{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- This module implements the desugaring pass which creates type synonyms for type class dictionaries
-- and dictionary expressions for type class instances.
module Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses
  ( desugarTypeClasses
  , typeClassMemberName
  , superClassDictionaryNames
  ) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.AST hiding (isExported)
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Externs
import Language.PureScript.Sugar.CaseDeclarations
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class
import Language.PureScript.Types

import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List ((\\), find, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, isJust)

import qualified Data.Map as M

type MemberMap = M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName 'ClassName) ([(String, Maybe Kind)], [Constraint], [Declaration])

type Desugar = StateT MemberMap

-- |
-- Add type synonym declarations for type class dictionary types, and value declarations for type class
-- instance dictionary expressions.
  :: (MonadSupply m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => [ExternsFile]
  -> [Module]
  -> m [Module]
desugarTypeClasses externs = flip evalStateT initialState . traverse desugarModule
  initialState :: MemberMap
  initialState = M.fromList (externs >>= \ExternsFile{..} -> mapMaybe (fromExternsDecl efModuleName) efDeclarations)

    :: ModuleName
    -> ExternsDeclaration
    -> Maybe ((ModuleName, ProperName 'ClassName), ([(String, Maybe Kind)], [Constraint], [Declaration]))
  fromExternsDecl mn (EDClass name args members implies) = Just ((mn, name), (args, implies, map (uncurry TypeDeclaration) members))
  fromExternsDecl _ _ = Nothing

  :: (MonadSupply m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => Module
  -> Desugar m Module
desugarModule (Module ss coms name decls (Just exps)) = do
  (newExpss, declss) <- unzip <$> parU (sortBy classesFirst decls) (desugarDecl name exps)
  return $ Module ss coms name (concat declss) $ Just (exps ++ catMaybes newExpss)
  classesFirst :: Declaration -> Declaration -> Ordering
  classesFirst d1 d2
    | isTypeClassDeclaration d1 && not (isTypeClassDeclaration d2) = LT
    | not (isTypeClassDeclaration d1) && isTypeClassDeclaration d2 = GT
    | otherwise = EQ
desugarModule _ = internalError "Exports should have been elaborated in name desugaring"

{- Desugar type class and type class instance declarations
-- Type classes become type synonyms for their dictionaries, and type instances become dictionary declarations.
-- Additional values are generated to access individual members of a dictionary, with the appropriate type.
-- E.g. the following
--   module Test where
--   class Foo a where
--     foo :: a -> a
--   instance fooString :: Foo String where
--     foo s = s ++ s
--   instance fooArray :: (Foo a) => Foo [a] where
--     foo = map foo
--   {- Superclasses -}
--   class (Foo a) <= Sub a where
--     sub :: a
--   instance subString :: Sub String where
--     sub = ""
-- becomes:
--   <TypeClassDeclaration Foo ...>
--   type Foo a = { foo :: a -> a }
--   -- this following type is marked as not needing to be checked so a new Abs
--   -- is not introduced around the definition in type checking, but when
--   -- called the dictionary value is still passed in for the `dict` argument
--   foo :: forall a. (Foo a) => a -> a
--   foo dict = dict.foo
--   fooString :: {} -> Foo String
--   fooString _ = <TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp Foo { foo: \s -> s ++ s }>
--   fooArray :: forall a. (Foo a) => Foo [a]
--   fooArray = <TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp Foo { foo: map foo }>
--   {- Superclasses -}
--   <TypeClassDeclaration Sub ...>
--   type Sub a = { sub :: a
--                , "__superclass_Foo_0" :: {} -> Foo a
--                }
--   -- As with `foo` above, this type is unchecked at the declaration
--   sub :: forall a. (Sub a) => a
--   sub dict = dict.sub
--   subString :: {} -> Sub String
--   subString _ = { sub: "",
--                 , "__superclass_Foo_0": \_ -> <SuperClassDictionary Foo String>
--                 }
-- and finally as the generated javascript:
--   function Foo(foo) {
--       this.foo = foo;
--   };
--   var foo = function (dict) {
--       return dict.foo;
--   };
--   var fooString = function (_) {
--       return new Foo(function (s) {
--           return s + s;
--       });
--   };
--   var fooArray = function (__dict_Foo_15) {
--       return new Foo(map(foo(__dict_Foo_15)));
--   };
--   function Sub(__superclass_Foo_0, sub) {
--       this["__superclass_Foo_0"] = __superclass_Foo_0;
--       this.sub = sub;
--   };
--   var sub = function (dict) {
--       return dict.sub;
--   };
--   var subString = function (_) {
--       return new Sub(fooString, "");
--   };
  :: (MonadSupply m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [DeclarationRef]
  -> Declaration
  -> Desugar m (Maybe DeclarationRef, [Declaration])
desugarDecl mn exps = go
  go d@(TypeClassDeclaration name args implies members) = do
    modify (M.insert (mn, name) (args, implies, members))
    return (Nothing, d : typeClassDictionaryDeclaration name args implies members : map (typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args) members)
  go (TypeInstanceDeclaration _ _ _ _ DerivedInstance) = internalError "Derived instanced should have been desugared"
  go d@(TypeInstanceDeclaration name deps className tys (ExplicitInstance members)) = do
    desugared <- desugarCases members
    dictDecl <- typeInstanceDictionaryDeclaration name mn deps className tys desugared
    return (expRef name className tys, [d, dictDecl])
  go (PositionedDeclaration pos com d) = do
    (dr, ds) <- rethrowWithPosition pos $ desugarDecl mn exps d
    return (dr, map (PositionedDeclaration pos com) ds)
  go other = return (Nothing, [other])

  expRef :: Ident -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [Type] -> Maybe DeclarationRef
  expRef name className tys
    | isExportedClass className && all isExportedType (getConstructors `concatMap` tys) = Just $ TypeInstanceRef name
    | otherwise = Nothing

  isExportedClass :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Bool
  isExportedClass = isExported (elem . TypeClassRef)

  isExportedType :: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName) -> Bool
  isExportedType = isExported $ \pn -> isJust . find (matchesTypeRef pn)

    :: (ProperName a -> [DeclarationRef] -> Bool)
    -> Qualified (ProperName a)
    -> Bool
  isExported test (Qualified (Just mn') pn) = mn /= mn' || test pn exps
  isExported _ _ = internalError "Names should have been qualified in name desugaring"

  matchesTypeRef :: ProperName 'TypeName -> DeclarationRef -> Bool
  matchesTypeRef pn (TypeRef pn' _) = pn == pn'
  matchesTypeRef _ _ = False

  getConstructors :: Type -> [Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)]
  getConstructors = everythingOnTypes (++) getConstructor
    getConstructor (TypeConstructor tcname) = [tcname]
    getConstructor _ = []

memberToNameAndType :: Declaration -> (Ident, Type)
memberToNameAndType (TypeDeclaration ident ty) = (ident, ty)
memberToNameAndType (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = memberToNameAndType d
memberToNameAndType _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in type class definition"

  :: ProperName 'ClassName
  -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  -> [Constraint]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> Declaration
typeClassDictionaryDeclaration name args implies members =
  let superclassTypes = superClassDictionaryNames implies `zip`
        [ function unit (foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor (fmap coerceProperName superclass)) tyArgs)
        | (superclass, tyArgs) <- implies
      members' = map (first runIdent . memberToNameAndType) members
      mtys = members' ++ superclassTypes
  in TypeSynonymDeclaration (coerceProperName name) args (TypeApp tyObject $ rowFromList (mtys, REmpty))

  :: ModuleName
  -> ProperName 'ClassName
  -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  -> Declaration
  -> Declaration
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args (TypeDeclaration ident ty) =
  let className = Qualified (Just mn) name
  in ValueDeclaration ident Private [] $ Right $
      TypedValue False (TypeClassDictionaryAccessor className ident) $
      moveQuantifiersToFront (quantify (ConstrainedType [(className, map (TypeVar . fst) args)] ty))
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args (PositionedDeclaration pos com d) =
  PositionedDeclaration pos com $ typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor mn name args d
typeClassMemberToDictionaryAccessor _ _ _ _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in type class definition"

unit :: Type
unit = TypeApp tyObject REmpty

  :: forall m
   . (MonadSupply m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
  => Ident
  -> ModuleName
  -> [Constraint]
  -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
  -> [Type]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> Desugar m Declaration
typeInstanceDictionaryDeclaration name mn deps className tys decls =
  rethrow (addHint (ErrorInInstance className tys)) $ do
  m <- get

  -- Lookup the type arguments and member types for the type class
  (args, implies, tyDecls) <-
    maybe (throwError . errorMessage $ UnknownTypeClass className) return $
      M.lookup (qualify mn className) m

  case mapMaybe declName tyDecls \\ mapMaybe declName decls of
    member : _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ MissingClassMember member
    [] -> do

      let instanceTys = map memberToNameAndType tyDecls

      -- Replace the type arguments with the appropriate types in the member types
      let memberTypes = map (second (replaceAllTypeVars (zip (map fst args) tys))) instanceTys

      -- Create values for the type instance members
      members <- zip (map typeClassMemberName decls) <$> traverse (memberToValue memberTypes) decls

      -- Create the type of the dictionary
      -- The type is an object type, but depending on type instance dependencies, may be constrained.
      -- The dictionary itself is an object literal.
      let superclasses = superClassDictionaryNames implies `zip`
            [ Abs (Left (Ident C.__unused)) (SuperClassDictionary superclass tyArgs)
            | (superclass, suTyArgs) <- implies
            , let tyArgs = map (replaceAllTypeVars (zip (map fst args) tys)) suTyArgs

      let props = Literal $ ObjectLiteral (members ++ superclasses)
          dictTy = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor (fmap coerceProperName className)) tys
          constrainedTy = quantify (if null deps then dictTy else ConstrainedType deps dictTy)
          dict = TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp className props
          result = ValueDeclaration name Private [] (Right (TypedValue True dict constrainedTy))
      return result


  declName :: Declaration -> Maybe Ident
  declName (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = declName d
  declName (ValueDeclaration ident _ _ _) = Just ident
  declName (TypeDeclaration ident _) = Just ident
  declName _ = Nothing

  memberToValue :: [(Ident, Type)] -> Declaration -> Desugar m Expr
  memberToValue tys' (ValueDeclaration ident _ [] (Right val)) = do
    _ <- maybe (throwError . errorMessage $ ExtraneousClassMember ident className) return $ lookup ident tys'
    return val
  memberToValue tys' (PositionedDeclaration pos com d) = rethrowWithPosition pos $ do
    val <- memberToValue tys' d
    return (PositionedValue pos com val)
  memberToValue _ _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in type instance definition"

typeClassMemberName :: Declaration -> String
typeClassMemberName (TypeDeclaration ident _) = runIdent ident
typeClassMemberName (ValueDeclaration ident _ _ _) = runIdent ident
typeClassMemberName (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = typeClassMemberName d
typeClassMemberName _ = internalError "typeClassMemberName: Invalid declaration in type class definition"

superClassDictionaryNames :: [Constraint] -> [String]
superClassDictionaryNames supers =
  [ C.__superclass_ ++ showQualified runProperName pn ++ "_" ++ show (index :: Integer)
  | (index, (pn, _)) <- zip [0..] supers