{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
module Language.PureScript.Ide.Matcher (Matcher, flexMatcher, runMatcher) where

import           Prelude                       ()
import           Prelude.Compat

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Function                 (on)
import           Data.List                     (sortBy)
import           Data.Maybe                    (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                     (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding            as TE
import           Language.PureScript.Ide.Types
import           Text.EditDistance
import           Text.Regex.TDFA               ((=~))

type ScoredCompletion = (Completion, Double)

newtype Matcher = Matcher (Endo [Completion]) deriving(Monoid)

instance FromJSON Matcher where
  parseJSON = withObject "matcher" $ \o -> do
    (matcher :: Maybe String) <- o .:? "matcher"
    case matcher of
      Just "flex" -> do
        params <- o .: "params"
        search <- params .: "search"
        pure $ flexMatcher search
      Just "distance" -> do
        params <- o .: "params"
        search <- params .: "search"
        maxDist <- params .: "maximumDistance"
        pure $ distanceMatcher search maxDist
      Just _ -> mzero
      Nothing -> return mempty

-- | Matches any occurence of the search string with intersections
-- |
-- | The scoring measures how far the matches span the string where
-- | closer is better.
-- | Examples:
-- |   flMa matches flexMatcher. Score: 14.28
-- |   sons matches sortCompletions. Score: 6.25
flexMatcher :: Text -> Matcher
flexMatcher pattern = mkMatcher (flexMatch pattern)

distanceMatcher :: Text -> Int -> Matcher
distanceMatcher q maxDist = mkMatcher (distanceMatcher' q maxDist)

distanceMatcher' :: Text -> Int -> [Completion] -> [ScoredCompletion]
distanceMatcher' q maxDist = mapMaybe go
    go c@(Completion (_, y, _)) = let d = dist (T.unpack y)
                                  in if d <= maxDist
                                     then Just (c, 1 / fromIntegral d)
                                     else Nothing
    dist = levenshteinDistance defaultEditCosts (T.unpack q)

mkMatcher :: ([Completion] -> [ScoredCompletion]) -> Matcher
mkMatcher matcher = Matcher . Endo  $ fmap fst . sortCompletions . matcher

runMatcher :: Matcher -> [Completion] -> [Completion]
runMatcher (Matcher m)= appEndo m

sortCompletions :: [ScoredCompletion] -> [ScoredCompletion]
sortCompletions = sortBy (flip compare `on` snd)

flexMatch :: Text -> [Completion] -> [ScoredCompletion]
flexMatch pattern = mapMaybe (flexRate pattern)

flexRate :: Text -> Completion -> Maybe ScoredCompletion
flexRate pattern c@(Completion (_,ident,_)) = do
    score <- flexScore pattern ident
    return (c, score)

-- FlexMatching ala Sublime.
-- Borrowed from: http://cdewaka.com/2013/06/fuzzy-pattern-matching-in-haskell/
-- By string =~ pattern we'll get the start of the match and the length of
-- the matchas a (start, length) tuple if there's a match.
-- If match fails then it would be (-1,0)
flexScore :: Text -> DeclIdent -> Maybe Double
flexScore "" _ = Nothing
flexScore pat str =
    case TE.encodeUtf8 str =~ TE.encodeUtf8 pat' :: (Int, Int) of
        (-1,0) -> Nothing
        (start,len) -> Just $ calcScore start (start + len)
    Just (first,pattern) = T.uncons pat
    -- This just interleaves the search string with .*
    -- abcd -> a.*b.*c.*d
    pat' = first `T.cons` T.concatMap (T.snoc ".*") pattern
    calcScore start end =
        100.0 / fromIntegral ((1 + start) * (end - start + 1))