{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Text.Puzzles.Util where

import Prelude hiding (mapM)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)

import Data.List (sortBy, intersect)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

import Data.Char (digitToInt, isAlpha, isDigit)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Data.Yaml

import Data.Puzzles.Grid
import Data.Puzzles.GridShape
import Data.Puzzles.Elements

import Text.Puzzles.Parsec

type Path = [String]

impossible :: a
impossible = error "impossible"

field :: Path -> Value -> Parser Value
field = field' . map T.pack
    field' [] v              = pure v
    field' (f:fs) (Object v) = v .: f >>= field' fs
    field' (f:_)  _          = fail $ "expected field '" ++ T.unpack f ++ "'"

parseFrom :: Path -> (Value -> Parser b) -> Value -> Parser b
parseFrom fs p v = field fs v >>= p

chars :: [Char] -> Char -> Parser Char
chars cs c = if c `elem` cs
                 then pure c
                 else (fail $ "got '" ++ [c] ++ "', expected '" ++ cs ++ "'")

char :: Char -> Char -> Parser Char
char c = chars [c]

class FromChar a where
    parseChar :: Char -> Parser a

instance FromChar Char where
    parseChar = pure

class FromString a where
    parseString :: String -> Parser a

parseStringJSON :: FromString a => Value -> Parser a
parseStringJSON v = parseJSON v >>= parseString

parseLine :: FromChar a => String -> Parser [a]
parseLine = mapM parseChar

instance FromChar Int where
    parseChar c
        | isDigit c  = digitToInt <$> parseChar c
        | otherwise  = fail $ "expected a digit, got '" ++ [c] ++ "'"

newtype Alpha = Alpha { unAlpha :: Char }
    deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

instance FromChar Alpha where
    parseChar c
        | isAlpha c  = Alpha <$> parseChar c
        | otherwise  = empty

-- | Helper to parse strings from number-formatted YAML fields.
--   Somewhat dodgy.
newtype IntString = IntString { unIntString :: String }

instance FromJSON IntString where
    parseJSON v@(Number _) = IntString . (show :: Int -> String) <$> parseJSON v
    parseJSON v            = IntString <$> parseJSON v

-- | A rectangle. Each row has length `w`.
data Rect a = Rect !Int !Int [[a]]
    deriving Show

instance Functor Rect where
    fmap f (Rect w h ls) = Rect w h (map (map f) ls)

instance FromChar a => FromJSON (Rect a) where
    parseJSON (String t) = Rect w h <$> filled
        ls = map T.stripEnd . T.lines $ t
        w = maximum . map T.length $ ls
        h = length ls
        filledc = map (T.unpack . T.justifyLeft w ' ') ls
        filled = mapM (mapM parseChar) filledc
    parseJSON _          = fail "expected string"

data Border a = Border [a] [a] [a] [a]
    deriving Show

-- | This instance might be a lie.
instance Foldable Border where
    foldMap f (Border l r b t) = foldMap f l <> foldMap f r
                              <> foldMap f b <> foldMap f t

instance Traversable Border where
    sequenceA (Border l r b t) = Border <$> sequenceA l
                                        <*> sequenceA r
                                        <*> sequenceA b
                                        <*> sequenceA t

instance Functor Border where
    f `fmap` (Border l r b t) = Border (f <$> l) (f <$> r) (f <$> b) (f <$> t)

data BorderedRect a b = BorderedRect !Int !Int [[a]] (Border b)
    deriving Show

parseBorderedRect :: (Char -> Parser a) -> (Char -> Parser b)
                  -> Value -> Parser (BorderedRect a b)
parseBorderedRect parseIn parseOut v = do
    Rect w h ls <- parseJSON v
    let b = Border (reverse . map head . middle h $ ls)
                   (reverse . map last . middle h $ ls)
                   (middle w . last $ ls)
                   (middle w . head $ ls)
        ls' = map (middle w) . middle h $ ls
    mapM_ ((parseChar :: Char -> Parser Space) . flip ($) ls)
          [head . head, head . last, last . head, last . last]
    lsparsed <- mapM (mapM parseIn) ls'
    bparsed  <- mapM parseOut b
    return $ BorderedRect (w-2) (h-2) lsparsed bparsed
    middle len = take (len - 2) . drop 1

instance (FromChar a, FromChar b) => FromJSON (BorderedRect a b) where
    parseJSON = parseBorderedRect parseChar parseChar

newtype SpacedRect a = SpacedRect { unSpaced :: Rect a }

instance FromString a => FromJSON (SpacedRect a) where
    parseJSON (String t) = if w == wmin then SpacedRect . Rect w h <$> p
                                        else empty
        ls = map T.words . T.lines $ t
        w = maximum . map length $ ls
        wmin = minimum . map length $ ls
        h = length ls
        p = mapM (mapM (parseString . T.unpack)) ls
    parseJSON _          = empty

instance FromChar () where
    parseChar = fmap (const ()) . chars ['.', ' ']

data Space = Space

instance FromChar Space where
    parseChar = fmap (const Space) . char ' '

data Blank = Blank
data Blank' = Blank'
data Blank'' = Blank''
data Empty = Empty

instance FromChar Blank where
    parseChar = fmap (const Blank) . char '.'

parseCharJSON :: FromChar a => Value -> Parser a
parseCharJSON v = do
    [c] <- parseJSON v
    parseChar c

instance FromJSON Blank where
   parseJSON = parseCharJSON

instance FromChar Blank' where
    parseChar = fmap (const Blank') . chars ['.', '-']

instance FromJSON Blank' where
    parseJSON (String ".") = pure Blank'
    parseJSON (String "-") = pure Blank'
    parseJSON _            = fail "expected '.-'"

instance FromChar Blank'' where
    parseChar = fmap (const Blank'') . chars ['.', ' ', '-', '|']

instance FromChar Empty where
    parseChar = fmap (const Empty) . char ' '

instance FromString Blank where
    parseString "." = pure Blank
    parseString _   = fail "expected '.'"

instance FromChar PlainNode where
    parseChar = fmap (const PlainNode) . char 'o'

instance FromChar MasyuPearl where
    parseChar = fmap f . chars ['*', 'o']
        f '*' = MBlack
        f 'o' = MWhite
        f _   = impossible

instance FromChar SlalomDiag where
    parseChar '/'  = pure SlalomForward
    parseChar '\\' = pure SlalomBackward
    parseChar _    = empty

instance FromChar Black where
    parseChar = fmap (const Black) . chars "xX"

instance FromChar Fish where
    parseChar = fmap (const Fish) . char '*'

instance FromChar Star where
    parseChar = fmap (const Star) . char '*'

instance FromChar MEnd where
    parseChar = fmap (const MEnd) . chars "o*"

instance FromChar GalaxyCentre where
    parseChar = fmap (const GalaxyCentre) . char 'o'

instance (FromChar a, FromChar b) => FromChar (Either a b) where
    parseChar c = Left <$> parseChar c <|> Right <$> parseChar c

instance (FromString a, FromString b) => FromString (Either a b) where
    parseString c = Left <$> parseString c <|> Right <$> parseString c

newtype Either' a b = Either' { unEither' :: Either a b }

instance (FromChar a, FromChar b) => FromChar (Either' a b) where
    parseChar c = Either' <$> parseChar c

instance (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Either' a b) where
    parseJSON v = Either' <$>
                      (Left <$> parseJSON v <|> Right <$> parseJSON v)

instance FromChar a => FromChar (Maybe a) where
    parseChar = optional . parseChar

listListToMap :: [[a]] -> Grid Coord a
listListToMap ls = Map.fromList . concat
                 . zipWith (\y -> zipWith (\x -> (,) (x, y)) [0..]) [h-1,h-2..]
                 $ ls
    h = length ls

rectToCoordGrid :: Rect a -> Grid Coord a
rectToCoordGrid (Rect _ _ ls) = listListToMap ls

blankToMaybe :: Either Blank a -> Maybe a
blankToMaybe = either (const Nothing) Just

blankToMaybe' :: Either Blank' a -> Maybe a
blankToMaybe' = either (const Nothing) Just

blankToMaybe'' :: Either Blank'' a -> Maybe a
blankToMaybe'' = either (const Nothing) Just

rectToIrregGrid :: Rect (Either Empty a) -> Grid Coord a
rectToIrregGrid = fmap fromRight . Map.filter isRight . rectToCoordGrid
    fromRight (Right r) = r
    fromRight _         = impossible

newtype Shaded = Shaded { unShaded :: Bool }

instance FromChar Shaded where
    parseChar 'x'  = pure . Shaded $ True
    parseChar 'X'  = pure . Shaded $ True
    parseChar _    = pure . Shaded $ False

parseShadedGrid :: Key k => Value -> Parser (Grid k Bool)
parseShadedGrid v = fmap unShaded <$> parseGrid v

parseCoordGrid :: (FromChar a)
               => Value -> Parser (Grid Coord a)
parseCoordGrid v = rectToCoordGrid <$> parseJSON v

parseGrid :: (Key k, FromChar a)
          => Value -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseGrid v = fromCoordGrid <$> parseCoordGrid v

parseGridWith :: Key k
              => (Char -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseGridWith pChar v = traverse pChar =<< parseGrid v

parseWithReplacement :: FromChar a =>
    (Char -> Maybe a) -> Char -> Parser a
parseWithReplacement replace c = maybe (parseChar c) pure (replace c)

parseSpacedGrid :: (Key k, FromString a)
                => Value -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseSpacedGrid v = fromCoordGrid . rectToCoordGrid . unSpaced <$> parseJSON v

parseCharMap :: FromJSON a => Value -> Parser (Map.Map Char a)
parseCharMap v = do
    m <- parseJSON v
    guard . all (\k -> length k == 1) . Map.keys $ m
    return $ Map.mapKeys head m

parseExtGrid' :: (Key k, FromJSON a, FromChar b)
              => (a -> b) -> Value -> Parser (Grid k b)
parseExtGrid' _ v@(String _) = parseGrid v
parseExtGrid' f v = do
    repl <- fmap f <$> parseFrom ["replace"] parseCharMap v
    parseFrom ["grid"] (parseGridWith
                        (parseWithReplacement (`Map.lookup` repl))) v

parseExtGrid :: (Key k, FromChar a, FromJSON a) => Value -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseExtGrid = parseExtGrid' id

parseExtClueGrid :: (Key k, FromChar a, FromJSON a) => Value -> Parser (Grid k (Maybe a))
parseExtClueGrid v = fmap blankToMaybe <$> parseExtGrid' Right v

fromCoordGrid :: Key k => Grid Coord a -> Grid k a
fromCoordGrid = Map.mapKeys fromCoord

fromCoordEdge :: Key k => Edge Coord -> Edge k
fromCoordEdge (E c d) = E (fromCoord c) d

fromCoordEdges :: Key k => [Edge Coord] -> [Edge k]
fromCoordEdges = map fromCoordEdge

parseClueGrid :: (FromChar a, Key k)
              => Value -> Parser (Grid k (Maybe a))
parseClueGrid v = fmap blankToMaybe <$> parseGrid v

parseClueGrid' :: (FromChar a, Key k) => Value -> Parser (Grid k (Maybe a))
parseClueGrid' v = fmap blankToMaybe' <$> parseGrid v

parseSpacedClueGrid :: (Key k, FromString a) => Value -> Parser (Grid k (Maybe a))
parseSpacedClueGrid v = fmap blankToMaybe <$> parseSpacedGrid v

parseIrregGrid :: (Key k, FromChar a) => Value -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseIrregGrid v = fromCoordGrid . rectToIrregGrid <$> parseJSON v

-- parses a string like
--  o-o-o
--  |   |
--  o-o o
--    | |
--    o-o
parsePlainEdges :: Key k => Value -> Parser [Edge k]
parsePlainEdges v = filterPlainEdges <$> parseAnnotatedEdges v

filterPlainEdges :: Map.Map (Edge k) Char -> [Edge k]
filterPlainEdges = Map.keys . Map.filterWithKey p
    p (E _ Horiz) '-' = True
    p (E _ Vert)  '|' = True
    p _           _   = False

parseAnnotatedEdges :: (Key k, FromChar a) => Value -> Parser (Map.Map (Edge k) a)
parseAnnotatedEdges v = do
    g <- readEdges <$> parseCoordGrid v
    Map.mapKeys fromCoordEdge <$> traverse parseChar g

readEdges :: Grid Coord Char -> Map.Map (Edge Coord) Char
readEdges = Map.mapKeysMonotonic fromJust . Map.filterWithKey (const . isJust) . Map.mapKeys toEdge
    toEdge c@(x, y) = case (x `mod` 2, y `mod` 2) of
                        (1, 0) -> Just $ E (div2 c) Horiz
                        (0, 1) -> Just $ E (div2 c) Vert
                        _      -> Nothing
    div2 (x', y') = (x' `div` 2, y' `div` 2)

parseGridChars :: FromChar a => Grid k Char -> Parser (Grid k a)
parseGridChars = traverse parseChar

-- | Parse a grid with edges and values at nodes and in cells.
-- E.g. o-*-*-o
--      |1|2 3
--      *-o
-- to a grid of masyu pearls, a grid of integers, and some annotated edges.
parseEdgeGrid :: (FromChar a, FromChar b, FromChar c) =>
                 Value -> Parser (Grid N a, Grid C b, Map.Map (Edge N) c)
parseEdgeGrid v = uncurry (,,) <$>
                  parseBoth <*>
                  parseAnnotatedEdges v
    parseBoth = do
        g <- parseCoordGrid v
        let (gn, gc) = halveGrid g
        gn' <- parseGridChars gn
        gc' <- parseGridChars gc
        return (gn', gc')
    both f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
    halveGrid m =
        (fromCoordGrid . divkeys $ mnode, fromCoordGrid . divkeys $ mcell)
        mnode = Map.filterWithKey (const . uncurry (&&) . both even) m
        mcell = Map.filterWithKey (const . uncurry (&&) . both odd)  m
        divkeys = Map.mapKeys (both (`div` 2))

parsePlainEdgeGrid :: (FromChar a, FromChar b) =>
                 Value -> Parser (Grid N a, Grid C b, [Edge N])
parsePlainEdgeGrid v = (\(a,b,c) -> (a, b, filterPlainEdges c)) <$> parseEdgeGrid v

-- | Parse a grid of edges with values at the nodes.
-- E.g. o-*-*-o
--      | |
--      *-o
-- to a grid of masyu pearls and some edges.
parseNodeEdges :: FromChar a =>
                  Value -> Parser (Grid N a, [Edge N])
parseNodeEdges v = proj13 <$> parsePlainEdgeGrid v
    proj13 :: (Grid N a, Grid C Char, [Edge N])
              -> (Grid N a, [Edge N])
    proj13 (x,_,z) = (x,z)

parseCellEdges :: FromChar a =>
                  Value -> Parser (Grid C a, [Edge N])
parseCellEdges v = proj23 <$> parsePlainEdgeGrid v
    proj23 :: (Grid N Char, Grid C a, [Edge N])
              -> (Grid C a, [Edge N])
    proj23 (_,y,z) = (y,z)

data HalfDirs = HalfDirs {unHalfDirs :: [Dir]}

instance FromChar HalfDirs where
    parseChar c | c `elem` ("└┴├┼" :: String) = pure . HalfDirs $ [Vert, Horiz]
                | c `elem` ("│┘┤"  :: String) = pure . HalfDirs $ [Vert]
                | c `elem` ("─┌┬"  :: String) = pure . HalfDirs $ [Horiz]
                | otherwise                   = pure . HalfDirs $ []

-- parses a string like
--  ┌┐┌─┐
--  ││└┐│
--  │└─┘│
--  └──┐│
--     └┘
parseEdges :: Key k => Value -> Parser [Edge k]
parseEdges v = do
    m <- fmap unHalfDirs <$> parseGrid v
    return [ E p d | (p, ds) <- Map.toList m, d <- ds ]

instance FromChar Dir' where
    parseChar 'u' = pure U
    parseChar 'd' = pure D
    parseChar 'r' = pure R
    parseChar 'l' = pure L
    parseChar _   = fail "expected 'udrl'"

newtype Dirs' = Dirs' { unDirs' :: [Dir'] }

instance FromChar Dirs' where
    parseChar '└' = pure . Dirs' $ [U, R]
    parseChar '│' = pure . Dirs' $ [U, D]
    parseChar '┘' = pure . Dirs' $ [L, U]
    parseChar '─' = pure . Dirs' $ [L, R]
    parseChar '┌' = pure . Dirs' $ [D, R]
    parseChar '┐' = pure . Dirs' $ [L, D]
    parseChar '╶' = pure . Dirs' $ [R]
    parseChar '╴' = pure . Dirs' $ [L]
    parseChar '╷' = pure . Dirs' $ [D]
    parseChar '╵' = pure . Dirs' $ [U]
    parseChar _   = pure . Dirs' $ []

parseEdgesFull :: Key k => Value -> Parser [Edge k]
parseEdgesFull v = do
    m <- parseGrid v
    return . Set.toList . Set.fromList . map unorient
        $ [ E' p d | (p, Dirs' ds) <- Map.toList m, d <- ds ]

type ThermoRect = Rect (Either Blank (Either Int Alpha))

partitionEithers :: Ord k => Map.Map k (Either a b) -> (Map.Map k a, Map.Map k b)
partitionEithers = Map.foldrWithKey insertEither (Map.empty, Map.empty)

    insertEither k = either (first . Map.insert k) (second . Map.insert k)

parseThermos :: Grid C Alpha -> Parser [Thermometer]
parseThermos m = catMaybes <$> mapM parseThermo (Map.keys m')
    m' = fmap unAlpha m
    parseThermo :: C -> Parser (Maybe Thermometer)
    parseThermo p | not (isStart p)           = pure Nothing
                  | not (isAlmostIsolated p)  = fail $ show p ++ " not almost isolated"
                  | otherwise                 = Just <$> parseThermo' p
    parseThermo' :: C -> Parser Thermometer
    parseThermo' p = do
        q <- next p
        maybe (fail "no succ for thermo bulb") (fmap (p:) . parseThermo'') q
    parseThermo'' :: C -> Parser Thermometer
    parseThermo'' p = do
        q <- next p
        maybe (pure [p]) (fmap (p:) . parseThermo'') q
    next :: C -> Parser (Maybe C)
    next p = case succs p of
        []   -> pure Nothing
        [q]  -> pure (Just q)
        _    -> fail "multiple successors"
    succs      p = filter    (test ((==) . succ) p) . vertexNeighbours $ p
    isStart    p = not . any (test ((==) . pred) p) . vertexNeighbours $ p
    test f p q = maybe False (f (m' Map.! p)) (Map.lookup q m')
    isAlmostIsolated p = all disjointSucc . vertexNeighbours $ p
        disjointSucc q = null $ intersect (succs p) (succs' q)
        succs' q = maybe [] (const $ succs q) (Map.lookup q m')

parseThermoGrid :: ThermoRect -> Parser (Grid C (Maybe Int), [Thermometer])
parseThermoGrid (Rect _ _ ls) = (,) ints
                              <$> parseThermos alphas
    m = fromCoordGrid $ listListToMap ls
    ints = either (const Nothing) (either Just (const Nothing)) <$> m
    alphas = fmap fromRight . Map.filter isRight
           . fmap fromRight . Map.filter isRight $ m
    fromRight (Left _) = impossible
    fromRight (Right x) = x

parseOutsideGrid :: Key k =>
                    (Char -> Parser a)
                 -> (Char -> Parser b)
                 -> Value -> Parser (OutsideClues k b, Grid k a)
parseOutsideGrid parseIn parseOut v = do
    BorderedRect w h ls b <- parseBorderedRect parseIn parseOut v
    return (outside b, fromCoordGrid . rectToCoordGrid $ Rect w h ls)
  where outside (Border l r b t) = OC l r b t

parseOutsideGridMap :: (Key k, FromChar a, FromChar b)
                    => (a -> c) -> (b -> d)
                    -> Value -> Parser (OutsideClues k d, Grid k c)
parseOutsideGridMap mapIn mapOut v = do
    (o, g) <- parseOutsideGrid parseChar parseChar v
    return (mapOut <$> o, mapIn <$> g)

newtype Tight = Tight { unTight :: Tightfit () }

instance FromChar Tight where
    parseChar '.'  = pure . Tight $ Single ()
    parseChar '/'  = pure . Tight $ UR () ()
    parseChar '\\' = pure . Tight $ DR () ()
    parseChar _    = empty

parseTightOutside :: Value -> Parser (OutsideClues C (Maybe Int),
                                      Grid C (Tightfit ()))
parseTightOutside = parseOutsideGridMap unTight unBlank'
    unBlank' :: Either Blank' Int -> Maybe Int
    unBlank' = either (const Nothing) Just

instance FromChar a => FromString (Tightfit a) where
    parseString [c]           = Single <$> parseChar c
    parseString [c, '/',d]    = UR <$> parseChar c <*> parseChar d
    parseString [c,'\\',d]    = DR <$> parseChar c <*> parseChar d
    parseString _             = empty

newtype PMarkedWord = PMW {unPMW :: MarkedWord}

parseNWords :: Int -> String -> Parser [String]
parseNWords n s | length ws == n  = pure ws
                | otherwise       = empty
    ws = words s

parseDoublePair :: FromString a => Value -> Parser ((a, a), (a, a))
parseDoublePair v = (,) <$>
                     ((,) <$> ((!!0) <$> x) <*> ((!!1) <$> x)) <*>
                     ((,) <$> ((!!2) <$> x) <*> ((!!3) <$> x))
    where x = parseJSON v >>= parseNWords 4 >>= mapM parseString

instance FromJSON PMarkedWord where
    parseJSON v = PMW . uncurry MW <$> parseDoublePair v

instance FromString Int where
    parseString s = maybe empty pure $ readMaybe s

parseMarkedLine :: FromCoord a => Value -> Parser (MarkedLine a)
parseMarkedLine v = do
    (s, e) <- parseDoublePair v
    return $ MarkedLine (fromCoord s) (fromCoord e)

newtype PMarkedLine a = PML {unPML :: MarkedLine a}

instance FromCoord a => FromJSON (PMarkedLine a) where
    parseJSON v = PML <$> parseMarkedLine v

newtype PCompassC = PCC {unPCC :: CompassC}

instance FromJSON PCompassC where
    parseJSON (String t) = comp . map T.unpack . T.words $ t
        where c "." = pure Nothing
              c x   = Just <$> parseString x
              comp [n, e, s, w] = PCC <$> (CC <$> c n <*> c e <*> c s <*> c w)
              comp _            = empty
    parseJSON _          = empty

newtype PSlovakClue = PSlovakClue {unPSlovakClue :: SlovakClue}

instance FromJSON PSlovakClue where
    parseJSON (String t) = svk . map T.unpack . T.words $ t
        svk [s, c] = PSlovakClue <$> (SlovakClue <$> parseString s <*> parseString c)
        svk _      = fail "expect two integers"
    parseJSON _ = fail "expect string of two integers"

newtype RefGrid k a = RefGrid { unRG :: Grid k (Maybe a) }

hashmaptomap :: Ord a => HMap.HashMap a b -> Map.Map a b
hashmaptomap = Map.fromList . HMap.toList

compose :: Ord b => Map.Map a b -> Map.Map b c -> Maybe (Map.Map a c)
compose m1 m2 = mapM (`Map.lookup` m2) m1

newtype MaybeMap k a = MM { unMaybeMap :: Map.Map k (Maybe a) }

instance Functor (MaybeMap k) where
    fmap f (MM m) = MM (fmap (fmap f) m)

instance Foldable (MaybeMap k) where
    foldMap f (MM m) = foldMap (foldMap f) m

instance Traversable (MaybeMap k) where
    traverse f m = MM <$> traverse (traverse f) (unMaybeMap m)

compose' :: Ord b => Map.Map a (Maybe b)
                  -> Map.Map b c
                  -> Maybe (Map.Map a (Maybe c))
compose' m1 m2 = unMaybeMap <$> mapM (`Map.lookup` m2) (MM m1)

instance (Key k, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (RefGrid k a) where
    parseJSON v = RefGrid <$> do
        refs <- fmap (fmap ((:[]) . unAlpha) . blankToMaybe)
                <$> parseFrom ["grid"] parseGrid v
        m <- hashmaptomap <$> parseFrom ["clues"] parseJSON v
        case compose' refs m of
            Nothing -> mzero
            Just m' -> return m'

parseAfternoonGrid :: Value -> Parser (Grid C Shade)
parseAfternoonGrid v = do
    (_, _, es) <- parsePlainEdgeGrid v
                  :: Parser (Grid N Char, Grid C Char, [Edge N])
    return . toMap $ es
    toShade Vert  = Shade False True
    toShade Horiz = Shade True  False
    merge (Shade a b) (Shade c d)
        | a && c || b && d  = error "shading collision"
        | otherwise         = Shade (a || c) (b || d)
    toMap es = Map.fromListWith
        [(fromCoord . toCoord $ p, toShade d) | E p d <- es]

newtype ParseTapaClue = ParseTapaClue { unParseTapaClue :: TapaClue }

instance FromJSON ParseTapaClue where
    parseJSON v = do xs <- parseJSON v
                     guard $ length xs > 0 && length xs <= 4
                     return . ParseTapaClue . TapaClue $ xs

reorientOutside :: OutsideClues k a -> OutsideClues k a
reorientOutside (OC l r b t) = OC (reverse l) (reverse r) b t

parseCharOutside :: FromChar a => Value -> Parser (OutsideClues k a)
parseCharOutside (Object v) = reorientOutside <$>
                              (OC <$>
                               pfield "left" <*> pfield "right" <*>
                               pfield "bottom" <*> pfield "top" )
    pfield f = parseLine . fromMaybe [] =<< v .:? f
parseCharOutside _          = empty

parseOutside :: FromJSON a => Value -> Parser (OutsideClues k a)
parseOutside (Object v) = reorientOutside <$>
                              (OC <$>
                               pfield "left" <*> pfield "right" <*>
                               pfield "bottom" <*> pfield "top" )
    pfield f = pure . fromMaybe [] =<< v .:? f
parseOutside _          = empty

parseMultiOutsideClues :: FromJSON a => Value -> Parser (OutsideClues k [a])
parseMultiOutsideClues (Object v) = rev <$> raw
    raw = OC <$> v `ml` "left" <*> v `ml` "right" <*> v `ml` "bottom" <*> v `ml` "top"
    v' `ml` k = fromMaybe [] <$> v' .:? k
    rev (OC l r b t) = reorientOutside $
                       OC (map reverse l) r b (map reverse t)
parseMultiOutsideClues _ = empty

instance FromChar PrimeDiag where
    parseChar '.'  = pure $ PrimeDiag (False, False)
    parseChar '/'  = pure $ PrimeDiag (True,  False)
    parseChar '\\' = pure $ PrimeDiag (False, True)
    parseChar 'X'  = pure $ PrimeDiag (True,  True)
    parseChar _    = empty

parseCoordLoop :: Value -> Parser VertexLoop
parseCoordLoop v = sortCoords <$> parseClueGrid v
    sortCoords :: Grid N (Maybe Char) -> VertexLoop
    sortCoords = map fst . sortBy (comparing snd) . Map.toList . clues

instance FromString DigitRange where
    parseString s = do
        let (a, b) = break (== '-') s
        b' <- case b of ('-':cs) -> pure cs
                        _        -> fail "exected '-' in range"
        DigitRange <$> parseString a <*> parseString b'

newtype PFraction = PFraction { unPFraction :: Fraction }

instance FromJSON PFraction where
    parseJSON v = PFraction <$> toStringParser fraction v

instance FromChar Crossing where
    parseChar '+' = pure Crossing
    parseChar _   = fail "expected '+'"

instance FromChar KropkiDot where
    parseChar '*' = pure KBlack
    parseChar 'o' = pure KWhite
    parseChar ' ' = pure KNone
    parseChar '.' = pure KNone
    parseChar _   = fail "expected '*o '"

instance FromChar Relation where
    parseChar '<' = pure RLess
    parseChar '>' = pure RGreater
    parseChar '=' = pure REqual
    parseChar ' ' = pure RUndetermined
    parseChar _   = fail "expected '<>= '"

parseGreaterClues :: Value -> Parser [GreaterClue]
parseGreaterClues v = do
    Rect _ _ ls <- parseJSON v
    mapM parseGreaterClue ls

parseGreaterClue :: [Char] -> Parser GreaterClue
parseGreaterClue [] = pure []
parseGreaterClue xs = p RUndetermined xs
    p rel ('.':cs) = (rel:) <$> q cs
    p _   (' ':_)  = pure [] -- Rect fills the lines up with spaces...
    p _   _        = fail "expected '.'"
    q [] = pure []
    q (r:cs) = do
        rel <- parseChar r
        p rel cs