-- | Data types and parsing for pyramid puzzles.
module Data.Puzzles.Pyramid (
  ) where

import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding ((<|>), many)
import Control.Monad (liftM2, mplus)
import Data.Yaml hiding (Parser)
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Puzzles.Elements

data Row = R { entries :: [Maybe Int]
             , shaded  :: Bool

newtype Pyramid = Pyr {unPyr :: [Row]}

newtype PyramidSol = PyramidSol [[Int]]
    deriving Show

-- | The size (number of rows) of a pyramid.
psize :: Pyramid -> Int
psize (Pyr rows) = length rows

-- | Merge a solution into a pyramid.
mergepyramidsol :: Pyramid -> PyramidSol -> Pyramid
mergepyramidsol (Pyr rs) (PyramidSol qs)
    | length rs /= length qs  = error "can't merge differently sized pyramids"
    | otherwise               = Pyr (zipWith mergerow rs qs)
    where mergerow (R es s) es' = R (zipWith mplus es (map Just es')) s

-- | Merge a solution into a kropki pyramid.
mergekpyramidsol :: RowKropkiPyramid -> PyramidSol -> RowKropkiPyramid
mergekpyramidsol (KP rs) (PyramidSol qs)
    | length rs /= length qs  = error "can't merge differently sized pyramids"
    | otherwise               = KP (zipWith mergerow rs qs)
    where mergerow (KR es s ds) es' =
              KR (zipWith mplus es (map Just es')) s ds

prow :: GenParser Char st Row
prow = do s <- pshaded
          es <- pclues
          return (R es s)

pplainrow :: GenParser Char st [Int]
pplainrow = many (spaces >> fmap digitToInt digit)

pshaded :: GenParser Char st Bool
pshaded = (char 'G' >> return True) <|> (char 'W' >> return False)

pclues :: GenParser Char st [Maybe Int]
pclues = do c <- pclue
            cs <- many (spaces >> pclue)
            return (c:cs)

pclue :: GenParser Char st (Maybe Int)
pclue = fmap (Just . digitToInt) digit
        <|> (char '.' >> return Nothing)

showClues :: [Maybe Int] -> String
showClues = map showClue
    where showClue = maybe '.' (head . show)

instance Show Row where
    show (R c True) = 'G' : showClues c
    show (R c False) = 'W' : showClues c

instance Show Pyramid where
    show = unlines . map show . unPyr

data KropkiRow = KR { entriesk :: [Maybe Int]
                    , shadedk  :: Bool
                    , dotsk    :: [KropkiDot]
    deriving Show

newtype RowKropkiPyramid = KP {unKP :: [KropkiRow]}
    deriving Show

-- | Forget the kropki dots.
plainpyramid :: RowKropkiPyramid -> Pyramid
plainpyramid (KP rows) = Pyr (map r rows)
    where r x = R (entriesk x) (shadedk x)

pkropkirow :: GenParser Char st KropkiRow
pkropkirow = do s <- pshaded
                (ks, cs) <- pkropkiclues
                return (KR cs s ks)

pkropkiclues :: GenParser Char st ([KropkiDot], [Maybe Int])
pkropkiclues = do c <- pclue
                  kcs <- many (liftM2 (,) pkropki pclue)
                  let (ks, cs) = unzip kcs in return (ks, c:cs)

pkropki :: GenParser Char st KropkiDot
pkropki = (char '*' >> return Black)
          <|> (char 'o' >> return White)
          <|> (char ' ' >> return None)

toParser :: GenParser a () b -> [a] -> Yaml.Parser b
toParser p v = case parse p "(unknown)" v of Left e  -> fail (show e)
                                             Right x -> pure x

instance FromJSON Pyramid where
    parseJSON (String t) = Pyr <$> (mapM (toParser prow . T.unpack) $ T.lines t)
    parseJSON _          = empty

instance FromJSON RowKropkiPyramid where
    parseJSON (String t) = KP <$> (mapM (toParser pkropkirow . T.unpack) $ T.lines t)
    parseJSON _          = empty

instance FromJSON PyramidSol where
    parseJSON (String t) = PyramidSol <$>
                           (mapM (toParser pplainrow . T.unpack) $ T.lines t)
    parseJSON _          = empty