-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.Environment
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-14 Phil Freeman, (c) 2014 Gary Burgess, and other contributors
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Language.PureScript.Environment where

import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

-- |
-- The @Environment@ defines all values and types which are currently in scope:
data Environment = Environment {
  -- |
  -- Value names currently in scope
    names :: M.Map (ModuleName, Ident) (Type, NameKind, NameVisibility)
  -- |
  -- Type names currently in scope
  , types :: M.Map (Qualified ProperName) (Kind, TypeKind)
  -- |
  -- Data constructors currently in scope, along with their associated data type constructors
  , dataConstructors :: M.Map (Qualified ProperName) (DataDeclType, ProperName, Type)
  -- |
  -- Type synonyms currently in scope
  , typeSynonyms :: M.Map (Qualified ProperName) ([(String, Maybe Kind)], Type)
  -- |
  -- Available type class dictionaries
  , typeClassDictionaries :: M.Map (Qualified Ident, Maybe ModuleName) TypeClassDictionaryInScope
  -- |
  -- Type classes
  , typeClasses :: M.Map (Qualified ProperName) ([(String, Maybe Kind)], [(Ident, Type)], [Constraint])
  } deriving (Show)

-- |
-- The initial environment with no values and only the default javascript types defined
initEnvironment :: Environment
initEnvironment = Environment M.empty primTypes M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty

-- |
-- The type of a foreign import
data ForeignImportType
  -- |
  -- A regular foreign import
  = ForeignImport
  -- |
  -- A foreign import which contains inline Javascript as a string literal
  | InlineJavascript deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- |
-- The visibility of a name in scope
data NameVisibility
  -- |
  -- The name is defined in the current binding group, but is not visible
  = Undefined
  -- |
  -- The name is defined in the another binding group, or has been made visible by a function binder
  | Defined deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |
-- The kind of a name
data NameKind
  -- |
  -- A value introduced as a binding in a module
  = Value
  -- |
  -- A type class dictionary member accessor import, generated during desugaring of type class declarations
  | TypeClassAccessorImport
  -- |
  -- A foreign import
  | Extern ForeignImportType
  -- |
  -- A local name introduced using a lambda abstraction, variable introduction or binder
  | LocalVariable
  -- |
  -- A data constructor
  | DataConstructor
  -- |
  -- A type class dictionary, generated during desugaring of type class declarations
  | TypeInstanceDictionaryValue deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- |
-- The kinds of a type
data TypeKind
  -- |
  -- Data type
  = DataType [(String, Maybe Kind)] [(ProperName, [Type])]
  -- |
  -- Type synonym
  | TypeSynonym
  -- |
  -- Foreign data
  | ExternData
  -- |
  -- A local type variable
  | LocalTypeVariable deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

-- |
-- The type ('data' or 'newtype') of a data type declaration
data DataDeclType
  -- |
  -- A standard data constructor
  = Data
  -- |
  -- A newtype constructor
  | Newtype deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

instance Show DataDeclType where
  show Data = "data"
  show Newtype = "newtype"

-- |
-- Construct a ProperName in the Prim module
primName :: String -> Qualified ProperName
primName = Qualified (Just $ ModuleName [ProperName C.prim]) . ProperName

-- |
-- Construct a type in the Prim module
primTy :: String -> Type
primTy = TypeConstructor . primName

-- |
-- Type constructor for functions
tyFunction :: Type
tyFunction = primTy "Function"

-- |
-- Type constructor for strings
tyString :: Type
tyString = primTy "String"

-- |
-- Type constructor for numbers
tyNumber :: Type
tyNumber = primTy "Number"

-- |
-- Type constructor for booleans
tyBoolean :: Type
tyBoolean = primTy "Boolean"

-- |
-- Type constructor for arrays
tyArray :: Type
tyArray = primTy "Array"

-- |
-- Type constructor for objects
tyObject :: Type
tyObject = primTy "Object"

-- |
-- Smart constructor for function types
function :: Type -> Type -> Type
function t1 = TypeApp (TypeApp tyFunction t1)

-- |
-- The primitive types in the external javascript environment with their associated kinds.
primTypes :: M.Map (Qualified ProperName) (Kind, TypeKind)
primTypes = M.fromList [ (primName "Function" , (FunKind Star (FunKind Star Star), ExternData))
                       , (primName "Array"    , (FunKind Star Star, ExternData))
                       , (primName "Object"   , (FunKind (Row Star) Star, ExternData))
                       , (primName "String"   , (Star, ExternData))
                       , (primName "Number"   , (Star, ExternData))
                       , (primName "Boolean"  , (Star, ExternData)) ]

-- |
-- Finds information about data constructors from the current environment.
lookupConstructor :: Environment -> Qualified ProperName -> (DataDeclType, ProperName, Type)
lookupConstructor env ctor =
  fromMaybe (error "Data constructor not found") $ ctor `M.lookup` dataConstructors env

-- |
-- Checks whether a data constructor is for a newtype.
isNewtypeConstructor :: Environment -> Qualified ProperName -> Bool
isNewtypeConstructor e ctor = case lookupConstructor e ctor of
  (Newtype, _, _) -> True
  (Data, _, _) -> False