-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses.Deriving
-- Copyright   :  (c) Gershom Bazerman 2015
-- License     :  MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- This module implements the generic deriving elaboration that takes place during desugaring.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses.Deriving (
) where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply, freshName)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Types
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

-- | Elaborates deriving instance declarations by code generation.
deriveInstances ::  (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m) => Module -> m Module
deriveInstances (Module coms mn ds exts) = Module coms mn <$> mapM (deriveInstance mn ds) ds <*> pure exts

-- | Takes a declaration, and if the declaration is a deriving TypeInstanceDeclaration, 
-- elaborates that into an instance declaration via code generation.
deriveInstance :: (Functor m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m) => ModuleName -> [Declaration] -> Declaration -> m Declaration
deriveInstance mn ds (TypeInstanceDeclaration nm deps className tys@[ty] DerivedInstance) 
  | className == Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName C.generic)
  , Just (Qualified mn' tyCon) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
  , mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
  = TypeInstanceDeclaration nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance <$> deriveGeneric mn ds tyCon
deriveInstance _ _ (TypeInstanceDeclaration _ _ className tys DerivedInstance) 
  = throwError . errorMessage $ CannotDerive className tys
deriveInstance mn ds (PositionedDeclaration pos com d) = PositionedDeclaration pos com <$> deriveInstance mn ds d
deriveInstance _  _  e = return e

unwrapTypeConstructor :: Type -> Maybe (Qualified ProperName)
unwrapTypeConstructor (TypeConstructor tyCon) = Just tyCon
unwrapTypeConstructor (TypeApp ty (TypeVar _)) = unwrapTypeConstructor ty
unwrapTypeConstructor _ = Nothing

dataGeneric :: ModuleName
dataGeneric = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Generic" ]

dataMaybe :: ModuleName
dataMaybe = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Maybe" ]

deriveGeneric :: (Functor m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m) => ModuleName -> [Declaration] -> ProperName -> m [Declaration]
deriveGeneric mn ds tyConNm = do
  tyCon <- findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
  toSpine <- mkSpineFunction mn tyCon
  fromSpine <- mkFromSpineFunction mn tyCon
  let toSignature = mkSignatureFunction mn tyCon
  return [ ValueDeclaration (Ident C.toSpine) Public [] (Right toSpine)
         , ValueDeclaration (Ident C.fromSpine) Public [] (Right fromSpine)
         , ValueDeclaration (Ident C.toSignature) Public [] (Right toSignature)

findTypeDecl :: (Functor m, MonadError MultipleErrors m) => ProperName -> [Declaration] -> m Declaration
findTypeDecl tyConNm = maybe (throwError . errorMessage $ CannotFindDerivingType tyConNm) return . find isTypeDecl
  isTypeDecl :: Declaration -> Bool
  isTypeDecl (DataDeclaration _ nm _ _) | nm == tyConNm = True
  isTypeDecl (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = isTypeDecl d
  isTypeDecl _ = False

mkSpineFunction :: forall m. (Functor m, MonadSupply m) => ModuleName -> Declaration -> m Expr
mkSpineFunction mn (DataDeclaration _ _ _ args) = lamCase "$x" <$> mapM mkCtorClause args
  prodConstructor :: Expr -> Expr      
  prodConstructor = App (Constructor (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SProd")))

  recordConstructor :: Expr -> Expr
  recordConstructor = App (Constructor (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SRecord")))

  mkCtorClause :: (ProperName, [Type]) -> m CaseAlternative
  mkCtorClause (ctorName, tys) = do
    idents <- replicateM (length tys) (fmap Ident freshName)
    return $ CaseAlternative [ConstructorBinder (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (map VarBinder idents)] (Right (caseResult idents))
    caseResult idents = 
      App (prodConstructor (StringLiteral . runProperName $ ctorName)) 
        . ArrayLiteral 
        $ zipWith toSpineFun (map (Var . Qualified Nothing) idents) tys

  toSpineFun :: Expr -> Type -> Expr
  toSpineFun i r | Just rec <- objectType r =
      lamNull . recordConstructor . ArrayLiteral .
          map (\(str,typ) -> ObjectLiteral [("recLabel", StringLiteral str), ("recValue", toSpineFun (Accessor str i) typ)])
          $ decomposeRec rec
  toSpineFun i _ = lamNull $ App (mkGenVar C.toSpine) i
mkSpineFunction mn (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = mkSpineFunction mn d
mkSpineFunction _ _ = error "mkSpineFunction: expected DataDeclaration"

mkSignatureFunction :: ModuleName -> Declaration -> Expr
mkSignatureFunction _ (DataDeclaration _ _ _ args) = lamNull . mkSigProd $ map mkProdClause args
  mkSigProd :: [Expr] -> Expr      
  mkSigProd = App (Constructor (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SigProd"))) . ArrayLiteral

  mkSigRec :: [Expr] -> Expr      
  mkSigRec = App (Constructor (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SigRecord"))) . ArrayLiteral
  proxy :: Type -> Type
  proxy = TypeApp (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "Proxy")))
  mkProdClause :: (ProperName, [Type]) -> Expr
  mkProdClause (ctorName, tys) = ObjectLiteral [ ("sigConstructor", StringLiteral (runProperName ctorName))
                                               , ("sigValues", ArrayLiteral . map mkProductSignature $ tys)

  mkProductSignature :: Type -> Expr
  mkProductSignature r | Just rec <- objectType r =
      lamNull . mkSigRec $ [ ObjectLiteral [ ("recLabel", StringLiteral str)
                                           , ("recValue", mkProductSignature typ)
                           | (str, typ) <- decomposeRec rec
  mkProductSignature typ = lamNull $ App (mkGenVar C.toSignature)
                           (TypedValue False (mkGenVar "anyProxy") (proxy typ))
mkSignatureFunction mn (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = mkSignatureFunction mn d
mkSignatureFunction _ _ = error "mkSignatureFunction: expected DataDeclaration"

mkFromSpineFunction :: forall m. (Functor m, MonadSupply m) => ModuleName -> Declaration -> m Expr
mkFromSpineFunction mn (DataDeclaration _ _ _ args) = lamCase "$x" <$> (addCatch <$> mapM mkAlternative args)
  mkJust :: Expr -> Expr      
  mkJust = App (Constructor (Qualified (Just dataMaybe) (ProperName "Just")))

  mkNothing :: Expr      
  mkNothing = Constructor (Qualified (Just dataMaybe) (ProperName "Nothing"))
  prodBinder :: [Binder] -> Binder      
  prodBinder = ConstructorBinder (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SProd"))

  recordBinder :: [Binder] -> Binder    
  recordBinder = ConstructorBinder (Qualified (Just dataGeneric) (ProperName "SRecord"))
  mkAlternative :: (ProperName, [Type]) -> m CaseAlternative
  mkAlternative (ctorName, tys) = do
    idents <- replicateM (length tys) (fmap Ident freshName)
    return $ CaseAlternative [ prodBinder [ StringBinder (runProperName ctorName), ArrayBinder (map VarBinder idents)]]
               . Right 
               $ liftApplicative (mkJust $ Constructor (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName)) 
                                 (zipWith fromSpineFun (map (Var . (Qualified Nothing)) idents) tys)

  addCatch :: [CaseAlternative] -> [CaseAlternative]
  addCatch = (++ [catchAll])
    catchAll = CaseAlternative [NullBinder] (Right mkNothing)

  fromSpineFun e r 
    | Just rec <- objectType r 
    = App (lamCase "r" [ mkRecCase (decomposeRec rec)
                       , CaseAlternative [NullBinder] (Right mkNothing)
          (App e (mkPrelVar "unit"))

  fromSpineFun e _ = App (mkGenVar C.fromSpine) (App e (mkPrelVar "unit"))
  mkRecCase rs = CaseAlternative [ recordBinder [ ArrayBinder (map (VarBinder . Ident . fst) rs) 
                   . Right 
                   $ liftApplicative (mkRecFun rs) (map (\(x, y) -> fromSpineFun (Accessor "recValue" (mkVar x)) y) rs)

  mkRecFun :: [(String, Type)] -> Expr
  mkRecFun xs = mkJust $ foldr (\s e -> lam s e) recLiteral (map fst xs)
     where recLiteral = ObjectLiteral $ map (\(s,_) -> (s,mkVar s)) xs
mkFromSpineFunction mn (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = mkFromSpineFunction mn d
mkFromSpineFunction _ _ = error "mkFromSpineFunction: expected DataDeclaration"

-- Helpers

objectType :: Type -> Maybe Type
objectType (TypeApp (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName "Prim"])) (ProperName "Object"))) rec) = Just rec
objectType _ = Nothing

lam :: String -> Expr -> Expr
lam s = Abs (Left (Ident s))

lamNull :: Expr -> Expr
lamNull = lam "$q"

lamCase :: String -> [CaseAlternative] -> Expr
lamCase s = lam s . Case [mkVar s]

liftApplicative :: Expr -> [Expr] -> Expr
liftApplicative = foldl' (\x e -> App (App (mkPrelVar "apply") x) e)

mkVarMn :: Maybe ModuleName -> String -> Expr
mkVarMn mn s = Var (Qualified mn (Ident s))

mkVar :: String -> Expr
mkVar s = mkVarMn Nothing s

mkPrelVar :: String -> Expr
mkPrelVar s = mkVarMn (Just (ModuleName [ProperName C.prelude])) s

mkGenVar :: String -> Expr
mkGenVar s = mkVarMn (Just (ModuleName [ProperName "Data", ProperName C.generic])) s

decomposeRec :: Type -> [(String, Type)]
decomposeRec = sortBy (comparing fst) . go
    where go (RCons str typ typs) = (str, typ) : decomposeRec typs
          go _ = []