# purescript-bridge Translate your Haskell types to PureScript types. For compatible JSON representations you should be using [aeson](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson)'s generic encoding/decoding with default options and `gAesonEncodeJson` and `gAesonDecodeJson` from the [purescript-argonaut-codecs](https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-argonaut-codecs) package, (Data.Argonaut.Aeson). At the time of this writing the PR providing `Data.Argonaut.Aeson` was not yet merged. In the meantime, you can find the PR [here](https://github.com/purescript-contrib/purescript-argonaut-codecs/pull/12). Usage of this library is documented in [`Language.Purescript.Bridge`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/purescript-bridge/docs/Language-PureScript-Bridge.html). All you should need to get started is: [`writePSTypes`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/purescript-bridge/docs/Language-PureScript-Bridge.html#writePSTypes). You can customize data type translation by providing your own `TypeBridge`. This library is at a really early stage. It works for my use case at the moment and I will fix bugs when they come along. Expect bugs - especially for more advanced use cases!