{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Language.PureScript.Interactive.Printer where

import           Prelude.Compat

import           Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Language.PureScript as P
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes as Box

-- Printers

-- |
-- Pretty print a module's signatures
printModuleSignatures :: P.ModuleName -> P.Environment -> String
printModuleSignatures moduleName (P.Environment {..}) =
    -- get relevant components of a module from environment
    let moduleNamesIdent = (filter ((== moduleName) . fst) . M.keys) names
        moduleTypeClasses = (filter (\(P.Qualified maybeName _) -> maybeName == Just moduleName) . M.keys) typeClasses
        moduleTypes = (filter (\(P.Qualified maybeName _) -> maybeName == Just moduleName) . M.keys) types

    -- print each component
    (unlines . map trimEnd . lines . Box.render . Box.vsep 1 Box.left)
      [ printModule's (mapMaybe (showTypeClass . findTypeClass typeClasses)) moduleTypeClasses -- typeClasses
      , printModule's (mapMaybe (showType typeClasses dataConstructors typeSynonyms . findType types)) moduleTypes -- types
      , printModule's (map (showNameType . findNameType names)) moduleNamesIdent -- functions

  where printModule's showF = Box.vsep 1 Box.left . showF

        findNameType :: M.Map (P.ModuleName, P.Ident) (P.Type, P.NameKind, P.NameVisibility) -> (P.ModuleName, P.Ident) -> (P.Ident, Maybe (P.Type, P.NameKind, P.NameVisibility))
        findNameType envNames m@(_, mIdent) = (mIdent, M.lookup m envNames)

        showNameType :: (P.Ident, Maybe (P.Type, P.NameKind, P.NameVisibility)) -> Box.Box
        showNameType (mIdent, Just (mType, _, _)) = Box.text (P.showIdent mIdent ++ " :: ") Box.<> P.typeAsBox mType
        showNameType _ = P.internalError "The impossible happened in printModuleSignatures."

          :: M.Map (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName)) ([(String, Maybe P.Kind)], [(P.Ident, P.Type)], [P.Constraint])
          -> P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName)
          -> (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName), Maybe ([(String, Maybe P.Kind)], [(P.Ident, P.Type)], [P.Constraint]))
        findTypeClass envTypeClasses name = (name, M.lookup name envTypeClasses)

          :: (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName), Maybe ([(String, Maybe P.Kind)], [(P.Ident, P.Type)], [P.Constraint]))
          -> Maybe Box.Box
        showTypeClass (_, Nothing) = Nothing
        showTypeClass (P.Qualified _ name, Just (vars, body, constrs)) =
            let constraints =
                    if null constrs
                    then Box.text ""
                    else Box.text "("
                         Box.<> Box.hcat Box.left (intersperse (Box.text ", ") $ map (\(P.Constraint (P.Qualified _ pn) lt _) -> Box.text (P.runProperName pn) Box.<+> Box.hcat Box.left (map P.typeAtomAsBox lt)) constrs)
                         Box.<> Box.text ") <= "
                className =
                    Box.text (P.runProperName name)
                    Box.<> Box.text (concatMap ((' ':) . fst) vars)
                classBody =
                    Box.vcat Box.top (map (\(i, t) -> Box.text (P.showIdent i ++ " ::") Box.<+> P.typeAsBox t) body)

              Just $
                (Box.text "class "
                Box.<> constraints
                Box.<> className
                Box.<+> if null body then Box.text "" else Box.text "where")
                Box.// Box.moveRight 2 classBody

          :: M.Map (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName)) (P.Kind, P.TypeKind)
          -> P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName)
          -> (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName), Maybe (P.Kind, P.TypeKind))
        findType envTypes name = (name, M.lookup name envTypes)

          :: M.Map (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName)) ([(String, Maybe P.Kind)], [(P.Ident, P.Type)], [P.Constraint])
          -> M.Map (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.ConstructorName)) (P.DataDeclType, P.ProperName 'P.TypeName, P.Type, [P.Ident])
          -> M.Map (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName)) ([(String, Maybe P.Kind)], P.Type)
          -> (P.Qualified (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName), Maybe (P.Kind, P.TypeKind))
          -> Maybe Box.Box
        showType typeClassesEnv dataConstructorsEnv typeSynonymsEnv (n@(P.Qualified modul name), typ) =
          case (typ, M.lookup n typeSynonymsEnv) of
            (Just (_, P.TypeSynonym), Just (typevars, dtType)) ->
                if M.member (fmap P.coerceProperName n) typeClassesEnv
                  Just $
                    Box.text ("type " ++ P.runProperName name ++ concatMap ((' ':) . fst) typevars)
                    Box.// Box.moveRight 2 (Box.text "=" Box.<+> P.typeAsBox dtType)

            (Just (_, P.DataType typevars pt), _) ->
              let prefix =
                    case pt of
                      [(dtProperName,_)] ->
                        case M.lookup (P.Qualified modul dtProperName) dataConstructorsEnv of
                          Just (dataDeclType, _, _, _) -> P.showDataDeclType dataDeclType
                          _ -> "data"
                      _ -> "data"

                Just $ Box.text (prefix ++ " " ++ P.runProperName name ++ concatMap ((' ':) . fst) typevars) Box.// printCons pt

            _ ->

          where printCons pt =
                    Box.moveRight 2 $
                    Box.vcat Box.left $
                    mapFirstRest (Box.text "=" Box.<+>) (Box.text "|" Box.<+>) $
                    map (\(cons,idents) -> (Box.text (P.runProperName cons) Box.<> Box.hcat Box.left (map prettyPrintType idents))) pt

                prettyPrintType t = Box.text " " Box.<> P.typeAtomAsBox t

                mapFirstRest _ _ [] = []
                mapFirstRest f g (x:xs) = f x : map g xs

        trimEnd = reverse . dropWhile (== ' ') . reverse