module Protocol where import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.QuickCheck (property) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.Pusher.Protocol ( Channel(..) , ChannelInfo(..) , ChannelInfoAttributeResp(UserCountResp) , ChannelsInfo(..) , ChannelType(Public, Presence, Private) , User(..) , Users(..) , parseChannel ) test :: Spec test = do describe "Protocol.Channel" $ do it "show instance works for public channels" $ show (Channel Public "test") `shouldBe` "test" it "show instance works for private channels" $ show (Channel Private "test") `shouldBe` "private-test" it "show instance is an inverse of parseChannel" $ property $ \chan -> parseChannel (T.pack $ show chan) == chan describe "Protocol.ChannelsInfo" $ it "parsing works" $ -- Data from A.decode "{\ \ \"channels\": {\ \ \"presence-foobar\": {\ \ \"user_count\": 42\ \ },\ \ \"presence-another\": {\ \ \"user_count\": 123\ \ }\ \ }\ \ }" `shouldBe` (Just $ ChannelsInfo $ HM.fromList [ (Channel Presence "foobar", ChannelInfo $ HS.fromList [UserCountResp 42]) , (Channel Presence "another", ChannelInfo $ HS.fromList [UserCountResp 123]) ]) describe "Protocol.ChannelInfo" $ it "parsing works" $ -- Data from A.decode "{\ \ \"occupied\": true,\ \ \"user_count\": 42,\ \ \"subscription_count\": 42\ \ }" `shouldBe` -- TODO: Currently incomplete due to ChannelInfo being incomplete (Just $ ChannelInfo $ HS.fromList [UserCountResp 42]) describe "Protocol.Users" $ it "parsing works" $ A.decode "{\ \ \"users\": [\ \ { \"id\": \"1\" },\ \ { \"id\": \"2\" }\ \ ]\ \ }" `shouldBe` (Just $ Users [User "1", User "2"])