-- |
-- This module implements the "Magic Do" optimization, which inlines calls to return
-- and bind for the Eff monad, as well as some of its actions.
module Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.MagicDo (magicDo) where

import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)

import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.AST
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.Common
import Language.PureScript.Options
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

magicDo :: Options -> JS -> JS
magicDo opts | optionsNoMagicDo opts = id
             | otherwise = inlineST . magicDo'

-- |
-- Inline type class dictionaries for >>= and return for the Eff monad
-- E.g.
--  Prelude[">>="](dict)(m1)(function(x) {
--    return ...;
--  })
-- becomes
--  function __do {
--    var x = m1();
--    ...
--  }
magicDo' :: JS -> JS
magicDo' = everywhereOnJS undo . everywhereOnJSTopDown convert
  -- The name of the function block which is added to denote a do block
  fnName = "__do"
  -- Desugar monomorphic calls to >>= and return for the Eff monad
  convert :: JS -> JS
  -- Desugar pure & return
  convert (JSApp (JSApp pure' [val]) []) | isPure pure' = val
  -- Desugar >>
  convert (JSApp (JSApp bind [m]) [JSFunction Nothing [] (JSBlock js)]) | isBind bind =
    JSFunction (Just fnName) [] $ JSBlock (JSApp m [] : map applyReturns js )
  -- Desugar >>=
  convert (JSApp (JSApp bind [m]) [JSFunction Nothing [arg] (JSBlock js)]) | isBind bind =
    JSFunction (Just fnName) [] $ JSBlock (JSVariableIntroduction arg (Just (JSApp m [])) : map applyReturns js)
  -- Desugar untilE
  convert (JSApp (JSApp f [arg]) []) | isEffFunc C.untilE f =
    JSApp (JSFunction Nothing [] (JSBlock [ JSWhile (JSUnary Not (JSApp arg [])) (JSBlock []), JSReturn $ JSObjectLiteral []])) []
  -- Desugar whileE
  convert (JSApp (JSApp (JSApp f [arg1]) [arg2]) []) | isEffFunc C.whileE f =
    JSApp (JSFunction Nothing [] (JSBlock [ JSWhile (JSApp arg1 []) (JSBlock [ JSApp arg2 [] ]), JSReturn $ JSObjectLiteral []])) []
  convert other = other
  -- Check if an expression represents a monomorphic call to >>= for the Eff monad
  isBind (JSApp fn [dict]) | isDict (C.eff, C.bindEffDictionary) dict && isBindPoly fn = True
  isBind _ = False
  -- Check if an expression represents a monomorphic call to pure or return for the Eff applicative
  isPure (JSApp fn [dict]) | isDict (C.eff, C.applicativeEffDictionary) dict && isPurePoly fn = True
  isPure _ = False
  -- Check if an expression represents the polymorphic >>= function
  isBindPoly = isFn' [(C.prelude, C.bind), (C.prelude, (C.>>=)), (C.controlBind, C.bind)]
  -- Check if an expression represents the polymorphic pure or return function
  isPurePoly = isFn' [(C.prelude, C.pure'), (C.prelude, C.return), (C.controlApplicative, C.pure')]
  -- Check if an expression represents a function in the Eff module
  isEffFunc name (JSAccessor name' (JSVar eff)) = eff == C.eff && name == name'
  isEffFunc _ _ = False

  -- Remove __do function applications which remain after desugaring
  undo :: JS -> JS
  undo (JSReturn (JSApp (JSFunction (Just ident) [] body) [])) | ident == fnName = body
  undo other = other

  applyReturns :: JS -> JS
  applyReturns (JSReturn ret) = JSReturn (JSApp ret [])
  applyReturns (JSBlock jss) = JSBlock (map applyReturns jss)
  applyReturns (JSWhile cond js) = JSWhile cond (applyReturns js)
  applyReturns (JSFor v lo hi js) = JSFor v lo hi (applyReturns js)
  applyReturns (JSForIn v xs js) = JSForIn v xs (applyReturns js)
  applyReturns (JSIfElse cond t f) = JSIfElse cond (applyReturns t) (applyReturns `fmap` f)
  applyReturns other = other

-- |
-- Inline functions in the ST module
inlineST :: JS -> JS
inlineST = everywhereOnJS convertBlock
  -- Look for runST blocks and inline the STRefs there.
  -- If all STRefs are used in the scope of the same runST, only using { read, write, modify }STRef then
  -- we can be more aggressive about inlining, and actually turn STRefs into local variables.
  convertBlock (JSApp f [arg]) | isSTFunc C.runST f =
    let refs = nub . findSTRefsIn $ arg
        usages = findAllSTUsagesIn arg
        allUsagesAreLocalVars = all (\u -> let v = toVar u in isJust v && fromJust v `elem` refs) usages
        localVarsDoNotEscape = all (\r -> length (r `appearingIn` arg) == length (filter (\u -> let v = toVar u in v == Just r) usages)) refs
    in everywhereOnJS (convert (allUsagesAreLocalVars && localVarsDoNotEscape)) arg
  convertBlock other = other
  -- Convert a block in a safe way, preserving object wrappers of references,
  -- or in a more aggressive way, turning wrappers into local variables depending on the
  -- agg(ressive) parameter.
  convert agg (JSApp f [arg]) | isSTFunc C.newSTRef f =
   JSFunction Nothing [] (JSBlock [JSReturn $ if agg then arg else JSObjectLiteral [(C.stRefValue, arg)]])
  convert agg (JSApp (JSApp f [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.readSTRef f =
    if agg then ref else JSAccessor C.stRefValue ref
  convert agg (JSApp (JSApp (JSApp f [ref]) [arg]) []) | isSTFunc C.writeSTRef f =
    if agg then JSAssignment ref arg else JSAssignment (JSAccessor C.stRefValue ref) arg
  convert agg (JSApp (JSApp (JSApp f [ref]) [func]) []) | isSTFunc C.modifySTRef f =
    if agg then JSAssignment ref (JSApp func [ref]) else  JSAssignment (JSAccessor C.stRefValue ref) (JSApp func [JSAccessor C.stRefValue ref])
  convert _ other = other
  -- Check if an expression represents a function in the ST module
  isSTFunc name (JSAccessor name' (JSVar st)) = st == C.st && name == name'
  isSTFunc _ _ = False
  -- Find all ST Refs initialized in this block
  findSTRefsIn = everythingOnJS (++) isSTRef
    isSTRef (JSVariableIntroduction ident (Just (JSApp (JSApp f [_]) []))) | isSTFunc C.newSTRef f = [ident]
    isSTRef _ = []
  -- Find all STRefs used as arguments to readSTRef, writeSTRef, modifySTRef
  findAllSTUsagesIn = everythingOnJS (++) isSTUsage
    isSTUsage (JSApp (JSApp f [ref]) []) | isSTFunc C.readSTRef f = [ref]
    isSTUsage (JSApp (JSApp (JSApp f [ref]) [_]) []) | isSTFunc C.writeSTRef f || isSTFunc C.modifySTRef f = [ref]
    isSTUsage _ = []
  -- Find all uses of a variable
  appearingIn ref = everythingOnJS (++) isVar
    isVar e@(JSVar v) | v == ref = [e]
    isVar _ = []
  -- Convert a JS value to a String if it is a JSVar
  toVar (JSVar v) = Just v
  toVar _ = Nothing