body) -> do
      let repl = replaceAllTypeVars (zip synArgs args) body
      replaceAllTypeSynonyms' env moduleName repl
    Nothing -> error "Type synonym was not defined"

expandTypeSynonym :: (Functor m, Monad m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError String m) => Qualified ProperName -> [Type] -> m Type
expandTypeSynonym name args = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  either throwError return $ expandTypeSynonym' env moduleName name args

-- |
-- Ensure a set of property names and value does not contain duplicate labels
ensureNoDuplicateProperties :: (MonadError String m) => [(String, Value)] -> m ()
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps = guardWith "Duplicate property names" $ length (nub . map fst $ ps) == length ps

-- |
-- Infer a type for a value, rethrowing any error to provide a more useful error message
infer :: Value -> UnifyT Type Check Value
infer val = rethrow (\e -> "Error inferring type of term " ++ prettyPrintValue val ++ ":\n" ++ e) $ infer' val

-- |
-- Infer a type for a value
infer' :: Value -> UnifyT Type Check Value
infer' v@(NumericLiteral _) = return $ TypedValue True v tyNumber
infer' v@(StringLiteral _) = return $ TypedValue True v tyString
infer' v@(BooleanLiteral _) = return $ TypedValue True v tyBoolean
infer' (ArrayLiteral vals) = do
  ts <- mapM infer vals
  els <- fresh
  forM_ ts $ \(TypedValue _ _ t) -> els =?= TypeApp tyArray t
  return $ TypedValue True (ArrayLiteral ts) els
infer' (ObjectLiteral ps) = do
  ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
  ts <- mapM (infer . snd) ps
  let fields = zipWith (\name (TypedValue _ _ t) -> (name, t)) (map fst ps) ts
      ty = Object $ rowFromList (fields, REmpty)
  return $ TypedValue True (ObjectLiteral (zip (map fst ps) ts)) ty
infer' (ObjectUpdate o ps) = do
  ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
  row <- fresh
  newVals <- zipWith (\(name, _) t -> (name, t)) ps <$> mapM (infer . snd) ps
  let newTys = map (\(name, TypedValue _ _ ty) -> (name, ty)) newVals
  oldTys <- zip (map fst ps) <$> replicateM (length ps) fresh
  let oldTy = Object $ rowFromList (oldTys, row)
  o' <- TypedValue True <$> check o oldTy <*> pure oldTy
  return $ TypedValue True (ObjectUpdate o' newVals) $ Object $ rowFromList (newTys, row)
infer' (Accessor prop val) = do
  typed@(TypedValue _ _ objTy) <- infer val
  propTy <- inferProperty objTy prop
  case propTy of
    Nothing -> do
      field <- fresh
      rest <- fresh
      _ <- subsumes Nothing objTy (Object (RCons prop field rest))
      return $ TypedValue True (Accessor prop typed) field
    Just ty -> return $ TypedValue True (Accessor prop typed) ty
infer' (Abs (Left arg) ret) = do
  ty <- fresh
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  bindLocalVariables moduleName [(arg, ty)] $ do
    body@(TypedValue _ _ bodyTy) <- infer' ret
    return $ TypedValue True (Abs (Left arg) body) $ function ty bodyTy
infer' (Abs (Right _) _) = error "Binder was not desugared"
infer' (App f arg) = do
  f'@(TypedValue _ _ ft) <- infer f
  (ret, app) <- checkFunctionApplication f' ft arg
  return $ TypedValue True app ret
infer' (Var var) = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  ty <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< lookupVariable moduleName $ var
  case ty of
    ConstrainedType constraints ty' -> do
      env <- getEnv
      dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
      return $ TypedValue True (foldl App (Var var) (map (flip TypeClassDictionary dicts) (qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames moduleName env constraints))) ty'
    _ -> return $ TypedValue True (Var var) ty
infer' v@(Constructor c) = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  case M.lookup (qualify moduleName c) (dataConstructors env) of
    Nothing -> throwError $ "Constructor " ++ show c ++ " is undefined"
    Just (ty, _) -> do ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty
                       return $ TypedValue True v ty'
infer' (Case vals binders) = do
  ts <- mapM infer vals
  ret <- fresh
  binders' <- checkBinders (map (\(TypedValue _ _ t) -> t) ts) ret binders
  return $ TypedValue True (Case ts binders') ret
infer' (IfThenElse cond th el) = do
  cond' <- check cond tyBoolean
  v2@(TypedValue _ _ t2) <- infer th
  v3@(TypedValue _ _ t3) <- infer el
  t2 =?= t3
  return $ TypedValue True (IfThenElse cond' v2 v3) t2
infer' (TypedValue checkType val ty) = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  kind <- liftCheck $ kindOf moduleName ty
  guardWith ("Expected type of kind *, was " ++ prettyPrintKind kind) $ kind == Star
  ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $  ty
  val' <- if checkType then check val ty' else return val
  return $ TypedValue True val' ty'
infer' _ = error "Invalid argument to infer"

-- |
-- Infer the type of a property inside a record with a given type
inferProperty :: Type -> String -> UnifyT Type Check (Maybe Type)
inferProperty (Object row) prop = do
  let (props, _) = rowToList row
  return $ lookup prop props
inferProperty (SaturatedTypeSynonym name args) prop = do
  replaced <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ args
  inferProperty replaced prop
inferProperty (ForAll ident ty _) prop = do
  replaced <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty
  inferProperty replaced prop
inferProperty _ _ = return Nothing

-- |
-- Infer the types of variables brought into scope by a binder
inferBinder :: Type -> Binder -> UnifyT Type Check (M.Map Ident Type)
inferBinder _ NullBinder = return M.empty
inferBinder val (StringBinder _) = val =?= tyString >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (NumberBinder _) = val =?= tyNumber >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (BooleanBinder _) = val =?= tyBoolean >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (VarBinder name) = return $ M.singleton name val
inferBinder val (ConstructorBinder ctor binders) = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  case M.lookup (qualify moduleName ctor) (dataConstructors env) of
    Just (ty, _) -> do
      (_, fn) <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (error "Data constructor types cannot contains constraints") ty
      go binders fn
        go [] ty' = do
          subsumes Nothing val ty'
          return M.empty
        go (binder : binders') (TypeApp (TypeApp t obj) ret) | t == tyFunction =
          M.union <$> inferBinder obj binder <*> go binders' ret
        go _ _ = throwError $ "Wrong number of arguments to constructor " ++ show ctor
    _ -> throwError $ "Constructor " ++ show ctor ++ " is not defined"
inferBinder val (ObjectBinder props) = do
  row <- fresh
  rest <- fresh
  m1 <- inferRowProperties row rest props
  val =?= Object row
  return m1
  inferRowProperties :: Type -> Type -> [(String, Binder)] -> UnifyT Type Check (M.Map Ident Type)
  inferRowProperties nrow row [] = nrow =?= row >> return M.empty
  inferRowProperties nrow row ((name, binder):binders) = do
    propTy <- fresh
    m1 <- inferBinder propTy binder
    m2 <- inferRowProperties nrow (RCons name propTy row) binders
    return $ m1 `M.union` m2
inferBinder val (ArrayBinder binders) = do
  el <- fresh
  m1 <- M.unions <$> mapM (inferBinder el) binders
  val =?= TypeApp tyArray el
  return m1
inferBinder val (ConsBinder headBinder tailBinder) = do
  el <- fresh
  m1 <- inferBinder el headBinder
  m2 <- inferBinder val tailBinder
  val =?= TypeApp tyArray el
  return $ m1 `M.union` m2
inferBinder val (NamedBinder name binder) = do
  m <- inferBinder val binder
  return $ M.insert name val m

-- |
-- Check the types of the return values in a set of binders in a case statement
checkBinders :: [Type] -> Type -> [([Binder], Maybe Guard, Value)] -> UnifyT Type Check [([Binder], Maybe Guard, Value)]
checkBinders _ _ [] = return []
checkBinders nvals ret ((binders, grd, val):bs) = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  m1 <- M.unions <$> zipWithM inferBinder nvals binders
  r <- bindLocalVariables moduleName (M.toList m1) $ do
    val' <- TypedValue True <$> check val ret <*> pure ret
    case grd of
      Nothing -> return (binders, Nothing, val')
      Just g -> do
        g' <- check g tyBoolean
        return (binders, Just g', val')
  rs <- checkBinders nvals ret bs
  return $ r : rs

-- |
-- Check that a local variable name is not already used
assignVariable :: Ident -> UnifyT Type Check ()
assignVariable name = do
  env <- checkEnv <$> get
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  case M.lookup (moduleName, name) (names env) of
    Just _ -> UnifyT . lift . throwError $ "Variable with name " ++ show name ++ " already exists."
    _ -> return ()

-- |
-- Generate a new skolem constant
newSkolemConstant :: UnifyT Type Check Int
newSkolemConstant = runUnknown <$> fresh'

-- |
-- Generate a new skolem scope
newSkolemScope :: UnifyT Type Check SkolemScope
newSkolemScope = SkolemScope . runUnknown <$> fresh'

-- |
-- Skolemize a type variable by replacing its instances with fresh skolem constants
skolemize :: String -> Int -> SkolemScope -> Type -> Type
skolemize ident sko scope = replaceTypeVars ident (Skolem sko scope)

-- |
-- Introduce skolem scope at every occurence of a ForAll
introduceSkolemScope :: Type -> UnifyT Type Check Type
introduceSkolemScope = everywhereM (mkM go)
  go (ForAll ident ty Nothing) = ForAll ident ty <$> (Just <$> newSkolemScope)
  go other = return other

-- |
-- Check the type of a value, rethrowing errors to provide a better error message
check :: Value -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check Value
check val ty = rethrow errorMessage $ check' val ty
  errorMessage msg =
    "Error checking type of term " ++
    prettyPrintValue val ++
    " against type " ++
    prettyPrintType ty ++
    ":\n" ++

-- |
-- Check the type of a value
check' :: Value -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check Value
check' val (ForAll ident ty _) = do
  scope <- newSkolemScope
  sko <- newSkolemConstant
  let sk = skolemize ident sko scope ty
  val' <- check val sk
  return $ TypedValue True val' (ForAll ident ty (Just scope))
check' val t@(ConstrainedType constraints ty) = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  dictNames <- forM constraints $ \(Qualified _ (ProperName className), _) -> do
    n <- liftCheck freshDictionaryName
    return $ Ident $ "__dict_" ++ className ++ "_" ++ show n
  val' <- withTypeClassDictionaries (zipWith (\name (className, instanceTy) ->
    TypeClassDictionaryInScope name className instanceTy Nothing TCDRegular) (map (Qualified Nothing) dictNames)
      (qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames moduleName env constraints)) $
        check val ty
  return $ TypedValue True (foldr (Abs . Left) val' dictNames) t
check' val (SaturatedTypeSynonym name args) = do
  ty <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ args
  val' <- check val ty
  return $ TypedValue True val' ty
check' val u@(TUnknown _) = do
  val'@(TypedValue _ _ ty) <- infer val
  -- Don't unify an unknown with an inferred polytype
  (val'', ty') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val' ty
  ty' =?= u
  return $ TypedValue True val'' ty'
check' v@(NumericLiteral _) t | t == tyNumber =
  return $ TypedValue True v t
check' v@(StringLiteral _) t | t == tyString =
  return $ TypedValue True v t
check' v@(BooleanLiteral _) t | t == tyBoolean =
  return $ TypedValue True v t
check' (ArrayLiteral vals) t@(TypeApp a ty) | a == tyArray = do
  array <- ArrayLiteral <$> forM vals (`check` ty)
  return $ TypedValue True array t
check' (Abs (Left arg) ret) ty@(TypeApp (TypeApp t argTy) retTy) | t == tyFunction = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  ret' <- bindLocalVariables moduleName [(arg, argTy)] $ check ret retTy
  return $ TypedValue True (Abs (Left arg) ret') ty
check' (Abs (Right _) _) _ = error "Binder was not desugared"
check' (App f arg) ret = do
  f'@(TypedValue _ _ ft) <- infer f
  (ret', app) <- checkFunctionApplication f' ft arg
  subsumes Nothing ret' ret
  return $ TypedValue True app ret
check' v@(Var var) ty = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  repl <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< lookupVariable moduleName $ var
  ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty
  v' <- subsumes (Just v) repl ty'
  case v' of
    Nothing -> throwError "Unable to check type subsumption"
    Just v'' -> return $ TypedValue True v'' ty'
check' (TypedValue checkType val ty1) ty2 = do
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  kind <- liftCheck $ kindOf moduleName ty1
  guardWith ("Expected type of kind *, was " ++ prettyPrintKind kind) $ kind == Star
  ty1' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty1
  val' <- subsumes (Just val) ty1' ty2
  case val' of
    Nothing -> throwError "Unable to check type subsumption"
    Just val'' -> do
      val''' <- if checkType then check val'' ty1 else return val''
      return $ TypedValue checkType (TypedValue True val''' ty1) ty2
check' (Case vals binders) ret = do
  vals' <- mapM infer vals
  let ts = map (\(TypedValue _ _ t) -> t) vals'
  binders' <- checkBinders ts ret binders
  return $ TypedValue True (Case vals' binders') ret
check' (IfThenElse cond th el) ty = do
  cond' <- check cond tyBoolean
  th' <- check th ty
  el' <- check el ty
  return $ TypedValue True (IfThenElse cond' th' el') ty
check' (ObjectLiteral ps) t@(Object row) = do
  ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
  ps' <- checkProperties ps row False
  return $ TypedValue True (ObjectLiteral ps') t
check' (ObjectUpdate obj ps) t@(Object row) = do
  ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
  us <- zip (map fst ps) <$> replicateM (length ps) fresh
  let (propsToCheck, rest) = rowToList row
      propsToRemove = map fst ps
      remainingProps = filter (\(p, _) -> p `notElem` propsToRemove) propsToCheck
  obj' <- check obj (Object (rowFromList (us ++ remainingProps, rest)))
  ps' <- checkProperties ps row True
  return $ TypedValue True (ObjectUpdate obj' ps') t
check' (Accessor prop val) ty = do
  rest <- fresh
  val' <- check val (Object (RCons prop ty rest))
  return $ TypedValue True (Accessor prop val') ty
check' (Constructor c) ty = do
  env <- getEnv
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  case M.lookup (qualify moduleName c) (dataConstructors env) of
    Nothing -> throwError $ "Constructor " ++ show c ++ " is undefined"
    Just (ty1, _) -> do
      repl <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty1
      _ <- subsumes Nothing repl ty
      return $ TypedValue True (Constructor c) ty
check' val ty = throwError $ prettyPrintValue val ++ " does not have type " ++ prettyPrintType ty

-- |
-- Check the type of a collection of named record fields
-- The @lax@ parameter controls whether or not every record member has to be provided. For object updates, this is not the case.
checkProperties :: [(String, Value)] -> Type -> Bool -> UnifyT Type Check [(String, Value)]
checkProperties ps row lax = let (ts, r') = rowToList row in go ps ts r' where
  go [] [] REmpty = return []
  go [] [] u@(TUnknown _) = do u =?= REmpty
                               return []
  go [] [] (Skolem _ _) | lax = return []
  go [] ((p, _): _) _ | lax = return []
                      | otherwise = throwError $ prettyPrintValue (ObjectLiteral ps) ++ " does not have property " ++ p
  go ((p,_):_) [] REmpty = throwError $ "Property " ++ p ++ " is not present in closed object type " ++ prettyPrintRow row
  go ((p,v):ps') [] u@(TUnknown _) = do
    v'@(TypedValue _ _ ty) <- infer v
    rest <- fresh
    u =?= RCons p ty rest
    ps'' <- go ps' [] rest
    return $ (p, v') : ps''
  go ((p,v):ps') ts r =
    case lookup p ts of
      Nothing -> do
        v'@(TypedValue _ _ ty) <- infer v
        rest <- fresh
        r =?= RCons p ty rest
        ps'' <- go ps' ts rest
        return $ (p, v') : ps''
      Just ty -> do
        v' <- check v ty
        ps'' <- go ps' (delete (p, ty) ts) r
        return $ (p, v') : ps''
  go _ _ _ = throwError $ prettyPrintValue (ObjectLiteral ps) ++ " does not have type " ++ prettyPrintType (Object row)

-- |
-- Check the type of a function application, rethrowing errors to provide a better error message
checkFunctionApplication :: Value -> Type -> Value -> UnifyT Type Check (Type, Value)
checkFunctionApplication fn fnTy arg = rethrow errorMessage $ checkFunctionApplication' fn fnTy arg
  errorMessage msg = "Error applying function of type "
    ++ prettyPrintType fnTy
    ++ " to argument " ++ prettyPrintValue arg
    ++ ":\n" ++ msg

-- |
-- Check the type of a function application
checkFunctionApplication' :: Value -> Type -> Value -> UnifyT Type Check (Type, Value)
checkFunctionApplication' fn (TypeApp (TypeApp tyFunction' argTy) retTy) arg = do
  tyFunction' =?= tyFunction
  arg' <- check arg argTy
  return (retTy, App fn arg')
checkFunctionApplication' fn (ForAll ident ty _) arg = do
  replaced <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty
  checkFunctionApplication fn replaced arg
checkFunctionApplication' fn u@(TUnknown _) arg = do
  arg' <- do
    TypedValue _ arg' t <- infer arg
    (arg'', t') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns arg' t
    return $ TypedValue True arg'' t'
  let ty = (\(TypedValue _ _ t) -> t) arg'
  ret <- fresh
  u =?= function ty ret
  return (ret, App fn arg')
checkFunctionApplication' fn (SaturatedTypeSynonym name tyArgs) arg = do
  ty <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ tyArgs
  checkFunctionApplication fn ty arg
checkFunctionApplication' fn (ConstrainedType constraints fnTy) arg = do
  env <- getEnv
  dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  checkFunctionApplication' (foldl App fn (map (flip TypeClassDictionary dicts) (qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames moduleName env constraints))) fnTy arg
checkFunctionApplication' _ fnTy arg = throwError $ "Cannot apply a function of type "
  ++ prettyPrintType fnTy
  ++ " to argument " ++ prettyPrintValue arg

-- |
-- Check whether one type subsumes another, rethrowing errors to provide a better error message
subsumes :: Maybe Value -> Type -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check (Maybe Value)
subsumes val ty1 ty2 = rethrow errorMessage $ subsumes' val ty1 ty2
  errorMessage msg = "Error checking that type "
    ++ prettyPrintType ty1
    ++ " subsumes type "
    ++ prettyPrintType ty2
    ++ ":\n" ++ msg

-- |
-- Check whether one type subsumes another
subsumes' :: Maybe Value -> Type -> Type -> UnifyT Type Check (Maybe Value)
subsumes' val (ForAll ident ty1 _) ty2 = do
  replaced <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty1
  subsumes val replaced ty2
subsumes' val ty1 (ForAll ident ty2 sco) =
  case sco of
    Just sco' -> do
      sko <- newSkolemConstant
      let sk = skolemize ident sko sco' ty2
      subsumes val ty1 sk
    Nothing -> throwError "Skolem variable scope is unspecified"
subsumes' val (TypeApp (TypeApp f1 arg1) ret1) (TypeApp (TypeApp f2 arg2) ret2) | f1 == tyFunction && f2 == tyFunction = do
  subsumes Nothing arg2 arg1
  subsumes Nothing ret1 ret2
  return val
subsumes' val (SaturatedTypeSynonym name tyArgs) ty2 = do
  ty1 <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ tyArgs
  subsumes val ty1 ty2
subsumes' val ty1 (SaturatedTypeSynonym name tyArgs) = do
  ty2 <- introduceSkolemScope <=< expandTypeSynonym name $ tyArgs
  subsumes val ty1 ty2
subsumes' (Just val) (ConstrainedType constraints ty1) ty2 = do
  env <- getEnv
  dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
  Just moduleName <- checkCurrentModule <$> get
  _ <- subsumes' Nothing ty1 ty2
  return . Just $ foldl App val (map (flip TypeClassDictionary dicts) (qualifyAllUnqualifiedNames moduleName env constraints))
subsumes' val (Object r1) (Object r2) = do
    (ts1, r1') = rowToList r1
    (ts2, r2') = rowToList r2
    ts1' = sortBy (comparing fst) ts1
    ts2' = sortBy (comparing fst) ts2
  go ts1' ts2' r1' r2'
  return val
  go [] ts2 r1' r2' = r1' =?= rowFromList (ts2, r2')
  go ts1 [] r1' r2' = r2' =?= rowFromList (ts1, r1')
  go ((p1, ty1) : ts1) ((p2, ty2) : ts2) r1' r2'
    | p1 == p2 = do subsumes Nothing ty1 ty2
                    go ts1 ts2 r1' r2'
    | p1 < p2 = do rest <- fresh
                   r2' =?= RCons p1 ty1 rest
                   go ts1 ((p2, ty2) : ts2) r1' rest
    | p1 > p2 = do rest <- fresh
                   r1' =?= RCons p2 ty2 rest
                   go ((p1, ty1) : ts1) ts2 rest r2'
subsumes' val ty1 ty2@(Object _) = subsumes val ty2 ty1
subsumes' val ty1 ty2 = do
  ty1 =?= ty2
  return val